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Yep No More Infested For Me


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More annoyed at the ancient healers negating damage, one is okay but when you have 3+ bunching up you do buggerall damage and the only thing you can do is to rush into the pit with your melee (preferably your nikata in this case) shouting BANZAI! hoping the toxics and drone's poison doesn't kill you when you're done.


Other then that I think they are fine.

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Ancients are fun as hell. 

I obviously expected people to just complain about how the infested are getting tweaked here and there. 
I hope they do more with the Infested. 

I feel bad for them.. 
Always dying to our mega-awesome-and-upgraded-frames-and-weapons. 

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Just like DE tweaked the Prosecutors so they get some damage from other elements besides their weak points, they should not have our frames recieve 100% total damage from ANYTHING, unless it is way above our level or we haven't modded to combat it (why doesn't the anti-toxin mod help against... toxins???). If you are fighting low level mobs, you shouldn't be pulled into an energy spping creature - you shouldn't be pulled at all if your far enough above that enemy in level. We talk about game balance - game balance doesn't mean the game beats you every time. If that was the case a game like Dark SOuls - which is purposely made to have the player die frequently, would be the epitomy of balance. Challenge doesn't mean "every enemy I fight is life or death", like some of you wuld advocate because you are "bored". (subjective bias). A challenge can be a gradual progression, like the enemy groups getting harder and harder with each wave... wait a minute - WE HAD THAT ALREADY!!!


An enemy that pulls you into the danger you are positioning yourself to avoid is not a challenge - it is a cheat. It is a cheap way to end the mission or objective quickly, and to make any kind of strategy useless - which ends in people not being able to form a successful campaign - and as this thread proves, eventually quit altogether. I hope that DE realizes the reason people stop playing the Infested is because of the cheapness, not because they don't like the faction (the Infested are my favorite - but if I want to play a non-melee faction there are three others I can play). You can make it challenging - but on a scale, not BAM! FIGHT 20 FLYING TOXIC OSPREYS AND 10 ANCIENTS RIGHT NOW!!!!


Its easy to me to fight low level enemies - but you know what? I can choose to fight them or not. I can go to Mercury and fight easy enemies all day. Or I cn go to Ceres or Void T4 and grunt it out. With the Infested there should be that same choice. Sure put in the pulling Ancients, the energy suckers and the toxic ospreys... but at level 100+, not at level 12...

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This is just sad. Really, if you can't face the challenge, it's either because you're lacking in gear or technical skill. Get a better weapon, frame, set of mods, etc, and try again. If that doesn't work, take the time to learn how to avoid attacks. I've only been doing a few mission types since U14 released, but the thing I've done most is ODD/ODS. I have yet to encounter any real challenge with "Infested 2.0" on my r30 Frames, or with any of my viable weapons. I don't even have a rank 10 Serration, and I still faceroll this stuff. Sure, they're more difficult than last week, but as long as your primary tactic isn't hugging them to death, they're still a joke.

>less than 50 posts
>not being terrible

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This is just sad. Really, if you can't face the challenge, it's either because you're lacking in gear or technical skill. Get a better weapon, frame, set of mods, etc, and try again. If that doesn't work, take the time to learn how to avoid attacks. I've only been doing a few mission types since U14 released, but the thing I've done most is ODD/ODS. I have yet to encounter any real challenge with "Infested 2.0" on my r30 Frames, or with any of my viable weapons. I don't even have a rank 10 Serration, and I still faceroll this stuff. Sure, they're more difficult than last week, but as long as your primary tactic isn't hugging them to death, they're still a joke.

>less than 50 posts

>not being terrible

For me it's not that I can't *FACE* the challenge, it's that my Kubrow can't because she can't bleed out. Poor Lola at 20% Loyalty...

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For me it's not that I can't *FACE* the challenge, it's that my Kubrow can't because she can't bleed out. Poor Lola at 20% Loyalty...

Now THAT is a fair reason for not wanting to fight them. I honestly won't be taking mine into the field until I know, without a doubt, that I won't get screwed by bugs. I don't mind the wait. Besides, I'm still waiting for mine to mature (since ~3 P.M. CST on Friday); I may need to submit a ticket about that.

Quite unfortunately, a lot of other players do seem to be having an issue of not actually being capable of fighting the infested. I'll just be over here in the corner, laughing to myself for the foreseeable future. Infested are still the easiest faction. GG, complainers.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm all for making the infested harder, but I think giving the ancients the scorpion pull was the wrong way to go about it. As soon as the teather connects, there's absolutely nothing you can do as you get dragged into a swarm of claws, teeth, and toxin. By the time you regain any control, you're usually already dead. I know it's dodgeable, but with it's minimal tell, pinpoint accuracy, and the number of ancients on screen in any given mission, you are going to get hit. The mutalist ospreys, on the other hand, are an example of fair difficulty. They make a distinctive sound/motion before unleashing their ultimate death attack, and even if you don't manage to dodge, you can still run away from the cloud. I'd like to see something similar with the ancients. Perhaps they could make a loud, distinctive roar before doing a grab, or maybe you could struggle to break free, or still be able to shoot your pistol (like you can when downed) while being pulled in. The infested need to be stronger for sure, but they can do so without being so cheap.

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I think they provide a nice challenge.


I agree! Infestation is something challenging at last and ppl are starting to complain. I wonder what will happen when Juggernaut/new Ancients come "out of the oven" to greet us. Casuals will stop playing then I guess. :P 

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Why do people want the infested to be difficult anyway?  I rather like being able to grind levels off something easy and weak.  No rocket spam from the grinner, no infinite magazine size from Moas, just a bunch of stupid belching zombie things that get diced up when I slash them.  Really, the only problem with them are those stupid infested Ospreys, and that's more me sucking at aiming at them than anything else.

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I'm just mad that the Volatile Runner explosion is inconsistent between player and sentinel/kubrow, it sometimes harm the player if exploded in close range but will damage the sentinel/kubrow from very far far away (15m)


I love the changes but I noticed this too. I was standing on a box at Seimeni and noticed that I wasn't taking damage from the volatile runners as they exploded but my carrier was. Or my sentinel was taking a lot more damage than me at least. 


My only other concern is that perhaps their difficulty needs to curve better. From the little testing I've done, it seems that the wave 10-15 in Jupiter is about as strong as the wave 5-10 in Ceres. There just seems like there should be a little more of a difference considering how distance these planets are in level range. I gotta test this more, but that was my impression.

Edited by Lotusstorm
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Why do people want the infested to be difficult anyway?  I rather like being able to grind levels off something easy and weak.  No rocket spam from the grinner, no infinite magazine size from Moas, just a bunch of stupid belching zombie things that get diced up when I slash them.  Really, the only problem with them are those stupid infested Ospreys, and that's more me sucking at aiming at them than anything else.


Because then why play the game at all? You could literally program your gaming mouse to run 30 waves of ODD for you while you sip tea and read a book. 


ODD wasn't my problem though. All infested missions were such a bore I'd dread playing them every time.

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I don't know about you, but these "cheap" abilities feel very at home.


I'm loving how chargers explode even when shot at a distance; it feels better as a much larger and clearer indicator of death as well as helping to tack onto the helplessness: Even at a distance, one cannot prevent their explosions.


The idea that Ancients pull a player in also feels right; it certainly makes them more of a significant threat as they pull players towards them and nearby infested to be sliced into ribbons.


I'd go so far as to include that the infested ospreys play a great role in any mode except defense, where players are rooted to one point in the map.  In other modes, a cloud deployed by an osprey is crowd-control/area denial used against the players, and it changes behavior accordingly.


I cannot think of a change that directly punishes the player without giving him or her a chance to succeed; while they have increased the difficulty of the infested, this is not a problem as much as it is a solution.

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Here's a change that directly punishes players. Xini is a low to mid level Defense mission. From wave 6 on, this is what you get (that's me dead for the  fourth time getting revived by the Rhino, btw):




Everybody knows that toxins are insta-kill unless you are wearing Iron Skin (Rhino). Do we all need to be Rhino to do Infested defense missions without dying when one of those "Cheap" Osprey infects the air in a large area with insta-death? Oh - and how about this - an Ancient pulling you into the air of death - that happens too. Those Osprey, by the way, come in threes, mostly - even at this low level. Those Osprey do not come alone. There are Toxic Ancients and Eximus coming in packs starting at level 6.


We love to fight the Infested - but this is ridiculous. Its fun to fight and dominate - fighting and barely making it through is irritating. This isn't a challenge, its total unbalance. They should gradually increase the difficulty - we shouldn't see toxics at wave 15! Nobody is saying it can't be "challenging" - just not right off the bat! Give us some breathing room for goodness sake... Even in ODD we didn't see those Osprey (when they were there... are they back?) and Toxics this quickly - why now?


And lastly - people complain about other squads (because it is SQUADS doing it, not just individuals) having too easy of a time destroying the enemy, spamming Penta and standing there... Guess what - when we are doing it, NOBODY IS COMPLAINING. People ASK for that squad configuration - you don't even have to BE in that strategy, so why ARE YOU WHINING???  Stop whining about stuff OTHER PEOPLE ENJOY DOING. Its obvious that the popular things to do are those things the few and minority are whining about. The majority is not whining until you stop them, and then we are like "What wet blanket molly complained about us having a good time...?". Because the party poopers are in here whining while the real players are, well - PLAYING.People don the Vauban, the Penta and Vortex, standing on a pole because they LIKE IT, they are HAVING FUN, and that is the WAY THEY WANT TO PLAY. The people who do not like that can go play with their other stuck up elitist buddies, and STOP HATING!

Edited by magusat999
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That's really helpful. Maybe I should try that sometime...


Well you're standing directly in the cloud, and I assume you know by now that they can't spread said clouds while carrying a crawler. Really, with some basic prioritization of targets and at least one of your squad members being able to hit a flying target these things are beyond easy to deal with. They even telegraph their attacks now!

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