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Dna Imprints? What A Load Of Kubrow Droping...


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I got a sunika kubrow, heck, i got all types of kubrow in stasis.. BUT, why the hell do we have imprints?

well let me tell you what we players think about the dna imprints do..


1. we players think that the imprints help us get OUR desired kubrow doggie.

2. we players think that the imprints create OUR desired traits that we like from the kubrow.




here what a DNA imprint actually did..


I got a sunika kubrow type.. first of its rare to begin with.. and mine also grew to be an adult kubrow after 36 hrs ok big deal, i waited for so long ..



hello hello.. i finally get to make my very own SUNIKA  DNA IMPRINTS.. not 1 but 2 of em..


So what wud i have done with these u ask?

well i tried to use them in my next kubrow of course..


and surprise surprise... I DID NOT GET A SUNIKAAAAA..


i got instead, a healthy pupp of the RAKSA  breed..

who the hell wants another raksa in my stasis man... C'mon!!!


what a waste of my imprints and what a waste of the idea of imprints in that incubator..


Why would anyone want to have random kubrows from actuall dna imprints when we already have the random incubation system in the incubator..


Whats was the whole point of making DNA imprints if we dont get to choose which breed we want...


GOD what a waste of some rare sunika imprints of a not so rare raksa kubrow..


Man i want my wasted time and wasted plat back ..




Note; In case i was negligent and did not read any detailed explanation of how to breed the kubrows to get desired ones , then i apologize for this post, else i hate the fact that even after i got imprints the game actually took a random selection and gave me a random kubrow breed.


(No kubrows were harmed in the making of this post, but a dedicated player and a huge warframe fan was definitely hurt from the loss of the well earned plat during the not so great idea of the kubrow DNA imprints.. thank you).



P. S.

If im gonna be using a particular dna imprint , then its cause i want that particuar breed of kubrow, not to let the game go and make a random selection of breeds that i might as well get from the option that says 'Begin random incubation' .


Seriosuly what a waste of rare imprints..

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According to Dev Stream 31, it's been out a long time so people should have watched it by now, Imprints are only for fur patterns...was the raska kubrow you got the same pattern as the old sunika? or was it different? in that case cross breeding is utterly useless and stupid....

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According to Dev Stream 31, it's been out a long time so people should have watched it by now, Imprints are only for fur patterns...was the raska kubrow you got the same pattern as the old sunika? or was it different? in that case cross breeding is utterly useless and stupid....

If this is true, then they did a great job not explaining what it does.

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i want 4 different kubrovs, is that possible or not ?


i dont wanna kill a breed - neither do i wanna become some mad gen-pool-altering-warframe-professor, im a world- and existence-loving tenno - because the programmer didnt work properly


btw, i have seen the first kubrov ingame, its bigger like a pony :-)))))))))))))))))


and it looked good ! cant wait the next 12 hours because then my own will be finished ...

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Well my whole point was that if we are gonna use imprints of our kubrow to make another kubrow.. all i want is that the kubrow that we get from the 2 imprints should only be from either imprint A or imprint B, meaning if i use 2 imprints from same kubrow i wanna get the same breed, and not another breed, lol


its just like someone earlier said, that its like kubrow transmutation..

whats the use of having imprints if we cannot get the dominant imprint kubrow.. right?


here i used 2 sunika imprints and still rather than the pattern or colour, i atleast ask to get the same breed... but no, i got a raksa breed.. thats not even logical..


sunika + sunika = sunika--- this is true

sunika + sunika = raksa?  whaaaaaaaat.. ?  that is so false.. lol

Edited by NINKU7
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According to Dev Stream 31, it's been out a long time so people should have watched it by now, Imprints are only for fur patterns...was the raska kubrow you got the same pattern as the old sunika? or was it different? in that case cross breeding is utterly useless and stupid....

nope the raksa kubrow i got was not same pattern of fur.. i used sunika + sunika imprints which was from a light greyish sunika with a black lotus design on its face,

but instead i got a dark brown raksa , just plain old dark brown raksa without any variation..

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I definitely agree with the above you don't mix a lion with a lion and get a lamb that's just stupid logic on their part, let us hope it's a bug of some sort because I would hate to think this is what they intended. If they are going for the whole logical immersion thing then they really need to look at their science and not make it as someone stated above Kubrow transmutation.

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It really doesn't help that there is currently no way to "release" unwanted Kubrow. I just incubated my second egg, and, guess what? I got the SAME type of Kubrow I got from my first one, and even with a VERY similar color set. Yet I didn't use any imprints at all...

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Great now they completely removed the system which takes 10 plat and gives a random color or patter for a kubrow pupp..


what the hell


where was their head when i was busy wasting my plat on that stupid colouring pattern system in the incubator.. all that and now we dont even have the colour changing technology in the incubator..



I want my plat back.. what  a waste of gud hard earned plat.. all for them to just remove that patter or color changer system out..


I ended up selling all my maxed mods for cheapp just so i have some plats for slots and potatoes man..


now they say in update 14.0.5 that they have removed the pattern changer from the gene technology section of incubator so that they can think about what is to be done with it.....

Where was this type of thinking when i was busy wasting my platinum :-(    T:T


Being obssessed with this game being addicted to it, being supportive as a fan is one thing, but getting screwd over a prototype idea in the game is another.


ayya all my plats gone in just 2 days hehehehe.. i mean T;T

Edited by NINKU7
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i know how u feel NINKU7 ,


I GOT MY FIRST KUBRA HURAS MALE .,then  i got another egg , i want raksa to bee my second kubrow , raksa  seem the most survival and tanky kubrow , best body guard who have the abilite like nekros terrify , is int cool , yes it is , but right now i am waiting not breeding any more until  i know the best info and combination from dev and people experience about breeding without problem , 


always dont buy thing early in game if u not sure .(i learned from mistakes)

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i know how u feel NINKU7 ,


I GOT MY FIRST KUBRA HURAS MALE .,then  i got another egg , i want raksa to bee my second kubrow , raksa  seem the most survival and tanky kubrow , best body guard who have the abilite like nekros terrify , is int cool , yes it is , but right now i am waiting not breeding any more until  i know the best info and combination from dev and people experience about breeding without problem , 


always dont buy thing early in game if u not sure .(i learned from mistakes)

kudos Aragon20.

I was stupid enough to actually think that when they released it atleast it would make some sense after we did the breeding and getting imprints off of the kubrow.... but all they did was find a villanous way to extract all our hard earned plats on each and every nuk and corner of the breeding process..



egg farming- damn hard so wat.. just buy from market 10 plat

egg incubation- oh wait i dont have ingredients where do i go ... oh well market will know i guess, so get a incubation pack 65 plat...

egg incubation complete hatching- damn again 3 days waiting period, wait a min i know ill just rush it- 15 plat gone

kubrow that i got- cute cuddly puffy.. hmmm wait a min the color is not wat i wanted.. i want the one with a lotus face or stripes like a tiger

i know ill go to the scrambler in genetic technology section of my incubator- WHAT!!!! 10 plat for color change? oh well ok i will..

Damn u RNG - its still not the colour i want.. 10 again, damn not the color i want... 10 plat again... argh.. NOOOOOOOO ....

10 plat again.. aw c'mon

10 plat again n again n again..

finally my colour and patter that i wanted..

oh wait the kubrow is not a sunikaaaaa

hmm again 65 plat kit..

15 plat rush hatch..

again some other kubrow damn..

again 65, 15, damn,

blah blah blah...

finally sunika..

damn the lotus face not there ok 10 plat .. 10... 10...................


10 plat again... wat the... why is it not giving me a colour now...


OH damn.... ALL MY PLATS ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





next day.. new update or hotfix..

explanation states- DE has removed the scrambler system from incubator because they wanna think what they wanna do with this system now....



WHAT.... where were u 2 days ago when i was spending up all my plats man...




Well that was just an example ..

i just hope noone was as stupid and desparate as me cos DE has the most easiest and most guaranted way of making money again with a great million dollar update idea..


tennos deserve a kubrow.. blah blah blah..


hope u enjoyed my little story..

Edited by NINKU7
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Well, the breed thing freakin' sucks, but the color made sense. That was before they took out the recessive traits, so know I guess as long as a trait is the same among both imprints, you will get that trait while the other stuff is left to chance still. 


 If we are genetically reenineering a feral kubrow back into a domesticated one, it stands to reason that we can alter their genes. I know you can't make them to rexpress genes that arent present, but is it too much to ask that we have a little choice in them? If we decide we dont want them, we are prety muched forced to watch them degrade to death. Instead of making us do that, why not let us choose our dogs. They can make up some cannon reason to make it work, but seriously, choice.


Im gonna end up with like 20 dogs. I cant watch my digital pooch die like that.

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I can see buying the egg, 10 plat. Even the starter kit, 65. that's 75 p, ok. Maybe my own impatience makes me rush it for another...what was it 15-25. But I read where someone said they spent 500 p on an rng color they hoped to get. OMG. Im glad I manage my own plat like I do real money. sorry someone could lose so much but there's a certain level of common sense that sould have kicked in by the 2nd 100 plat that got wasted. If I blew that much then I should be pissed at myself just as much as the game. Sorry if this offends anyone cause I never have that intention so I used myself as an example and no names of anyone else. If I did then im sorry, but I hope that someone remembers to kick themselves for not spending more wisely.

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