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Update Irony


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You guys realize that tenno means "Heavenly Emperor" so the whole floating in space thing wasn't really crazy since we are sentient being of energy. I enjoy the flashiness of the new UI, but its more of a one step forwards two steps backwards. Cause now it is just horrendously formatted. From not being able to see all the levels of a planet in navigation, to having run around the ship to access menus.

Esc my son.

Although, Navigation is sort of a pain in the &#! now.

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I feel a deep mental connection to the game now since I have my own little space away from all you scru - I mean players.


No, really. It's nice, though lonely. I wish we could invite people to our ships.

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You guys realize that tenno means "Heavenly Emperor" so the whole floating in space thing wasn't really crazy since we are sentient being of energy. I enjoy the flashiness of the new UI, but its more of a one step forwards two steps backwards. Cause now it is just horrendously formatted. From not being able to see all the levels of a planet in navigation, to having run around the ship to access menus.


It would have made sense if "Heavenly Emperor" floating in space was a thing. So when you need to interact with physical world you jump into a 'frame and do your stuff. But what you have is a cardbox house equivalent of a spaceship. You squat in a tiny one man spaceship unless you are bargaining trash you found for some loose change of platinum or loitering in dojos.


Floating in space thing is too awesome to happen, since stuff like foundry/arsenal/mod menu would be on a real base not a stealth dropship. But since the only "base" equivalent are dojos and they are for some reason locked behind mastery/foundry gate, it won't happen. The sheer lack of direction in design and planing resulted in this "ship is the main menu" non-sense. But since people throw hundreds of plat for a mangled batfaced doge only to get it killed why would they bother?

Edited by Zubaz
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I agree.


Ditch the ship and new UI.


Twice the button clicks and movement to do simple UI navigation. Less information/Harder to find what you're looking for. Annoying voices on ship. Ugly navigation system with generic rectangle shapes around the planets. Your Warframe blocks the view of some panels... i could go on but is it really worth it? Look in some of these other threads. I've seen screenshots of better UI's done by kids with Photoshop with like 20 minutes of effort. it'd be nice to see a post from DE saying "Sorry guys we bombed this. We'll work on making it better"


Of the people that say they like the new UI, 50% are &#! licking toadstools and the other 50% are either fools or ps4 users. (But nobody really cares what they think because they aren’t real gamers.)

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You know what would be helpful....if you made a list of all the things you felt were in need of tweaking for the new UI put it in a post, and posted it in the feedback forums. 


It is not a bad upgrade to the game, it is very new, and yes, there are plenty of things that need to be fleshed out about it. So giving them player  perspective feedback on the matter would go a long way to facilitate this idea.

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I never felt like I was the Tenno. I always felt that the Tenno are there own entities. Immersion isn't something this game is good at, seeing as you can barely make yourself different than everyone else. Not only that, but you just feel as if you're doing stuff because you need to, not because you want to. It feels very stiff. 

Edited by MegaSnail
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I'm wondering if anyone else finds the new system breaks "immersion".

To me, it used to feel like you were "part" of it, with the command center and the solar system and your frame patiently waiting.

Now it feels more like a game... this is your character, this is your character doing X, this is your character doing Y.

Sort of like Mario. Nobody identifies as Mario, he's the character you're controlling. He's in lots of games. Nobody ever "feels" like they're Mario.

The same here, now... you don't "feel" like you're the tenno anymore.The tenno is a character you're controlling.

It's a strange notion, but it was one of my weirdest personal takeaways from this change, which, ironically, was supposed to increase "immersion", rather than making you feel irrelevant to it.

IMO, even your wording has got it backwards OP. 0/10 Edited by Legion-Shields
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I disagree. We no longer float in the middle of space anymore we actually have a if you want to call it "Home" we go before and after every mission too, just like I imagined Tenno would do. We listen too radio chatter telling us what's going on in the systems we are currently in. We now get too see our ships fly right before missions start up too the planet/ships that we are currently heading for, before we used to just appear inside ventilation shafts now I actually feel their was "Traveling" going on and not just magic Tenno appearing powers too wherever we needed too go. I feel like I'm actually a Tenno now they way they were meant too be seen from the start, and that's something too be happy about.

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I agree.


Ditch the ship and new UI.


Twice the button clicks and movement to do simple UI navigation. Less information/Harder to find what you're looking for. Annoying voices on ship. Ugly navigation system with generic rectangle shapes around the planets. Your Warframe blocks the view of some panels... i could go on but is it really worth it? Look in some of these other threads. I've seen screenshots of better UI's done by kids with Photoshop with like 20 minutes of effort. it'd be nice to see a post from DE saying "Sorry guys we bombed this. We'll work on making it better"


Of the people that say they like the new UI, 50% are @$$ licking toadstools and the other 50% are either fools or ps4 users. (But nobody really cares what they think because they aren’t real gamers.)

Well aren't you one adorable little peach.

Calling people who like something "&#! licking toadstools and fools".

WHile you think you're immediately in the right and everyone is wrong.

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I kneel withing navigation hologram.  I select a planet behind me by using the eyes in the back of my head.  Immersion wha? :)

We still don't know if Tenno actually have eyes. I've always kinda thought that the third person thing is actually how the Tenno 'see'. Instead of using lame eyeballs, they can use... I dunno, but I've just kinda thought that way.



I would feel so much more immersed if the Grineer Radio actually has a DJ that also read his fan letters.


"And this one come from Sargas Ruk. Today, he wants to share with us his love for the grineer, let's see what he wrote to us!


'Tenno Skoom. Corpus Suck. Grineer master race'


What an honorable man Sargas Ruk. Well, back to the music"


-My little po-

Yes, very yes.

Edited by Nethaufer
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I thought about what OP said... Because I think I understand what you mean.


But i can't really relate to it. I never felt as "the Tenno". Neither before U14, nor after.


Well .. I guess to me First person view is required to "feel as someone else".

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 Nobody ever "feels" like they're Mario.


The same here, now... you don't "feel" like you're the tenno anymore.The tenno is a character you're controlling..

I never feel like i'm mario because he has such a vague, unoriginal story. I just feel like any other guy trying to save a princess


but i don't feel the same in this game as i do with mario. for one, because not all charactors (like in mario) have a static personality. Also, this game wasn't translated from another language. I have seen the gameplay in paper mario from japan and it is much more intense than the english/americanized versions because they take content out of it.


in any case I feel like im more immersed into the game MOST of the time. The kubrows make me feel estranged because I can't use them when i want to though. =(

Edited by jennibear
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I never feel like i'm mario because he has such a vague, unoriginal story. I just feel like any other guy trying to save a princess


but i don't feel the same in this game as i do with mario. for one, because not all charactors (like in mario) have a static personality. Also, this game wasn't translated from another language. I have seen the gameplay in paper mario from japan and it is much more intense than the english/americanized versions because they take content out of it.


in any case I feel like im more immersed into the game MOST of the time. The kubrows make me feel estranged because I can't use them when i want to though. =(


To be fair, the first time my Kubrow died I was furious.  I feel sorry for the corpus after what I did to them.

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Honestly I dont care that much for the ship, it feels more like the 'Car' than the 'Home' as was implied.  I can understand why others are distracted by the shines though, lets see where they are in 2-3 weeks.


Also after 20 mins of looking around the ship has effectivly faded into the background, leaving me struglign with the ui to do things efficiently, for me a still UI would offer the same immersion with more efficency.


All in all I'd have been much more supportive if the UI let me get into the gameplay much faster, which I find 1000 times more immersive than the ship could ever be.  DE could of achieved the same result if the navigation consol in the ship took you to the old UI and still had the efficient way of getting into missions.

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