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Kubrow Breeding Could Be Better And It Wouldn't Be Too Hard To Get It There.


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 So I've been talking with some people here and there about Kubrow and breeding and the whole colors/patterns/swag thing.


 Figured I'd just mash out my initial feelings after toying with it for the short, short time that I have.


 First off - I'd like to start by saying that the entire idea of having a breeding process involved in the quest to get the perfect Kubrow for you. That is awesome to me. I think it is a neat distraction. I'd like to see this worked on instead of made unimportant.



 So how would I ask DE to do that? Well. At the moment I think breeding to get a Kubrow that looks and acts just how you like is a little annoying. I think it'd be nicer to be working with clearer tools and a slightly more forgiving system.


  I think the Appearance Menu for the Kubrow should be changed to function as part of the breeding process.


 In what I feel is the ideal situation you'd actually have a degree of elbow room available in the Appearance menu. Your Kubrow wouldn't possess only the gennes for his Primary fur color being White, for instance. No - instead when you would click to change his primary color you'd have three random options present (Assuming this is your basic randomized puppy)


 So your little random roll Kubrow pup might have White - Tan - Pink as Primary fur options. Pay a handful of credits (We're talking paltry stuff. Like 10k.) and bam. The machine whirs and whizzes and the primary fur color is altered.


 But there is a layer underneath this. You'd notice that your Primary options look like [White(Do) - Tan (Re) - Pink (Re)]. This plays into Imprinting and this sort of thing would show up for every single set of options save for Body type and Breed, which always work at the same rates.


 In total I believe that every Kubrow should have 3 colors available for each color slot, two patterns, a single body type and finally their breed.


 If my Kubrow set up is:


 Primary: Pink(Re)

 Secondary: Yellow(Do)

 Trim: Green(Do)

 Pattern: Lotus(Do)

 Body type: Large

 Breed: Huras


 Then my Imprint will record those specific settings. None of the other options carry into the imprint. It is the singled out traits I like, ready to be used to parent a new puppy.


 Whether the setting is Dominant or Recessive is the % chance that this color will show up as one of the possible options for the new baby. Dominant genes are 50% odds. Recessive are 25%. Body type and Breed always have 40% odds of transferring, meaning there is always the chance of getting something random in those sections. If both parent imprints have the color it stacks. Two parents with a Dominant gene for Black fur will mean the baby has a 100% chance of sharing that gene. Not only that, if the two parents instead posses a Recessive Black fur gene and it successfully carries over that Gene will be Dominant in the baby. This really probably isn't very realistic genetically speaking - but no one plays Warframe to get their Major in Animal Biology.


 I'm sure, having said all this, you guys can understand where I'm coming from with all this.



 What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Got something in mind to make this better? I guess I'm just in the mood to discuss it.


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Love it, but I'd like for there to be separate eggs to make it easier to get a type of Kubrow, you know a sunika egg, huras egg...


 Yeah. I can understand that.


 As an alternative to just having Breed be a static rate that stacks if present in both parents I think that works well. 


 But it would also mean that you might end up taking much longer to get the egg you want while farming. It could slow breeding by a lot.

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Inb4 Kubrow Breeding Association

(And yes, absolutely yes to this idea)

EDIT: I also noticed something small that could be changed, usually dominant traits are denoted with capital letters and recessive traits have lowercase. Just a tiny suggestion. ;)

Edited by FuryEnder
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perhaps they can use clan tech to research the traits and integrate it into a genetic template to create the perfect kubrow


 Personally, I feel like that'd be a step in the wrong direction.


 As you breed your own Kubrow you'll be narrowing things down more and more. Getting just what you need. All the while you'll be open to making and trading imprints to keep building up that perfect Kubrow for you.


 In my opinion it is important to encourage the idea of swapping imprints with friends. The possibility of crafting a custom imprint outside of the breeding system would make that sorta pointless.


 It isn't a horrible idea though. If they DID go that route I wouldn't be upset.

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Well first DE has to tell/show us how to get rid of the kubrows we currently have, beyond that I'd also like to not feel like i'm running a hospice because of the constant health degredation. If it was named hunger or something I'd feel a lot better.


Anyway, I do agree highly with OP's statement. That would...honestly be a lot better. Toss in a plat option to pick different colors, or a high credit cost + need to use a DNA stabilizer due to...reasons.

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Well first DE has to tell/show us how to get rid of the kubrows we currently have, beyond that I'd also like to not feel like i'm running a hospice because of the constant health degredation. If it was named hunger or something I'd feel a lot better.


Anyway, I do agree highly with OP's statement. That would...honestly be a lot better. Toss in a plat option to pick different colors, or a high credit cost + need to use a DNA stabilizer due to...reasons.


 You know, one of the great things about my suggestion is...


 If they went with my idea they could bring back the scramblers and it wouldn't be as likely to be a waste. You have more elbow room for a random roll to be something worthwhile so 10 plat a roll would be a better deal.

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I have to honest, I'm not a fan of changing any kind of genetic expression when the Kubrow is born. I feel this cheapen any kind of breeding system.

I completely agree that we need to choose what goes on the imprint. I don't like how obscure it is currently.

I think you missed something important we need for breeding: a release option. Currently, you need 10 days (from birth) for a Kubrow to die, and other than stasis there are no other ways to clear the current Kubrow spot, which makes breeding a choice between spending plat or waiting for your Kubrow to die. Not only does it ridiculously lengthen the time required for breeding, but it's also sickening that you literally have to keep a kubrow in captivity until it dies.

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a interesting idea to breed kubrows asides the color and race imprint on the already implemented scheme


any real guide on kubrow breeding to match it? mines on the oven still and i literally cant find anyone to give me their genetic imprints for a second one. 


also why can i remove only 2 imprints from my kubrow? does that regenerates?



I have to honest, I'm not a fan of changing any kind of genetic expression when the Kubrow is born. I feel this cheapen any kind of breeding system.

I completely agree that we need to choose what goes on the imprint. I don't like how obscure it is currently.

I think you missed something important we need for breeding: a release option. Currently, you need 10 days (from birth) for a Kubrow to die, and other than stasis there are no other ways to clear the current Kubrow spot, which makes breeding a choice between spending plat or waiting for your Kubrow to die. Not only does it ridiculously lengthen the time required for breeding, but it's also sickening that you literally have to keep a kubrow in captivity until it dies.

it would be cool to have a dojo facility to treat and care for unwanted kubrows.


Edited by Eremes
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I agree with kinperor, if they're gonna flesh out breeding we need to be able to release kubrow. Or whatever alternative, I don't really care what it's called or what the specifics are. We just need a way to clear slots, otherwise breeding is not very feasible.

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I have to honest, I'm not a fan of changing any kind of genetic expression when the Kubrow is born. I feel this cheapen any kind of breeding system.

I completely agree that we need to choose what goes on the imprint. I don't like how obscure it is currently.

I think you missed something important we need for breeding: a release option. Currently, you need 10 days (from birth) for a Kubrow to die, and other than stasis there are no other ways to clear the current Kubrow spot, which makes breeding a choice between spending plat or waiting for your Kubrow to die. Not only does it ridiculously lengthen the time required for breeding, but it's also sickening that you literally have to keep a kubrow in captivity until it dies.


 You're right about the release thing. To be honest, I actually forgot we needed that while jotting all this down.


 So it was made on the assumption a release function would be added.

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it's also sickening that you literally have to keep a kubrow in captivity until it dies.


You slaughtered it's family, destroyed it's home, performed a genocide on it's people to collect mods to strenghten it, and the part that makes you sick is letting it die?


Game mentality...

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You slaughtered it's family, destroyed it's home, performed a genocide on it's people to collect mods to strenghten it, and the part that makes you sick is letting it die?


Game mentality...


 Is it truly a crime to make him so perfect? Everything and everyone else is just a tool for the purpose of creating the ultimate puppy.


  Welcome to Saturday morning cartoon Villain logic.

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You slaughtered it's family, destroyed it's home, performed a genocide on it's people to collect mods to strenghten it, and the part that makes you sick is letting it die?


Game mentality...


Oh please, they're feral, while the one we raise is a pet. 


At least try to make me feel bad about something actually morally ambiguous. 


Feral swines are a very real issue in the US (or anywhere they are, really) and can get shot down indiscriminately, but that doesn't stop people from keeping pigs as pets. Similar thing with wolves/dogs, really. 

Edited by Kinperor
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I'd also like to have a table with all possible colors/patterns... This will be a nice addition to me. Also I think each color should roll by itself, not three at a time. But that's just my opinion on it.


Sorry if I misunderstood something or made some mistakes.

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