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Petition For Nervos To Come Back


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They need to introduce something that is a combo of Nervos, Disruptors, and Stalker's Dispel! The game is far too fair as it is now.



i kind of agree ,





Let's say a nervos that got Dispel aura and will evantually suck up your energy to the bone if it touch you?

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No.  They will never be coming back.

Remember the bugs with them?
When they would get attached in areas that were *impossible* for your allies to destroy?  Such as the bottom of your feet.  That would keep you locked down in the stun position for the rest of the match, or until you died?

Remember when no one in PUGs would help you?
When even if you got stunned 3 feet away from them you would be left there for the rest of the match 90% of the time?

Remember when they would latch on to every member of the team in short order meaning that no one could do *anything* until they were killed?
Hek I had a case at the end of an extermination when it was just me and one other person.  We killed the last guy only for two loose nervos to catch up to us and latch onto us.  We had to quit the mission and lose the rewards because it was impossible for us to die and impossible for us to recover from it.

And honestly they never did anything to increase the amount of teamwork.  If you were hit by them the chances were that your team wouldn't waste the time to try to help you, if it was even possible.  All it did was an annoyance that removed all player agency and locked you down till you died with absolutely *nothing* that could be done to recover from it or even prevent it.
There is no reason for any game to include a nearly unavoidable attack that locks you down permanently.  Its not fun and its not challenging.  Its just cheap and annoying.




Now, onto the more serious topic you bring up:

Forcing teamwork in ways like that never work.

Honestly if you want enemies that encourage teamwork look at the shield SWAT from Payday 2.  For the most part taking them out without another player is quite difficult.  But if you have another person to shoot them in the back while you distract them then it becomes a lot easier.  IMO that's the proper way to encourage teamwork, not cheap shots.
Lets continue to use the shield SWAT as an example:
If you haven't played Payday the Shields are SWAT members with large riot shields that block most attacks directed at them from the front.  Meaning that if you try to take them on without any support they can be quite challenging as its very hard to find an opening to shoot them.
Sure, there are ways for a single person to deal with them:
-Limited grenades, generally a waste of a grenade but it does work if you can land it behind them.
-Piercing rounds from either sniper rifles or shotguns, in both cases this could have drawbacks seen in the rest of the mission
-Specific skill builds that allow you to knock them back with melee attacks.  But it limits your build options quite a bit.

-Flanking them without being noticed, which since they only show up after the police are alerted isn't the easiest.
So while they are difficult for a player to take out alone they are completely doable with enough effort or preparation.


Now, what happens if you are working with a team mate or two?
One person gets the shields attention and keeps him focused on him.  The other goes around behind the shield and shoots them in their unprotected back.
Its a hek of a lot easier than taking them out alone.
When another player points out a shield it actively encourages teamwork because they know that while they can take it out alone, its a lot less of a hassle when dealing with it together.

That's the proper way of encouraging teamwork.
Because even if the rest of the team is busy or dealing with their own problems you can deal with it on your own, or take other actions to limit its impact while you wait for a team mate to get free so they can help.
Dont throw in something that forces teamwork to the point where its impossible to deal with the threat either solo or when the rest of the team wont/cant help.  But put in things that are hard to deal with alone but much easier to deal with as a team.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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