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Dna Stabilizer Kit Being Too Much Credits


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To the people saying that 100K is too much:
-You do know that it takes an argon crystal in order to make the incubator power source.
That means that in order to get a kubrow the player has to find out about the void and run quite a few void missions to get the crystal.

That means that even a completely new player will see the void, will see the credit rewards from it and go: "Hey, I need 100K credits every 6 to 12 days to keep my kubrow in tip-top shape.  The void where I got the argon crystals is giving me plenty of credits.  I'll be running that to get the stabalizers"

So its not like that amount of money will be impossible for the new players to get because they will have had to be introduced to the void in order to get their kubrow in the first place.

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To the people saying that 100K is too much:

-You do know that it takes an argon crystal in order to make the incubator power source.

That means that in order to get a kubrow the player has to find out about the void and run quite a few void missions to get the crystal.

That means that even a completely new player will see the void, will see the credit rewards from it and go: "Hey, I need 100K credits every 6 to 12 days to keep my kubrow in tip-top shape.  The void where I got the argon crystals is giving me plenty of credits.  I'll be running that to get the stabalizers"

So its not like that amount of money will be impossible for the new players to get because they will have had to be introduced to the void in order to get their kubrow in the first place.


+ it takes 150k credit to build the power thing. So you will need much more than 100k before even getting your space dog.

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I got, half a dozen argon crysals from Phorid in the recent alert. POint invalid.


Look either move the quest back and change Lotus's dialogue about 'Every tenno deserving a Kurbro' put it somewhere more appropriate to the costs and upkeep, or alter the upkeep fees.


For a quest that starts on Venus, that the game encourages you to pursue, that upkeep turns it from a game to a full time job. 


Hells, I'd settle for being told up front: what loyalty does/how fast its ost/how fast its gained, what DNA does/how fast it degrades/how fast it regains/what happens at 0/what the costs in replenishing it are UP FRONT. so that players themselves could make an informed choice. 


But as it is, its either badly placed, or badly presented. 


I'll add, one off costs are less bad they can be farmed towards, achieved and moved on from. Its ongoing costs that are a problem. We dont buy Kurbrows, we rent them. 

Edited by DeccanTraps
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The people saying it's easy to get 100k credits really need to open their eyes. The Kubrow quest starts by killing the boss of Venus, which is the second planet. The rest of the quest is on Earth, the third. I highly doubt players who are going through Earth can afford 100k credits a week, especially since they will want to continue with the game rather than grind the same mission repeatedly. 


While I agree with what you're saying, for devil's advocacy sake, I have to point out that the incubator power cores need argon, and the only real good place to get argon is the void.


(And Mercury/Phorid, but that is almost certainly a bug that will get fixed.)

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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This is just a stray thought. However; I wonder if most of the people that are actually complaining about this issue even have a Kubrow?


I mean, I had my reservations about the upkeep before mine matured. But it's really minimal to be honest.



I do have two issues about the entire Kubrow system:


1. The drop rate of eggs. Which isn't too much of a problem since eggs are fairly inexpensive.


2. The wait time of stasis. Which is absolutely absurd in my opinion! This is the primary problem that I think the DNA upkeep system is suffering from.

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While I agree with what you're saying, for devil's advocacy sake, I have to point out that the incubator power cores need argon, and the only real good place to get argon is the void.


(And Mercury/Phorid, but that is almost certainly a bug that will get fixed.)

True, but it is possible to get tier one keys from Mercury (and other low level planets like Venus) survivals and defences. Even missions like exterminate or capture are fine for getting argon crystals if you loot all of the containers, and I know I made sure I looked everywhere and got everything in my first void mission. 

An extra thing (unrelated to your post) - the power core blueprint requires 100k credits to buy, but that is nowhere nearly as bad as 100k credits a week. 100k to make an item is an objective, 100k per week is just ridiculous.

Also, someone said something about having every mod maxed takes millions of credits. Again, that is an objective. It's not like you need to have every single mod maxed out.

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You just proved my point: Kubrows are not for beginners.



If Kubrow are not for beginners then why did DE make them easily accessible for new players?

The point is new players have them, will continue to get them and cannot use them effectively.

For those that say the DNA stabilizers aren't as needed.

New players will not have the resources to rank up the health mods on their warframe or Kurbow as much as vets and for them the extra boost in health from the DNA stabilizer is more of a need than want, to keep the Kubrow alive.

The more Kubrow die the lower their damage.

Low health low damage makes them useless.




If the Kubrow aren't meant for beginners put them behind a master requirement or some other kind of barrier to keep out of their hands.

If newbies are supposed to be using them make the tools they need to make them effective more accessible.

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Everything except for upkeep proves that kubrows are meant for new players.

Upkeep forces players to play high end missions to keep it alive.


I can imagine new player getting kubrow after all that farm and then noticing upkeep cost and being forced to freeze him. I would be pissed, many would quit.

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If Kubrow are not for beginners then why did DE make them easily accessible for new players?

The point is new players have them, will continue to get them and cannot use them effectively.

For those that say the DNA stabilizers aren't as needed.

New players will not have the resources to rank up the health mods on their warframe or Kurbow as much as vets and for them the extra boost in health from the DNA stabilizer is more of a need than want, to keep the Kubrow alive.

The more Kubrow die the lower their damage.

Low health low damage makes them useless.




If the Kubrow aren't meant for beginners put them behind a master requirement or some other kind of barrier to keep out of their hands.

If newbies are supposed to be using them make the tools they need to make them effective more accessible.


Why did DE make the boss scaling so that new players will face level 45 boss if there is even one high-level among them?

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Dark Sector, Invasion, and Void missions can get you 100k in a handful of missions.



Tell you what, make a brand new account. 


Do not use void ( I was weeks into the game before I knew what those were)

Do not get help from clan mates ( Because new people wont have those)

Do not spend plat ( Because testing version of you isn't sure of the game so hasn't decided to spend yet) 


Start the Kurbro quest as soon as its offered. 


See how long it takes to get the break even 100k.


I just formad a frame for first time I have a great clan, and its a struggle to get that kind of scratch in short order. 


Even though DE just nerfed the wild Kubrows.... dont really know why.... Kubrow pets are not for new players.

Neither are Sentinels which cost 100k for the BP, too.

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Let me put this other way, because you people seem to be extremely stubborn: you don't need the DNA Stabilizers. They only affect the BASE health of Kubrow, so a Link Health mod will affect the health more whether or not you have the Stabilizers. You won't even need that much of health in low level missions.

Its sad when people don't read I feel your pain Peanut.


Kubrow upkeep is fine the way it is.

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How many replies have you posted on this thread about how Kubrows are for veteran players only? 

People are saying new players can't make 100k credits weekly to maintain a Kubrow. A mastery rank 2 player is not going to get a taxi to Pluto to play Sechura. They will play the game for fun, completing the star chart. Lotus even says that every Tenno deserves to have a Kubrow, and since you only need to be on Venus to activate the quest they are clearly meant for all players. 

Also, you say DNA stabilizers aren't necessary. Even if it only affects the base health, it is still health. And there are rumours that having -100 DNA Integrity causes your Kubrow to die permanently.

Yes a MR2 player can get a taxi.


Yes Lotus does say every tenno deserves to have a Kubrow she doesn't say it will be easy and available with your puffs of dust coming form your space ninja wallet! Remember the whole black market dealer mission with Darvo?!


You say that you are going with rumors to support your argument?

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Dark Sector, Invasion, and Void missions can get you 100k in a handful of missions.




Even though DE just nerfed the wild Kubrows.... dont really know why.... Kubrow pets are not for new players.

Neither are Sentinels which cost 100k for the BP, too.


People keep saying that...


But its a quest you start by killing the second boss, that you are encouraged to start on soon after killing the first one.


The main of things you'll need early on are on earth. 


Yes 150k is high for a cell but I can attest that its not unachievable in a one time cost, while new or newish. 


The argon, is a bit of a stretch, but Phorid alerts are one way, or a one-time taxi to the void, even a simple T1 exterminate will yeild a small amount of the stuff.


Its a slight stretch, but it all makes a decent mid to long term goal for a new player.


So, everything apart from the upkeep indicates Kurbros are for new players, or newish players.


Is the upkeep wrong, or is the literally everything else? 

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People keep saying that...


But its a quest you start by killing the second boss, that you are encouraged to start on soon after killing the first one.


The main of things you'll need early on are on earth. 


Yes 150k is high for a cell but I can attest that its not unachievable in a one time cost, while new or newish. 


The argon, is a bit of a stretch, but Phorid alerts are one way, or a one-time taxi to the void, even a simple T1 exterminate will yeild a small amount of the stuff.


Its a slight stretch, but it all makes a decent mid to long term goal for a new player.


So, everything apart from the upkeep indicates Kurbros are for new players, or newish players.


Is the upkeep wrong, or is the literally everything else? 


Nothing is wrong.

Just because you can start it on Earth it doesnt mean that you can successfully accomplish the whole thing.

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Nothing is wrong.

Just because you can start it on Earth it doesnt mean that you can successfully accomplish the whole thing.


Then its badly placed, liable to give a misleading impression of the quest and its burdens, or poorly costed. simple as. 

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Yes a MR2 player can get a taxi.


Yes Lotus does say every tenno deserves to have a Kubrow she doesn't say it will be easy and available with your puffs of dust coming form your space ninja wallet! Remember the whole black market dealer mission with Darvo?!


You say that you are going with rumors to support your argument?

Never said they can't get a taxi, said they aren't likely too.

She doesn't say it will be hard, either.

The rumour wasn't really much support, hence why I closed with it and didn't go in to detail with it.

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Never said they can't get a taxi, said they aren't likely too.

She doesn't say it will be hard, either.

The rumour wasn't really much support, hence why I closed with it and didn't go in to detail with it.


Seeing low MR people in high level missions is quite common nowadays, people help each others in this game more than you think.

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Then its badly placed, liable to give a misleading impression of the quest and its burdens, or poorly costed. simple as. 


You never played an RPG before, im guessing.

Quest that have a long line and take you several levels to complete are standard in online RPGs.


Those are actually some of the best quests because they have long storylines.


DE really needs to do a better job at explaining the RPG aspect of the game becasue there are a bunch of things here that has people that think this is a different game confused.

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You never played an RPG before, im guessing.

Quest that have a long line and take you several levels to complete are standard in online RPGs.


Those are actually some of the best quests because they have long storylines.


DE really needs to do a better job at explaining the RPG aspect of the game becasue there are a bunch of things here that has people that think this is a different game confused.

Ye long questline. starts at venus ends at earth. 15min-3h gameplay depending on drops.


No matter how you look at it, its tiny questline.

You wait more than you actually play and thats even when you pay to rush everything possible.


Also only unique addition that could not have been done without quest system is kubrow defense, this quest might as well not exist.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Then you shouldn't bother with the Kubrows yet, and you should stay with the sentinels until getting money is easier. As I said before, the Kubrows are obviously meant for the more experienced players, hence the credit costs.

I AM an experienced player thank you. Although a cocky person like you shouldn't have a problem. Other people, even if the ARE experienced or not, still can have problems.

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Let me put this other way, because you people seem to be extremely stubborn: you don't need the DNA Stabilizers. They only affect the BASE health of Kubrow, so a Link Health mod will affect the health more whether or not you have the Stabilizers. You won't even need that much of health in low level missions.

You are fifteen different kinds of wrong.  If the kubrow health deteriorates to -100%, it dies.  Mods don't stop that.


Taking the elitist path also doesn't help any of your arguments.  Rather than trying to exclude people from playing, why not see how you can help them within the means of what is within the grasp of a new player's reach?  You know... be helpful.

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You are fifteen different kinds of wrong.  If the kubrow health deteriorates to -100%, it dies.  Mods don't stop that.


Taking the elitist path also doesn't help any of your arguments.  Rather than trying to exclude people from playing, why not see how you can help them within the means of what is within the grasp of a new player's reach?  You know... be helpful.


He joined like 4 days ago. So he's either a new player, or a second account out trolling.


Either case, words hold no water.

Edited by DirkDeadeye
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PeanutMonster, on 24 Jul 2014 - 10:24 AM, said:PeanutMonster, on 24 Jul 2014 - 10:24 AM, said:PeanutMonster, on 24 Jul 2014 - 10:24 AM, said:

I also bet that new players won't even know what the Kubrow quest is and therefore won't even need the 100k. In my opinion Kubrows are meant for the experienced players, hence the credit cost. You shouldn't cry about the DNA Stabilizers, maxing all the mods will take over 5 million credits and hundreds of fusion cores.

That is just a very bad response.


Kubrows are for everyone, not just for "experienced" players. The credit cost is too much for new players when Mercury missions have awful mission reward payouts.


The kits really do need a serious drop in price. This way new players can get a Kubrow long before they decide whether or not to get a Sentinel which requires certain MR. And they can also get the Kubrow stuff out the way and focus on saving up credits and resources for new weapons and frames.


Drop your elitist attitude and help with the new player experience, you haven't been around long enough to see the many changes Warframe has gone through and how brutal it has been for new players.

Edited by __Kanade__
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Theres also a balance point to factor in.


They need constant care, they need constant costly upkeep. If you do put one in status its a full 3 hours to use them...


They are more AI dependant and so stupider than sentinels...


& you don't even get to decide what they look like or what kind you get. 


For all that, they'd have to be much, much better than a sentinel to be worth it and thats a shame. Because my pup shows they really have lavished care on the animations. I'm not even a dog person, I prob cant afford to feed the critter, and I'm already kinda fond of Babsidi. 

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