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Discussing About Dark Sector Alliances Having Too High Taxes


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It seems to me the devs designed this metagame to support secrecy, infiltration, corruption, and the dirtiest type of gameplay.


While we attempt to stay out of most of that, you cant compete without information. Go get your own spies and screenshots. Ive done my research.


The EvE comparisions were there from day one, even in the devstreams. It's stupid as hell - EvE's designed for that kind of mentality and the entire game mechanic is built around it. Warframe doesn't offer on the returns on it or the integration to make it integral, and it shouldn't - it's very different from the PvE content. If DE did intend it, I think it's exactly the wrong thing for the game.


But even if it's not their intent, it's going to be there. You're giving people a competitive arena where players are encouraged to fight to control territory. People are going to employ lateral strategy, they're going to make alliances and break them, like a game of RISK you played with in university and nearly lost friends over.

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Wonder if anyone knows that ICE, Eclipse, Lords of the East, Orion, Solar Syndicate and Synergy are actually all part of an elaborate plan by Warbros and we're none the wiser. Y'know, since we seem to be throwing out rather ridiculous assumptions/conclusions/factless statements.


Oh yeah and the United States, Russia and China are actually all working together. Have been since 1950. The "tensions" between the global superpowers is actually a ruse to dupe the common man.


[conspiracy theorizing intensifies]

They are working together unfortunately to garner said knowledge means you have to have sources that will trust you. And that trust goes out the window when you out them.

Crap..creeping back into zealotry again. Damage control commencing.

Nothing to see here DE has done it again with the new pvp encounters I love the implementation of DS and look forward to the updates to come ^_^

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They are working together unfortunately to garner said knowledge means you have to have sources that will trust you. And that trust goes out the window when you out them.

They're working together under the control of Transformers Genwunners.




Anyone that says otherwise is wrong because I am always right and I am a speshul snowflake.

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Well, I say the party hasn't started until I arrive. And while the other candidates are serving special interests, I'm serving the heathens a steaming platter of shame with a side order of suck it. Welcome to my party. Vote for me if you wanna live.



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For me at least, If a dark sector tax rate is too high I ignore the sector until it is under conflict then assuming I have the time and the attacker has lower taxes I fight against the current holder. There are more than enough places for me to go elsewhere when taxes are unappealing.


Evil Overlords, the lot of them.



heh, is that Salem from Sabrina the teenage witch?

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Wonder if anyone knows that ICE, Eclipse, Lords of the East, Orion, Solar Syndicate and Synergy are actually all part of an elaborate plan by Warbros and we're none the wiser. Y'know, since we seem to be throwing out rather ridiculous assumptions/conclusions/factless statements.


Oh yeah and the United States, Russia and China are actually all working together. Have been since 1950. The "tensions" between the global superpowers is actually a ruse to dupe the common man.


[conspiracy theorizing intensifies]

I made no assumptions or false statements. I also see no one denying them. Look into something before pawning it off as "conspiracy." Calling someones statement nothing more than conspiracy detaches it from any possibility of validity, whether true or not, before any countering evidence is offered.


And the US, Russia, and China have been working together for decades. Ever wonder why there hasn't been a single war between super powers since WW2? It's called peaceful commerce, and it beats out war every time. ISS? Built mostly by Russia and the US. China makes all of our stuff and holds a large portion of US debt. Russia and US are trying their best to not go to war. But alas, leaders too have egos. And that is where a vast majority of war spurs from.

Before WW2 the bigger powers and super powers were constantly at each others throats. Also read history.


A better example of a conspiracy would be that most of our world leaders are aliens form another planet. Provable because they lack humanity.

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Ever heard of something called M.A.D.? Because peaceful commerce isn't really the first thing that popped into my mind.

Notice how they don't use it? When was the last nuke used in an act of violence? Oh right, WW2. As i said, no major wars since.

After that one, the amount of destruction that had ravaged the world scared the piss out of everyone. Even the powers that be do not want a major war to happen again. Society is becoming more peaceful.


Peaceful commerce is more profitable for everyone, especially when nations are run by bankers. War is too costly. 

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