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I Have 1.3 Million Platinum.. Wait For It.. -Platinum Costs Of The Resources-


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Agreed. I do sincerely hope DE is listening to this. Yes. DE needs to price these resources little bit less than what it is, but makes it extreme rarer in drop, like argon crystal it's now, and makes it required to use a lot more in quite a lot of crafting!!

Edited by ndantony
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ndantony, focus on pay to win, why? And I have plat too, that's not what I'm saying.

LOL. Be careful of the consequence of the complain. Focus more on the solution and specify it to some extend... otherwise it will end up the other extreme, the purpose of my post. 

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Why does it matter how much it cost on market. If someone wants to buy a resource let him, surely you don't want to buy more. And transforming ingame resources for plat seems a bad idea you cant do it with other things even with the trade system someone needs to buy plat, if you could just trade in nanospores just think about how much a single plat would worth. Now traded part prices would go up to the thusands and inflate platinum.

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Yeah I could care less what resources cost in plat, because it's not my market. If someone wants to sink their cash or cash-analogue into easily obtained resources as a matter of convenience, I really don't mind.


That is funny back-converting it, though. I probably have a few millions also.

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Back converting will never happen. I don't mind people spending their plat on ressources aswell, never ranted when ressources came to the market but I do hope prices stay high else you won't even have to play the game at all in the end.

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According to the Market Prices on ps4 I have...

- 1.3 million plats worth in Alloy.

- 2.1 million in rubedo

- 3 mil + in control modules.

Do I need to go on?

De needs to fix their market prices man!

i think you F'ed up your math m8 cause your calulations must be way off

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Oh those alloy plates. The days when farming rubedo and alloy plates are all in the past now...

So I started building energy resupply plates. I used a boat load of them while leveling up a few frames @ Kappa. Rather than running around like a chicken w it's head cutoff like all these hallway Hero's. I'd just hang out @ the terminal & drop a resupply. Worked out great. First time I ever found myself needing to find nano spores tho :D

Anyways - consumables are a good resource dump. So is being part of a giant clan & contributing your resources. So is building everything to rank up for mastery. The prices are high but they should be. You should feel encouraged to play, not buy everything.

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According to the Market Prices on ps4 I have...

- 1.3 million plats worth in Alloy.

- 2.1 million in rubedo

- 3 mil + in control modules.

Do I need to go on?

De needs to fix their market prices man!


Never buy resources. Everything else is fine.

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The bigger thing I find an issue is, is that for some warframes it is actually cheaper to buy and build the prime version than outright buying the normal version.


Hmmm...that does seem an issue.  Player market and the number of prime pieces sitting around drove the prices of prime frames into the ground.  However, you're still going to have to wait the 3.5 days for the frame to build and it doesn't come with a potato like the ones from the market, so I guess time saved and the pre-installed potato is where the cost is coming from.  Mostly time saved, especially if you count how long it would take to get x planet and farm all those parts normally.

Edited by Lorthos_Mornin
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