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I Have 1.3 Million Platinum.. Wait For It.. -Platinum Costs Of The Resources-


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Honestly. I am happy that the plat price for resources on the market is so high.

It actuality encourages you to play the game, opposed to being lazy.

That's like saying prices for chocolate should be high so it encourages people to make their own chocolate. They are low so they can get tons of people to buy their product. DE would have so much more money if they had things priced right for what they are really worth.


If DE doesn't want people to just buy their way through the game, then why allow it?

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The prices are fine indeed, the thing with the "gamble" packs are... They are a gamble, it's like a casino for unpatient people.


Tho for resources, yes that might be the impression made, but then again. Work for it and be happy with it, or dont grind and buy the stuff needed. Then complain about the viseversa ratio of the value. It does seem odd indeed. But be happy, you have all those platinum worth of items of you'r time of work and grind. While others that have no patience must then buy that ammout of recources for that ammount of plat. The prices are just fine... What could be fixed tho, is the ability to buy weps for credits only again. Maybe Dravo want some credit too, cant live of the platinum all day. Just to help out the new people. New people might struggle a bit to habbit the nature of warframe. Thats why Veterans stay, those who see potential stay. And those who are lost trying to seek his new pack. Simply gives up. We must make them want to fight for their life, the motivation needed to continue is to damn LOW!



Reverse phycology; They price them that way, (make you think its way over limit) makes you grind instead and in the end you are glad you did. 

Edited by Cpt_Atroxium
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Since the market does not convert both ways and that resources can be farmed for infinite amounts and can not be traded, what you have in Plat worth is only used as an indicator.




Only a small part of that 200K loss was from "real money", the rest was mined from game resources, and since game resources can't be sold for real cash, numbers are only an indicator of "losses" and never "gains".

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Agreed. I do sincerely hope DE is listening to this. Yes. DE needs to price these resources little bit less than what it is, but makes it extreme rarer in drop, like argon crystal it's now, and makes it required to use a lot more in quite a lot of crafting!!


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Only thing reasonably priced is Oxium 30p for 300 Oxium is more than fair, but everything else (except Potatoes) is bogus.

Oxium is honestly way cheaper than it needs to be IMO


Most of the other resources are way too high cost for the amount aside from potato,forma, and orokin cells

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Hahaha... They should have removed some (if not all of them) of the farmable resources from the market a long time ago... I wonder if anybody ever buys Alloyplate/Salvage/Nanospores and sh*t.


I honestly could understand it for something rare like Orokin Cells or Neurodes... but Alloyplate/Nanospores...? xD


Wouldn't even be surprised if that stuff is just there to lure in some Newcomers not knowing jack about the game and think the little Plat they start off with is for buying resources from the market.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Wouldn't even be surprised if that stuff is just there to lure in some Newcomers not knowing jack about the game and think the little Plat they start off with is for buying resources from the market.

What would be the point, de wont get jack from that.

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According to the Market Prices on ps4 I have...

- 1.3 million plats worth in Alloy.

- 2.1 million in rubedo

- 3 mil + in control modules.

Do I need to go on?

De needs to fix their market prices man!


try having 10m+ nano spores and them still being dropped on 9/10 places you visit on the solar map....

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The resources and fusion core packs in the market are basically just a grab item for lazy people with loads of plat to spend their money on when they don't want to go farm that little bit of whatever they need, with a price similar to what you see at a convenience store. It's obviously overpriced, but it's for a reason... you don't need to farm very hard to get these resources most of the time, and anyone who considers buying resources out of the market is either extremely new here and doesn't understand how materials work here, or they just have tons of plat and are either lazy or pressed for time and desperate to complete something, so they choose to pay their way into whatever it is they need to make things go faster. Same with the fusion core packs and the void key packs. And sure, they may be a gamble sometimes, but that's what you get in pretty much any other game when you try to pay your way through it.

Edited by TheWebbliest
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Hmmm...that does seem an issue.  Player market and the number of prime pieces sitting around drove the prices of prime frames into the ground.  However, you're still going to have to wait the 3.5 days for the frame to build and it doesn't come with a potato like the ones from the market, so I guess time saved and the pre-installed potato is where the cost is coming from.  Mostly time saved, especially if you count how long it would take to get x planet and farm all those parts normally.

Actually if you calculate the costs to include purchasing a slot, reactor and rushing the final build (rushing the parts builds doesnt seem worth it, its only 12 hrs and most people are likely to have that offline time between play sessions) it is still cheaper in a few cases.  You can even make it further cheaper by choosing whether you want to rush or pay for a reactor.


Some examples (presuming we buy the reactor in the minimum costs)

- Frost to buy is 375 plat; Frost Prime parts are ~20plat + 20Plat for the slot + 20 plat for the reactor, so 60 plat minimum cost, leaving you with 315 plat to rush everything (or buy resources too).

- Ember to buy is 225 plat; Ember Prime parts are ~20 plat, so again 60 plat minimum cost, leaving you with 165 plat to rush with.

- Mag to buy 175 plat; Mag Prime parts are about ~16 (lets say 20 here too) plat, so 60 plat minimum, leaving you with 115 plat to rush with

- Rhino to buy is 375 plat; Rhino Prime parts are ~35 plat, so 75 plat minimum, leaving you with 300 plat to rush.

Edited by Loswaith
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I think the only resource worth buying is Oxium, simply because oh its drop rate being 1-3 per Oxium Ospreys. Added that you can kill it quickly before it charges on to you.


This might be true for those who want to build Zephyr, Helios, and to some extent, Dragon Nikana.

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