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To All The People Who Complained In Closed Beta About Having Too Many Credits


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Negative power-strength Nova.  5 waves in 3 minutes.  20k-23k credits (assuming the owners aren't taxaholics).  You're literally making almost 400k credits per hour.

And its boring as heeeeeell. Is interesting gameplay too much asked for?

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And its boring as heeeeeell. Is interesting gameplay too much asked for?

I'll have to agree, but you said you wanted credits, not interesting gameplay.  Unfortunately, there's a lot of things in life that only fill one desire at a time.  You can either have money, or have fun.  That's how it seems to work in a lot of games.

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And its boring as heeeeeell. Is interesting gameplay too much asked for?

You want fast credits. regardless of gain ammount that is going to end up being farming.


Nova speed farming is viable for your problem.


higher credit rewards per missions is irrelevant.

But if they did increase the credit per mission again, your problem would be the same, just numbers changed. 

You can't really have both as then they'd have to adjust the sink for people who gained that mass credit from the same strategy.


Hell just use loki or volt for super fast capture runs if you don't wanna Mprime everything.

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just transmuted all of my spare rare mods.

down to 6.5m credits.


Is this what you wanted? Having to grind void missions solely for credits, and that at a ridiculous rate to sustain the extreme credit costs of pretty much everything? After the event alerts that gave good amount of credits, i had around 4 million creds. I dont play often atm, but still im down to 500k again. This is ridiculous guys. Please stop this madness.

so... play more?


1. T3 void used to give around 100k creds a run with 4 people. That was fine. Then people came and wouldnt stop complaining they have nothing to do with their creds. DE listened and nerfed the credit rewards of voids. Hard as you can see.

2. The number isnt ridiculous, its the amount of grind needed to sustain the credit cost. This example was used to show that you can go down from 4 million to 500k pretty fast. Im MR 16, i dont grind for any prime item in the game anymore, leaving the only reason to go to the void is credit farming.

3. I dont say this for me only. Its in regards of DE scaling credit prices off of their veterans. Well think about following: You are new, see Kubrows, want one. Dont have void keys, Sechura is miles away, yet the power core alone takes 100k credits to craft.
DNA stabilizers... well you know. But not only beginners. I have a friend MR 9 atm, that struggles very hard with getting creds. Im helping him as good as i can, but always when i ask "what do we do first this day?" I hear "I need lots of money".

1. now we have dark sectors that give +25% bonus exp and 23k credits base without having to use a key.


2. if you are mastery 16, there really isnt need to be spending 3.5m credits on anything... except transmutation, which you should know costs a lot.


3. Kubrows are not geared toward beginning players. IMHO, the Howl of the Kubrow quest should be moved to Hyena, not given at Jackal, because the amount of skill and resources needed for Kubrows is more than a new player should be expected to obtain.

3b. at mastery 9, he should be able to credit farm himself, and again, i point both of you towards sechura pluto. I constantly run sechura with my clan who are often mastery 6 and under, because it gets them credits and exp, so they are focused on both resources (i view credits as a resource) and exp gain, and they dont get burnt out. 


Voids are not a good grind for credits. they might used to have been, but its not the same anymore. i try to keep beginners off of void anyway, because it is difficult to explain mod styles for corrupted when all they know is grineer/corpus builds (if that). void also becomes a great way to get burnt out when new players start trying to get those prime parts.


TL;DR Sechura, pluto, and at mastery 16 you shouldnt be spending 3.5m credits anyway

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Sitting on 7.5 million credits.

Missed CBT....


Mastery 15

Must have spent over 100 formas.

Had pretty much all damage mods maxed except Kubrow ones (I don't even see a purpose for them as DPS.... my sentinel does not even have an attack precept).



I dont use companions at all since it makes leveling weapons faster, until I obtained everything now my sentinels weapon does more damage then most of my weapons.


Negative power-strength Nova.  5 waves in 3 minutes.  20k-23k credits (assuming the owners aren't taxaholics).  You're literally making almost 400k credits per hour.


Yes, this makes credit farming easy once your nearing end-game. Neural Sensors even with boosters is a different story and I would rather have that resource somewhere besides one location.

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I dont mind that they have that much credits, its the way they tell it. This "oh you have problems with creds? well thats too bad, look at how much i haaaaaave".


1. T3 void used to give around 100k creds a run with 4 people. That was fine. Then people came and wouldnt stop complaining they have nothing to do with their creds. DE listened and nerfed the credit rewards of voids. Hard as you can see.

2. The number isnt ridiculous, its the amount of grind needed to sustain the credit cost. This example was used to show that you can go down from 4 million to 500k pretty fast. Im MR 16, i dont grind for any prime item in the game anymore, leaving the only reason to go to the void is credit farming.

3. I dont say this for me only. Its in regards of DE scaling credit prices off of their veterans. Well think about following: You are new, see Kubrows, want one. Dont have void keys, Sechura is miles away, yet the power core alone takes 100k credits to craft.

DNA stabilizers... well you know. But not only beginners. I have a friend MR 9 atm, that struggles very hard with getting creds. Im helping him as good as i can, but always when i ask "what do we do first this day?" I hear "I need lots of money".

1. Again, you haven't linked the fact that people complained to how credit payouts are now lower than they were before. There is no logical link here, it's as good as coincidence until you present proof that DE made those changes specifically to appease the Closed Beta players complaining about too many credits.

It also defeats the purpose of Closed Beta as I understand it. Wasn't the point at the time to remove restrictions as necessary for the game to be tested on core mechanics then, as opposed to now, when the game is being tested on its implementation and development? I could be wrong, but you haven't clarified the change in situation if there is one either, and this continues to remain a rebuttal.


2. You haven't detailed the credit costs themselves. What are you spending it on, and hence what spending can you cut down on? The 'grind' needed to maintain credit costs may be real, but you're leaving us with no context on this one, hence why people are saying 'just don't do what you're doing'.

Also, is going down from 4 million to 500k inherently a bad thing? If you think so, aren't you then just placing the value of the number of credits you have over the value of what you're spending those credits on? Following on from that, and assuming you do have a choice in the matter, should you really be spending in the first place if you can't justify it? You're not selling me on this one, sorry.


3. DE scaling credit prices specifically off veterans? Which prices, and which veterans? I would have to call you out for lack of proof on that one. Veterans - and indeed, all players - can have a wide range of credit balances. I personally am sitting on about 200k from building Mastery Weapons, and hence, how can you say that the prices are scaled to people like me if you're unhappy about having to go down 3.5 million? It's a very ambiguous point you make there, with little to back it up, I find.

As for the Kubrow example - it's definitely a decent analogy, and you'll probably see me also annoyed about the tax that is the DNA Stabilisers, but we're unhappy about it for two different reasons. You're unhappy that it costs 100k. I'm unhappy that it's a mechanic that enforces a mandatory credit sink. Credit sinks are, by definition, optional, and the DNA Stabilisers are not if Kubrows are to be a consideration. It wouldn't be acceptable if it were 100 million, it wouldn't be acceptable if it were 100 credits. It just wouldn't be a big deal, but the concept behind the non-voluntary credit sink is a valid point I'm willing to back. Not necessarily what you're pointing out - the specific 100k price. On top of that, Kubrows are very firmly not intended as early-game objectives in my estimation.

For your friend, I see a fundamental difference in the way they approach the game to how I do. I don't play solely for the objective of 'getting a new weapon, and hence I need credits' or 'levelling a forma'ed frame, hence I need to join a DSD'. It sounds like they're very objective-oriented, leading to this misconception that credits drive player progression. While that's true to an extent, letting it limit progression as you seem to imply in your original post is fallacious and ignores other possibilities and perspectives. Going back to my question about considering other possibilities, I don't think this has been addressed. You haven't convinced me that it's a big deal.

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I dont mind that they have that much credits, its the way they tell it. This "oh you have problems with creds? well thats too bad, look at how much i haaaaaave".


Yeah, ok ok. I was intentionally being kind of jerk. Sorry.


I don't know what to tell you, I just play a lot. I do high level defences and pay attention to the alert tracker for high credit rewards. I've even bankrupted myself several times with expensive fusions and always bounced back quickly.


According to my profile I've gone through 40 mil in the course of playing and I've never really found the money hard to get.


In fact I remember it being much harder in the closed beta, with selling Chronos bps as a viable method of credit farming.

Edited by ValhaHazred
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Credits are easier than ever for a veteran player now. Ez 20k in 5 min darksectors, 100k+ battlepay in conflincts.


And the only new sink is a doggie  - rank up some long mods (could be ~1.5mln on each of 4 rank10 mods, if you even have the cores) and 100k per 2 weeks of injections. But you probably shouldn't even bother, a sentinel is better and needs no upkeep. Level a kubro up and put into stasis if you are so savvy.  Then you will be swimming in credits with nothing to spend on.

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Congratz. You win a medal. Now go away.


No, you go away.


My account tells me I have gathered 23.5 Million, I have 6.5 million now, and have given 4 million away to the old alliance last month.

What are YOU doing SO wrong that have a problem?


Feel free to list in point form what makes you run out of creds, and we will list all the ways you are doing it WRONG.

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No, you go away.


My account tells me I have gathered 23.5 Million, I have 6.5 million now, and have given 4 million away to the old alliance last month.

What are YOU doing SO wrong that have a problem?


Feel free to list in point form what makes you run out of creds, and we will list all the ways you are doing it WRONG.

Coming to my topic and telling me to go away is kinda cocky, dont you think? Also this answer wasnt meant to you, so why do you feel talked to?

Like i say for the 3rd time about right now, its not the costs. Its not the difficulty of grinding credits either. Its just that it feels like a gigantic waste of time and a pain in my @$$ doing Sechura over and over and over and.................... again. And the time/credit ratio doesnt matter if every second feels like a minute doing this boring mission. And its not mainly me im doing this topic for. I just used my situation as an example, that even if you play missions regularly, you cant sustain the credit costs. Not mainly because of the costs, but because missions have so low credit rewards in comparison with the hussle it is to grind them. Is the expectation of having fun in a video game too much? And grinding Sechura all over.......... again isnt fun, entertaining, interesting, challenging, whatever. Imagine you dont sit on a massive credit pile that you can take whatever you need whenever you like. Imagine having to care about how much credits you spend and having to grind Sechura first to build what you like. Kinda like Argon crystals, but thats another topic. Do you feel entertained?

Edited by Detheroc
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I spent 500k yesterday, made another 400k, spent it, and made back 100k in just a few hours.  The complaints are baseless.

How does the fact that you have several hours of game time during a work day and an apparent fondness of doing the same thing over and over make the complaints baseless?

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And on what?

Leveling up mods and building a bunch of MR fodder.


How does the fact that you have several hours of game time during a work day and an apparent fondness of doing the same thing over and over make the complaints baseless?

Work days are not the same for everyone, you know, and it makes the claims baseless because in just a few hours you can make a million credits.  You don't have to do those hours consecutively. Ten minutes a day for six days is still an hour.

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Its just that it feels like a gigantic waste of time and a pain in my @$$ doing Sechura over and over and over and.................... again. And the time/credit ratio doesnt matter if every second feels like a minute doing this boring mission. And its not mainly me im doing this topic for. I just used my situation as an example, that even if you play missions regularly, you cant sustain the credit costs. Not mainly because of the costs, but because missions have so low credit rewards in comparison with the hussle it is to grind them. Is the expectation of having fun in a video game too much? And grinding Sechura all over.......... again isnt fun, entertaining, interesting, challenging, whatever. Imagine you dont sit on a massive credit pile that you can take whatever you need whenever you like. Imagine having to care about how much credits you spend and having to grind Sechura first to build what you like. Kinda like Argon crystals, but thats another topic. Do you feel entertained?

So you're actually not objecting to the fact that the obtaining of the credit resource is disproportionate to time and effort. You're actually objecting to the fact that along the way, it becomes more a chore of an objective than a bonus to fun. That makes a lot more sense than your original position, but it does sidetrack heavily from your first post I tried to provide clarifying questions to.


My clarifying questions still stand since I don't feel like you've addressed them holistically, but since you've changed your stance, it actually conveniently leads back to my point:

I see a fundamental difference in the way [you] approach the game to how I do. I don't play solely for the objective of 'getting a new weapon, and hence I need credits' or 'levelling a forma'ed frame, hence I need to join a DSD'. It sounds like [you]'re very objective-oriented, leading to this misconception that credits drive player progression. While that's true to an extent, letting it limit progression as you seem to imply in your original post is fallacious and ignores other possibilities and perspectives. Going back to my question about considering other possibilities, I don't think this has been addressed. You haven't convinced me that it's a big deal.

Yes, credits are a hurdle. But to consider them an all-out barrier? Idk if you're justified in pushing it that far subjectively. Like people have pointed out, some situations allow for large amounts of credits to be farmed with relatively little effort on their end, while others are - just as rightly - supporting the fact that it's more limiting. However, your argument that it hinders progression rather than adds to challenge (and those two things are very, very different!) hasn't been backed up in my opinion. How is your line of reasoning, that people shouldn't be held back by resource requirements, any different to people who [may] complain that the Boltor Prime isn't MR0? Both those situations apply to something gated behind a progression barrier requiring people to earn the reward, inasmuch as the progression system in Warframe allows.

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Yes, credits are a hurdle. But to consider them an all-out barrier? Idk if you're justified in pushing it that far subjectively. Like people have pointed out, some situations allow for large amounts of credits to be farmed with relatively little effort on their end, while others are - just as rightly - supporting the fact that it's more limiting. However, your argument that it hinders progression rather than adds to challenge (and those two things are very, very different!) hasn't been backed up in my opinion. How is your line of reasoning, that people shouldn't be held back by resource requirements, any different to people who [may] complain that the Boltor Prime isn't MR0? Both those situations apply to something gated behind a progression barrier requiring people to earn the reward, inasmuch as the progression system in Warframe allows.

People really complain about not getting the best auto rifle (not best weapon) at the beginning of their carreer? It is justified, because why would they touch any other weapon ever, except for Brakk. We need some progression in the way we can earn weapons. MR isnt doing a good job at tiering end-game weapons at high ranks (Boltor Prime has a laughable MR 2 requirement). Its a mess and needs to be fixed. Do people complain about not having access to Sechura at their starting carreer to forever leech off of others? Probably, from what ive heard people are complaining these days about. Pluto is the last planet. If they want decent credits, as everyone suggests, they have to grind there to progress in their weapon crafting to get the weapon they want. Because regular missions (like interception) on pluto reward a 3600 credit reward. WAT. Seriously. Grinding Sechura seems to be the only consistent way (IF the credit taxes arent greedishly high) for new players to grind credits. (Or replace Sechura with a lower DS with lower credits). Newbies dont have keys stockpiled. Maybe they start camping Recruiting channel to get into void. Either way they start leeching off of others, cause they cannot kill the high level enemies most of the time. And its oh so convenient to just pretend to shoot at the vortex while rockets do fast work of all the enemies. People learn this way that leeching is OK, but thats another point.

Ultimatively, once the "Oh boy this game is so much fun to just play" wears off (which it does quite fast, atleast for me it did) people start going after the only objective this game has to offer to this point (If they dont care about PvP). Getting all the weapons (or all they want atleast). Getting sentinels (costing 115k once to craft), or Kubrows (well, you know how much). Getting the frames they want. Oh, and getting all those rank10 mods up, which we have a good amount of at this point. And for all that, credits. They are crucial to ANY action you want to perform in this game. And its fine, if its balanced. But its not, if you dont like being bored and having alot of free time with nothing else to do, like this guy for instance:

I spent 500k yesterday, made another 400k, spent it, and made back 100k in just a few hours.  The complaints are baseless.

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And its fine, if its balanced. But its not, if you dont like being bored and having alot of free time with nothing else to do, like this guy for instance:

If you don't have the time to play the game then maybe you shouldn't. A couple of hours on a free day isn't a lot of time. You got to put in the effort if you want the reward.


You can complete that DS mission on Pluto in just a few minutes.  Each time pays out around what? 25k depending on the taxes. Let's just say 20k.  So 5 minutes a day, once a day, for a week is 140,000 credits.


If you do it once a day for 24 days that is 480,000 credits.  That is how long a Stabilizer pack for Kubros will last you. That pack only costs 100,000 credits.  480,000 - 100,000 = 380,000 credit profit from doing the mission just once per day.


You have no reason to complain.

Edited by (PS4)DesecratedFlame
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First of all Sechura is not grindy. It only takes 5 minutes to get 25k credits.


Second of all this game is all grind anyway. You're grinding materials in order to build weapons and warframes. You're grinding fusion cores to max mods. It's all grind.

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