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Frames That Need Help Feedback


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Hey, sooo Yaer posted a thread asking for feedback yesterday here https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/283938-next-hot-topics-discussion-choices-and-stuff/  and it got me thinking about the frames and which need the most help. I encourage you to go leave your feedback since most of you do have an opinion on the matter and want to be heard.


Point of these thread is I would like some feedback on what I said in the thread to see if I am close to what people want or completely off the mark.




1) What are the warframes which, in your opinion, need the most urgent rework? (rank them in order of priority)



2) Banshee


4) Sayrn

5) Frost

6) Oberon(But that is already in the works)

7) Trinity


Most of the older frames have been abandon in sorry states or nerfed to a bad place, had powers changed that made the frame worse.  A lot of the older frames stats just dont match up to the newer frames at all, especially to newer frames with similar roles.


2) What are the abilies which, IYO, need the most urgent rework? (rank them, too).



FireBall- needs more damage, bigger aoe and 10 or under energy cost. Maybe shoot multiple fireballs at once instead of 1.


Accelerant - Needs to be scraped or turned into an aura like silence and last atleast 10 seconds and maybe give a 50% damage reduction. All her skills require her to be close and yet her stats require her to be far away.


Fire Blast- Just needs to go period.


WoF- Needs to hit more targets at once and do more damage.


Banshee -

Sonic Boom- If you wont up the damage which is cool atleast make the power affect 360 degrees around banshee instead of the 120 or so degrees it currently effects. Also reduce energy cost. People dont normally use 1st abilities because they are subbpar with high energy cost.


Sonar- Needs to change from a small circle/spot on the enemy to a band that wraps around an area of the enemy. ( quick photoshop lol) lOEz6zd.png


Silence- Needs to last longer and have a bigger area of effect, make it a toggle, maybe combine with Sonar.


Sound quake- Either scrap or change this skill. I think the skill would be better if it worked like an 360 degree sonic boom aura with increased damage than sonic boom but smaller range than the older sound quake. That way Banshee would Have a true CC ult and be mobile and would be useful in low and high missions.



Soul Punch- Just make the skill area of effect wider so it can hit multiple enemies  at once.  The skill would be in a cone that gets wider the farther awat enemies are. Reduce energy cost


Terrify- Change the skill from enemies fleeing to enemies being frozen in place for like 3 seconds and their accuracy being lowered by like 50% for awhile after they are able to move as a side effect of being so terrified. 


Desecrate - Make it an aura and make it actually effect all corpses in range and not weirdly miss something 2ft away. Rarity increased by power strength


SoD- Change it to randomly select up to 4 spirits (depends on rank of course) to summon out of a limited pool of strong enemies. This makes it so the skill can be used whenever and you wont get stuck with some scrub enemies summons. Can pull from any faction. Their damage and health/shields effected by power strength. Also reduces clutter on screen and for teammates.




Venom- Make spores slow affected enemies, make it spread enemies around the affected enemy even when you dont destroy the spore.  Increase dot dmg let it work on bosses. Increase initial target from 1 to 4 enemies.  Reduce energy cost


Molt- Make it have aoe dot around it that does corrosive (or poison) damage. Remove the the hp on the skill or buff it alot higher so it can be viable in missions past Mercury. I know it deals dmg when its destroyed/recasted but it should also deal damage around it, like it has a toxic aura like toxic ancients.


Contagion- Make enemies effected by it have dot that turns them insane from the pain and attack anyone in the area including their allies. or instead make them grab their heads in pain which causes them to stumble, this happens like every 4 seconds the skill is active, also slowly spreads to nearby enemies.


Miasma- Idk but it needs help to make more interesting.



Freeze- Make it an aura that slows and eventually freezes enemies depending on how long they are effected by the aura. Make slow work on bosses. 


Ice wave- Actually make it a wave kinda like sonic boom(make it a wave in the sense of a wave of water int the ocean). Make anything that isnt killed by it take ice damage from a dot and slow.


Snow Globe- Might have to scrap this one and change it to a skill that gives frost armor on Frost and teammates kinda like rhino skin but just a flat like 30% damage reduction and reflect like 50% damage back to source? 


Ult- IDK man maybe make it a snow blast that knocks back enemies, looks awesome and does good damage and freezes enemies for like 2 seconds after they are knocked back on the ground.


Oberon- IDK but change him so he actually haves a role and point instead of bad at doing everything that other frames do better.



Well of Life- change it to Health vampire aura that sucks life out of surrounding enemies and funnels it back to trinity and the team in a steady stream


Link- Change it to it effects like up to 8 enemies and damage done to one of the linked doubtless or triples damage to the rest


Nyx- Change mind control to a skill that makes up to 4 enemies fall under your control(one for each rank)


Physic Bolts- change it to a mind blast that stuns/cripples enemies in an aoe around you. Deal finisher damage since it is a mind power that goes through shields and armor.


Absorb- Make it multiply the damage it receives. Increase the attack radius.

Feel Free to tear it apart, there is no TL;DR

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I don't like Mind Control making enemies kill themselves, it ruins my strategy with Ancient Healers healing me.

I didnt even think of that, I honestly didnt think people used this skill over chaos. I cant say I used it since may 2013

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Saryn's molt and miasma are fine. You just have to mod them right, molt can be very effective in missions past mercury. Its helped me out of a jam more times than I can count. And Miasma can do a ton of damage.


All I ever see are people saying that frames need a complete rework, when in fact most frames dont. Most frames just need touch ups on some of their abilities to make them viable. Not entire reworks like I constantly see people suggest.

Edited by Dtexas
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Saryn's molt and miasma are fine. You just have to mod them right, molt can be very effective in missions past mercury. Its helped me out of a jam more times than I can count. And Miasma can do a ton of damage.


All I ever see are people saying that frames need a complete rework, when in fact most frames dont. Most frames just need touch ups on some of their abilities to make them viable. Not entire reworks like I constantly see people suggest.

Oh I agree I dont thinkn they all or most of them need a complete rework. I think most of what I suggested leaves alot of the abilities as they are but with new secondary functions or tweaks.


I honestly cant identify a true problem with miasma other than it just being pure damage in a circle. Kinda boring to me lol

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Yes, ember really need a rework.


fire ball - I dont use


accelerate - Yes, need to be a buff to ember and not a debuff to the enemies. Maybe give a heat damage bonus to every weapon, like 150 at rank 3. dont look so much, but imagine it with a crit weapon like soma. and yes 50% of damage reduction not scalled by power strength.


fire blast - I dont use


Word of Fire - the explosions need to be in area. 3 explosions every second coverin an area of 5 to 10 meters is perfect.


also movement speed of 1.1 - 1.2. so she can cover a larger area with word of fire.


ember prime dont have a prime bonus yet. I like to have a 15% - 25% of power strength.

Edited by KazurBR
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I didnt even think of that, I honestly didnt think people used this skill over chaos. I cant say I used it since may 2013

Mind control is awesome I use it all the time.  I use mind control in conjunction with choas, if I use choas I then pick out the strongest enemy I see and mind control it.  They then help me wipe out everything and I just keep using mind control on it until its health is low or it isn't helpful anymore.

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FireBall- needs more damage, bigger aoe and 10 or under energy cost


Accelerant - Needs to be scraped or turned into an aura like silence and last atleast 10 seconds and maybe give a 50% damage reduction. All her skills require her to be close and yet her stats require her to be far away.




Molt- Make it have aoe dot around it that does corrosive (or poison) damage. Remove the the hp on the skill or buff it alot higher so it can be viable in missions past Mercury.


Contaigion- Make enemies effected by it have dot that turns them insane from the pain and attack anyone in the area including their allies. or make them grab their heads in pain which causes them to stumble, this happens like every 4 seconds the skill is active, also slowly spreads to nearby enemies.


Miasma- Idk but it needs help


Fireball is fine if you just max your efficiency, 5 cost fireballs for everyone! :D


you have no idea how funny it is that you mention this, because that is exactly what Ember's 2 ability used to be before she actually was reworked, a DoT aura with damage reduction xD


Molt already deals a Toxin proc when it dies, giving it a DoT would be redundant, plus it isn't made to be a damage ability it is utility, it gives you a moment to get behind cover or remove a nasty bleed proc ;)


Contagion does need a rework, idk what, maybe something similar to channeling with having it toggle and consume energy on hit would make it at least more interesting, but yeah. needs work... :/


Miasma is also fine, dealing a bunch of damage over 4 seconds while stunning for half that duration? yes please



the biggest problem with damage isn't that there isn't enough, but that it doesn't scale, so no damage ability is going to look appealing in late game just for its damage which means either adding utility or scaling to all damage abilities


- sub note on this, I had a thought for bleed procs that I think would be awesome. if a bleed proc dealt percentage health damage for its duration instead of percentage weapon damage. this would give two benefits:

1) you could no longer die to an annoying bleed proc that goes right through your shield, since it deals percent (current) health damage it can never deal that finishing blow, even if you are at 1 health.

2) the damage bleed procs do to enemies would now scale with their health, so when you hit a level 600 infested with a bleed proc they are going to lose health at the same rate as a level 6 infested.

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Make the skills do a X% of enemy life damage + a static value. Ie: 10% life and 500 dam. Let the damage mods we have (intensify/blind rage) work the same way they do - on the static damage. Then add some rare mods that affect the % based damage, but keep it small, like ~5-7%.


Possibly a corrupted mod that increases % dam but lowers static dam.

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Mind control is awesome I use it all the time.  I use mind control in conjunction with choas, if I use choas I then pick out the strongest enemy I see and mind control it.  They then help me wipe out everything and I just keep using mind control on it until its health is low or it isn't helpful anymore.

If you were to change the skill how would you change it?


Fireball is fine if you just max your efficiency, 5 cost fireballs for everyone! :D


you have no idea how funny it is that you mention this, because that is exactly what Ember's 2 ability used to be before she actually was reworked, a DoT aura with damage reduction xD


Molt already deals a Toxin proc when it dies, giving it a DoT would be redundant, plus it isn't made to be a damage ability it is utility, it gives you a moment to get behind cover or remove a nasty bleed proc ;)


Contagion does need a rework, idk what, maybe something similar to channeling with having it toggle and consume energy on hit would make it at least more interesting, but yeah. needs work... :/


Miasma is also fine, dealing a bunch of damage over 4 seconds while stunning for half that duration? yes please



the biggest problem with damage isn't that there isn't enough, but that it doesn't scale, so no damage ability is going to look appealing in late game just for its damage which means either adding utility or scaling to all damage abilities


- sub note on this, I had a thought for bleed procs that I think would be awesome. if a bleed proc dealt percentage health damage for its duration instead of percentage weapon damage. this would give two benefits:

1) you could no longer die to an annoying bleed proc that goes right through your shield, since it deals percent (current) health damage it can never deal that finishing blow, even if you are at 1 health.

2) the damage bleed procs do to enemies would now scale with their health, so when you hit a level 600 infested with a bleed proc they are going to lose health at the same rate as a level 6 infested.

IDk I cant see how having an aoe dot could hurt molt, would help make it more different than decoy even more. The bleed proc taking a percent of health is a lot better than what we have now especially for pvp.


Yeah I know about overheat it was my favorite skill and im one of the people who miss it. I feel like a damage reduction that wasnt too crazy would help alot with ember and make accelrant more useful.


Make the skills do a X% of enemy life damage + a static value. Ie: 10% life and 500 dam. Let the damage mods we have (intensify/blind rage) work the same way they do - on the static damage. Then add some rare mods that affect the % based damage, but keep it small, like ~5-7%.


Possibly a corrupted mod that increases % dam but lowers static dam.


This is actually something Ive thought of before but I think I have only mentioned it once. Glad to see someone thought of something similar.

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I kinda have to disagree on the Snow Globe change. Just make it able to limit damage from rockets or other weapons that can get through it instead of letting them cleanly in and I'd still call it the best ability ever.

Not sure if they can do that tho, explosives seem to go through everything in this game

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Oh I agree I dont thinkn they all or most of them need a complete rework. I think most of what I suggested leaves alot of the abilities as they are but with new secondary functions or tweaks.


I honestly cant identify a true problem with miasma other than it just being pure damage in a circle. Kinda boring to me lol

MIasma is also a stun, rather useful.

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I disagree with the Accelerant change.

You have no idea how greatly it helps Ember.


One of the FOTM for ember is accelerant plus fireball spam since it can do incredible damage especially with a 500% and up modded Accelerant.

And of course, it makes the Ignis bar none the best weapon for her.


Also it has a 2 to 3 second stun, this will help you far more often than damage reduction will ever will.

Ember main enemies are infested, letting her take reduced damage won't help against infested that bypass her shields or drain her energy.

A stun gives her the breathing room to work with.


Fire blast can use a re-work which I agree.

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I disagree with the Accelerant change.

You have no idea how greatly it helps Ember.


One of the FOTM for ember is accelerant plus fireball spam since it can do incredible damage especially with a 500% and up modded Accelerant.

And of course, it makes the Ignis bar none the best weapon for her.


Also it has a 2 to 3 second stun, this will help you far more often than damage reduction will ever will.

Ember main enemies are infested, letting her take reduced damage won't help against infested that bypass her shields or drain her energy.

A stun gives her the breathing room to work with.


Fire blast can use a re-work which I agree.

I wasnt talking abobut ditcihng the damage bonus or stun, i thought the power would be better as an aura that moves with you that you dont have to spam and give damage reduction to help her survive better.


Yeah i couldnt think of anyway to fix fire blast than to just remove it lol cant believe it survived her balance pass

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Not sure if they can do that tho, explosives seem to go through everything in this game

Well it would certainly be something worth trying. I'm certainly not saying make explosives ineffective, but if you in the globe and an explosive hits it, have it knock you off you feet but instead of taking the brunt of the damage have a flat 40% reduction to damage or something similar in order to make it a more effective defensive measure. That's just my two cents, and I don't know if people would call this OP or not.

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Trinity suggestions


Well Of Life:make it not require a target... but instead act like oberons Renewal with 25 energy cost, she's the MEDIC, why doesn't she have a burst heal AND an HoT?


Energy Vampire:remove the "final pulse restores X energy" and make it act like ME3:MPs Dark Channel, make it seek out random enemies within the radius of the old final pulse until the duration ends if the original victim dies.


Link:fine as is,


Blessing:bring back the 10 second cast time and make it provide invincibility again and perhaps our patients can last longer than 10 seconds at anything level 50+.

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Well it would certainly be something worth trying. I'm certainly not saying make explosives ineffective, but if you in the globe and an explosive hits it, have it knock you off you feet but instead of taking the brunt of the damage have a flat 40% reduction to damage or something similar in order to make it a more effective defensive measure. That's just my two cents, and I don't know if people would call this OP or not.

I agree if they can do it I would love for it to be done

Trinity suggestions

Well Of Life:make it not require a target... but instead act like oberons Renewal with 25 energy cost, she's the MEDIC, why doesn't she have a burst heal AND an HoT?

Energy Vampire:remove the "final pulse restores X energy" and make it act like ME3:MPs Dark Channel, make it seek out random enemies within the radius of the old final pulse until the duration ends if the original victim dies.

Link:fine as is,

Blessing:bring back the 10 second cast time and make it provide invincibility again and perhaps our patients can last longer than 10 seconds at anything level 50+.

I was hoping someone would comment on trinity, that's honestly the only frame I don't have but I tried to include here since I know people aren't happy with her.
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1/ Saryn

2/ Mag

3/ Nekros



* Saryn: Higher base speed would be appropriate since it is an offensive WF (imo) and more basic range.


* Mag: Higher basic HP value and a boost of her Crush in power would be cool.


* Nekros: Its ultimate is useless and could be modified to something more usefull instead of a wall blocking projectile and multiples spots on the map.



1/ Molt: Don't change it, it is now perfect! 


    Contagion: Could be a corrosive aoe trap with auto remote or a corrosive buff to all the melee weapons of your group members.


2/ Crush: A boost of the skill's power strengh would be appreciable and helpfull for higher lvl missions.


3/ Shadows Of The Dead: The Dead clones should have a real interaction in the fights and should be more "organized" like a wall of dead bodies.



Thanks in advance ;)

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1/ Saryn

2/ Mag

3/ Nekros



* Saryn: Higher base speed would be appropriate since it is an offensive WF (imo) and more basic range.


* Mag: Higher basic HP value and a boost of her Crush in power would be cool.


* Nekros: Its ultimate is useless and could be modified to something more usefull instead of a wall blocking projectile and multiples spots on the map.



1/ Molt: Don't change it, it is now perfect!


    Contagion: Could be a corrosive aoe trap with auto remote or a corrosive buff to all the melee weapons of your group members.


2/ Crush: A boost of the skill's power strengh would be appreciable and helpfull for higher lvl missions.


3/ Shadows Of The Dead: The Dead clones should have a real interaction in the fights and should be more "organized" like a wall of dead bodies.



Thanks in advance ;)

Did you mean to post it in this thread or Yaers?

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In no particular order (well, in alphabetical order):



I honestly have no idea what Silence actually does.

(Yes, I can read the wiki.)

Whether this is because of how the skill works, or because the skill didn't work when I used it (host/client issues), idk.



Fireball's fun (and I'm biased), but not actually very useful.

I don't think I've ever managed to hit something more than once with Fireblast. Not worth the mod slot / energy.



This frame makes no sense to me, so I'll not touch on it.

Radial Blind is useful, as is Slash Dash.



Freeze needs to actually go where I'm aiming. The spread on it kills it for me. You're better just using Ice Wave.



When is Undertow ever useful? That said, I don't think it needs to be changed. 3/4 obviously useful skills is not bad.



Sleight of Hand. (Sorry. >_> )




Soul Punch is situationally good when you need an interrupt. So leave it unranked and unslot it once you have better mods.

Terrify's (lack of range and) target cap kill the ability.

Shadows of the Dead... YMMV, I find it ineffective use of resources (casting time (yes, with maxed natural Talent), energy, mod-space).

tl;dr - To quote a friend: "Let's play Nekros! 333333333333"


Also, mandatory in anything farming-related because F U RNG. >;[



Null Star.



Psychic Bolts



Has no reason to exist. Insufficiently potent as a Jack of All Trades to be worth forgoing the specialist frames.



I don't like Venom. Possibly YMMV.

Also, swap Venom and Contagion's names.



Well of Life.

Outclassed once you have access to plates and/or Power Efficiency mods.

Which isn't to say that the disable isn't useful. Just not useful enough to be worth the mod-points unless you have a reactor on her.

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Actually both. Here to follow the op, and on the Yaer's thread also.


I definitely agree that the older frames stats need to be looked at. I feel like too many frames have a low run speed honestly.

In no particular order (well, in alphabetical order):



Nice to see some more opinions on abilities that need help! Make sure you post that in Yaers thread also

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  • 1 month later...

What I'd like to see done with Shadows of the Dead: Instead of resurrecting each enemy in their own form, your summons appear as floating spirits named "Ghost of [Enemy.name]". They use the same weapons as their living counterpart, floating and attacking similarly to Oxium Ospreys. Melee enemies such as infested will do a charge attack instead of attacking with a weapon.


This fixes the biggest issue with SotD, which is the screen filling entirely with guys who look like enemies, block shots, and are a general nuisance. If they're floating overhead, they're out of your vision and not making the area a complete mess.

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