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Is It Normal To Feel Sleepy Playing Endless Defense Or Survival?


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I do those often too, since my cash levels are low and i need to sustain me two lovely Kubrows (well one at a time that is) but once i click survival or endless defense, it just starts again, also the reason i mostly do survival is to farm for rare mods to trade for plat and exp(efficient exp).

From what I am reading, it seems to happen because you are farming, rather than playing for the intent of having fun or mixing things up. Which is why it doesn't happen with other missions; you play those for the exact purpose of mixing things up, rather than farming.

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From what I am reading, it seems to happen because you are farming, rather than playing for the intent of having fun or mixing things up. Which is why it doesn't happen with other missions; you play those for the exact purpose of mixing things up, rather than farming.

yep it could be, but i would stop playing warframe rather soon, want a large bunch of updates to come in or some big event before i dive back in into this amazing-verse.

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I get sleepy when I play as well.  Might try changing how you're sitting, turn on different lights in the room and turn on some music or a TV show you haven't seen.

will try.


im 39 have old age is my problem haha i feel sleepy just after login screen loads

Frighteningly i am only 18 =(

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This has happened to me on more than one occasion.. 

I passed out once doing a playthrough on Borderlands 2 for the umpteenth time, just after meeting that annoyance Claptrap.

My sister ended up recording me playing the game, in my sleep, up to the Bunker boss battle.


Its just burnout.

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Sorry bro, don't do drugs, even anti-anxiety ones =P


I'm 26. XD  It may just be what Letter13 said, and you're just too pro so your brain thinks it can play and sleep.

I don't think i am that pro.....


This has happened to me on more than one occasion.. 

I passed out once doing a playthrough on Borderlands 2 for the umpteenth time, just after meeting that annoyance Claptrap.

My sister ended up recording me playing the game, in my sleep, up to the Bunker boss battle.


Its just burnout.

Passing out?! That is intense!

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