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August 8Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics August 8th  

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I feel a Vote to Kick option should only be available in a player has been inactive in a specific area(like a 2 meter radios) for a specific amount of time, also if that player has been continuaouly moving in the same direction or twirling in a circle for, again a specific amount of time. 


Also a Kubrow remove quests would add more content, and a fun/heart wrenching experience. that makes the player question their morals or lack there of. 


I don't think there is any question to a players morals when they spent x amount of time slaughtering the kubrow's family over and over to get the egg in the first place.

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1. About Kubrow release


I think that a quest or quick remove button is good, but you have to take into consideration the lore behind domesticated kubrows which have their DNA constantly degenerating. Therefore, releasing in the wilds mean they will never, ever survive for long and they will die a slow death. So my suggestion is a third alternative to regular releasing (which I think should still be an option):


Kubrow Sanctuary

This will be a dojo room. The component to make this dojo room will mostly consist of Earth's flora antitoxin extract. By combining those plants together and modifying them into new seeds, the Tenno will be able to make a garden where spores are constantly released by those plants. Those "healing spores" will act like a stabilizer, but kubrows will need to stay exposed to the spores to stay healthy since it's not as strong as a single dose of DNA stabilizer.


The sanctuary will be a large room with soft ground, grass, flowers, stones and ponds for kubrow to run around, play, and swim all they want. There will even be small trees and dens so kubrow can have a small spot to rest on, or simply a high place to sleep on (like big cats in our world). Additional fountains can be added so kubrow can play even more, or even toys like balls with physics can be added.


The purposes of a sanctuary is these:

- A safe haven and resting place for kubrows to retire without worries of their DNA deteriorating.

- A natural-like habitat to play in instead of a small, enclosed space inside a tiny ship with cold metal floors

- A way for players to release kubrows in a "humane" way. Also a way to see your Kubrow again despite not being able to bring it into battle anymore.

- A way for the developers to allow players use more interactions with kubrows; released kubrows and regular kubrows that you bring along with you, but enter the sanctuary, may open some interactions that you can't do in the ship

-- It's also a good way to have more than one kubrow interacting with each other if such features are extended.


One sanctuary will be large enough to house a big number of kubrows, but a limit may be reached, so you may be required to build another sanctuary to house further kubrows. I suggest taking inspiration from real life sanctuaries for big animals, like Big Cat Rescue sanctuary.




Sounds like a lot of work? Well you guys made a big deal about kubrows as new companions and how you wanted to make them different from Sentinels, and not just from gameplay but as a new element to the game. Therefore, this is just an example I think the devs could take when it comes to going all the way with your premise, which I think is necessary. There's lots of potential for Kubrows.

omg I LOVE YOUR IDEA! DE read ^this^

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On the subject of opening doors with help, I fear in every public mission that a single person will join and not do anything,  and I'd have made it all the way though until I com across a yellow door, only to have to leave and forfeit the mission.


I'd suggest have a count down timer like at extraction, so you'll have to wait a minute for someone, or they can join you and open the door immediately as intended.

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The final question about Oberon's Renewal doesn't give us the option to have no opinion, so I had to select other and am now typing this post.


At first glance the "neither 1 nor 2" option looks like it would work for "no opinion" but, all it actually says is that we think it is neither too slow nor situational (and therefore useful and timed perfectly). There should have been a "no opinion" option for that question as well.

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In regards to an Auction/substitute in Player Hubs;


I feel it could be a grand addition, however it can't just be an easier way to do things without some sort of opportunity cost involved. As such there needs to be a system where the person who simply throws their goods on a table and leaves has to make some sort of sacrifice when compared to physically trading it to a customer, this could be in the form of the sellers "Available Trades", or some alternative.



In regards to Vote to Kick;


As you've mentioned, it can be abused. But isn't that exactly what your Honor system hopes to alleviate? (Granted you find an efficient way to work it into Matchmaking.)

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I voted maybe on the auction house because "Auction House" has become a bit of a catch term for many things in a few games I've played. We don't need a place where people are trying to outdo each other for prime pieces but we badly need a marketplace much like DC Online has for it's collectibles, where a player can take the things they've collected and have no use for and put them up for everyone else to see with a specified price attached that people can then buy. The price could be specified in plat or credits and the dojo's trading post could be kept for more specific trading of goods as opposed to just simply buying needed parts.

The trade system as it is, is shambolic as well as being a bit of an eyesore now that we've reached the point where people are more often than not TYPING LARGE LISTS OF PARTS IN ALL CAPS, IN ORDER TO APPARENTLY DISTINGUISH THEMSELVES FROM EVERYONE ELSE ALSO TYPING IN ALL CAPS ONE AFTER THE OTHER. It's a terrible shouting match and it needs to go.


Something like the steam marketplace would be great. We don't need anything hugely fancy, just some way to put up a list of stuff to sell and pull up a list of stuff to buy, preferably with some kind of search functionality.


I feel it could be a grand addition, however it can't just be an easier way to do things without some sort of opportunity cost involved


Why not? I don't understand. 

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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For the two-player doors, I would suggest an optional fixed 10-30 second timer that, once completely counted down, automatically opens the door for the group if they didn't activate both switches in time. I see this as a miniature ready timer and a failsafe for players unfortunate enough to be grouped with AFK'ers in a mission.


As for Oberon: I wish I could contribute, but I feel unable to do so since I haven't owned and used Oberon.

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Vote kicking AFK players, yes, please!

Nothing else (are we talking about abuse like Loki's switch teleport??? If so, isn't there some kind of reputation system being worked on? That should solve that "problem").

And a successful vote would only happen if 51% of non-afk players agree (That means if 3 of 4 playes are afk, the active one can kick them all as well as if 1 of 2 players is afk).


That would also solve the only problem with friendship doors. That is forcing players to abort a mission because of a rare occasion of teammates being afk.



An auction house would definitely drop prices a lot!

Good for those that buy all the stuff rather than playing the game (bad for the game?), definitely bad for those that sell. And those that sell are usually those that don't want to buy too much platin with money (bad for the game?). So, idk.


But there needs to be something that helps us out when we want to communicate with people in the trading (and recruiting thread). Keeping up with the chat and no filter options as well as the unnecessary work of typing "/w Il1IIllo0O0Ooo0jiijijjjiimnmnmmnmMNNMNMM deal" (yes, thats a player name you don't wanna type manually) is a nuisance.


Some kind of live auction channel with an useful interface would be appreciated. So instead of the trading chat to type in you would select what to buy/trade or sell through an interface. And those offers would be placed live and are only visible for those that are currently connected to the trading channel.


Similar to what we have now. But more restricted on what can be put into the chat (no random gibberish) and much more userfriendly since you can interact with those offers like buttons to contact the player, show similar offers and filter options.

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Yes, the mastery test wait time is too long. It seems like a lot of punishment and frustration comes with leveling up, when it should be a joyous occasion.


I am not sure why mastery tests are even a thing. I wish it was a quest instead (I will even take a solo quest, if that's possible), then I'll be more excited when the blue bar is at max. As it is, the mastery mostly has us do things that don't normally exist in the game, and it's stressful. It's like saying to someone who surfs, "Surf this wave that dwarfs the previous ones you've done while you dodge lasers from sharks and you aim at balloons."

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What do you think is the best way to remove unwanted kubrow?


When you decide to delete a kubrow, a confirmation window should appear.  Once the player has confirmed that they want their kubrow gone, the glass dome of the kubrow incubator should close over the creature in question.  A deep, mechanical rumble emanates from the corner housing the incubator.  ORDIS begins cackling madly as slowly, the floor beneath the dome begins to slide away, revealing nothing but the cold void of space, into which your puppy is flushed.  The lifeless corpse of your former-best friend can then be viewed drifting through space if you look out the Liset's windshield at juuuuuust the right angle. 


Then nobody will ever delete their kubrows.

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I feel like a Vote to Kick should only be implemented under certain restrictions, such as:


- Requiring 3/4 in public games to kick and only 1 for keys

- Kicking is only allowed before the cutoff for more players joining (i.e. before objectives are completed)

- Inform players that inviting someone to a game for the sole purpose of kicking them is unacceptable and punishable

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I'm not going to comment on the other issues, but I would like to note that I mainly run Oberon and Renewal is probably my most commonly-used ability. Problem is, if I've taken enough damage to actually need to use it, it doesn't fix the damage quickly enough if I'm not able to get out of the way so I can stop being shot whilst it works.


I'd be interested in seeing Hallowed Ground converted into a pure utility skill, though. Perhaps fuse it with Renewal, make it a non-physical bubblezone around the Oberon when cast and make it buff allies' defense and heal them whilst within the field? Might need a debuff against enemies in the field too but I don't think it should be speed. Too similar to Snowglobe.

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[Kubrows] need a sanctuary option.

Two sanctuary types:
1. Lotus Adopt-a-Pet. You can send your kubrow to the adoption center, where other tenno can then adopt it. However, it keeps the name, stats, etc. that it had, and it becomes harder to manage loyalty for the new owner. Kubrows that don't get adopted are eventually set to guardians of the lotus, to keep the list fresh. This way, players that don't want to go through all the trouble of raising a pup(or finding those infernal eggs!) have an option to get a slightly-used one, and players that don't want them anymore can free up space.

2. Guardian duty. It would make sense if a player could donate an unwanted kubrow to their clan dojo. They would then "guard" it, which would mainly result in them wandering around the dojo while players are visiting. Kubrows would require a "kubrow kennel" to guard from, which would be a standard style room decoration. Kubrows the clan no longer wants can be sent to guardian duty with the Lotus, but cannot be used by players again--this avoids players using their clan dojo as mere expanded kubrow storage.

[Kick-Vote] I can see this being useful, but the chances for abuse are far too high. If there was a decent plan to mitigate all possible abuses, then I'd be okay with it, but there needs to be frank discussion of all abuses we can think of and how they'd be handled before this ever dreams of being in the game.

[Auction House] I've posted on this before--    Llyssa, on 16 Jul 2014 - 11:08 AM, said:

    The persistent server thing is a huge killer on this.

    Although, a thought is that this could be used on the current system to a degree--a player could activate a shop when they want to sell, and then their shop would become a "market host", and other regional sales would be directed to them. The time between missions for players is usually large-ish(several minutes spent researching, planning, modding, whatever), and then the game could just play hotpotato migrating the market host when players close their shop or enter a mission.

    That wouldn't allow you to sell offline or while in a mission, but it would allow you to have your items for sale whenever you're not in mission, automatically hitting up the market so long as you're trying to list items. That wouldn't solve everything(since it only sells while you're online and not in-mission), but if you were automatically selling the whole time between missions(as long as you've got stuff listed), it would be much easier than spamming trade and hoping. You could still use trade if you wanted to get a quicker sale, but if you have a price in mind, you could basically just set and forget, and the game would notify you when you were successful.

[Hallowed Ground] I primarily use HG for blanketing an area that I'm not watching while I fight. It makes life easier if things are dying without me having to be there or face that direction. If it would proc radiation on things that enter it, that would be great. If it could be a little bit larger or stronger, that would be great. However, removing the damage aspect from it would be devestating.

[Renewal] I think renewal could use a bit of a speed buff(it's decent, but still a tad slow). I also think it should have an "orbit" mode, where, when it reaches a healthy target(even yourself), it merely passes through you repeatedly, until it can trigger. This would allow it to be used defensively, instead of as a mediocre reactioanary skill. Further, I think that it should regain the removed bleedout protection--it formerly kept you from entering bleed out while up. To make it fair, it should be measured--that is, renewal heals up to a certain amount of health for each player; if the amount of health you lose would put you past 0, instead of entering bleedout, renewal would expend enough of its healing to get you to 1, and continue healing from there, expiring however much earlier than usual because it already was spent. If the damage taken is beyond the amount of healing left in the renewal, you still enter bleed out. That way, it can be used as a unique healing tool, but it can't be abused for permanent immortality.

Edited by Llyssa
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Hallowed Ground


Although the skill's damage output against radiation-neutral enemies is fine, it really need some form of utility. Debuffs like slow and weaken is already too mainstream in my opinion. So why not give a stamina regeneration rate and/or melee damage buff (as suggested by some posters whose name I can't recall), since this ability has a potential to assist in melee combat significantly.




My actual complain about this skill is that it is simply monotonous and lackluster. It regenerates health when the projectile reaches the target,end of story.Keeping in mind that Trinity already exist, boosting the health recovering limit from 200 to any number is not enough. It need something else to go with it.I suggest giving this ability a secondary offensive mechanism. For ease of understanding lets call it "Vengeance".


This is how it will work; when renewal is cast the projectile will travel and will start healing the injured Tenno upon arrival. If any Tenno falls:


1)  during the effect of this skill

2)  before the projectile reaches them


The healing orb will switch to vengeance mode,that is, it will seek out the enemy who have dealt the finishing blow and hit it hard with "X" type damage along with disabling debuff like blind,terrify etc. We can make the damage scale based on % of health it restore or on its duration (based on how long this skill was in effect. The longer it was active, the less damage it will do).




The problem with this skill is that the projectile mechanism is inconsistent and bland. Bouncing throughout the environment dealing little damage with a small chance of causing radiation proc is not really fun. I have three suggestions for it


1)Either increase the travel speed.


2)Change it into homing missile.


3)Bomb drop type (projectiles emitting from the target and falling down to the surface dealing AOE damage).


4) Roam-and-Stick type. Here the projectile will stick to the target when it hit instead of dealing damage. After that when the enemy will start attacking  the friendly Tenno, the damage point will accumulate. When the threshold is reached , the stuck projectile will explode(with a very small radius),dealing damage,staggering and have a 100% chance of inflicting radiation proc on the target.




This ultimate is fine but the health orb drop chance/kill loses efficiency in higher levels. So to overcome this problem, I suggest:


1) A general damage buff whose duration will be based on the number of survivors (with X-second be the maximum for balance)

2) Marking the survivors with red colour, who will upon death will drop a unique health/energy hybrid orb.




Oberon's skill-set in its current form contradicts his description as a balanced warrior. Giving all of his ability a fine balance of damage/support will make him more efficient and perhaps unique. Currently he is functional but not so entertaining.


P.S:- Can you give Oberon a small increase to his base armor value (65-125 or 65-100) please :> ?











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Doors that require 2 players to unlock


I suggest a simple change to this door mechanism and also bring back a neglected part of the much harder variations of the hacking mini-game.


If you play solo, then you can open these doors at either of the terminals instantly like we do now.

If you play in a match where you have 2 or more players, then we continue to have the requirement that to instantly open the doors, you need 2 players to activate the terminal at the same time.


HOWEVER, if in the case other players are not cooperative/AFK/stuck somewhere due to a glitch/died without any revives, then a single player still has the opportunity to open this 2 player door by themselves.

If a single player activates a terminal at these doors when in a multiplayer match, then they enter the hacking mini-game that occurs when turning off an alarm or a lock down. But right from the start, the hacking patterns are the same level of difficulty found in the last set of challenges in the hacking Mastery Test.

If the player successfully clears the puzzle, then the 2 player door will open. If the player fails the puzzle, they can repeat as many times as they like other hacking scenarios.


This would scale in difficulty, so my suggestion is as follows:

Mission level   1- 10 = 1 difficult hacking pattern

Mission level 11- 20 = 2 difficult hacking patterns

Mission level 21- 30 = 3 difficult hacking patterns

Mission level     31+ = 4 difficult hacking patterns


If in the event that a 2nd player activates the 2nd access terminal for the door while the 1st player is still in the hacking mini-game, then the 1st player will automatically leave the hacking interface and the door will instantly open as if 2 players accessed the door terminals simultaneously as we do currently in the game. 


Players may criticize this as a method to punish players in terms of "artificially" roadblocking rushers, but I believe this to be a good compromise in keeping these 2 player doors. Their use in preventing players from leaving their team mates too far behind in a rush still serves a purpose. But this introduction of an interactive element to the gameplay in the form of giving players an alternative route of opening these barriers is a good way to bypass these areas without ending up in situations where the actions of other players prevent your own progression that are out of your control.

Also selfishly I just want you guys at DE to finally bring those damn crazy hacking patterns into the main game instead of leaving it stuck in Mastery Test land :D



Keep the functionality of the 2 player doors as they are.

But a single player is now given the option to engage in a solo hacking mini-game to open the door without a 2nd player. 

The hacking mini-game patterns are of the same difficulty as the highest difficulty patterns found in the hacking Mastery Test.

Edited by yuio678
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When you decide to delete a kubrow, a confirmation window should appear.  Once the player has confirmed that they want their kubrow gone, the glass dome of the kubrow incubator should close over the creature in question.  A deep, mechanical rumble emanates from the corner housing the incubator.  ORDIS begins cackling madly as slowly, the floor beneath the dome begins to slide away, revealing nothing but the cold void of space, into which your puppy is flushed.  The lifeless corpse of your former-best friend can then be viewed drifting through space if you look out the Liset's windshield at juuuuuust the right angle. 


Then nobody will ever delete their kubrows.


Or you could have the kubrow start spinning around really fast, while an impeller rotating the opposite direction comes out of the floor and quickly turns him/her into puree coating the dome with blood and kubrow pieces. Another way most people wouldn't get rid of their kubrow. ;)


I personally like the idea of a Kubrow sanctuary in the Dojos that people have mentioned here and there in the past.


Re: Wait time between failed tests:

24 hours would be fine if the game would stop effin' up so much. i.e. Spawning you to a black screen and then immediately dumping you to a Mission Failed screen. Or getting stuck while trying to load the test and requiring that the player alt-f4 the game, etc. If it's a legitimate failure, 24 hours doesn't seem too harsh, but I see no reason the timer couldn't be shorter. And if you can go back and retake previous tests, maybe it could turn into a mini-game in which you are scored and can retry the tests over and over to get higher scores.


Re: Friendship doors/handy spam devices: I think they're fine, but they definitely need tweaking, especially if you get afkers, etc. What about this? You activate the panel which starts a timer...if a second player isn't at the door within a certain period of time, then the door can be hacked, just like using a control console.


Re: Vote to Kick: In theory it could be very useful. But in practice it will probably be abused. A ton. If vote to kick were implemented, a kick should not mean kicked from the mission to the Liset. It should mean that the player voted off the island gets host migrated to their own game instance and can continue with their progress intact. On missions in which players cannot join because an objective has been met, vote to kick should have additional restrictions. I'm sure DE can figure this out if this is to be a feature. Just don't make sure that vote to kick=/=sabotage and cause the orphaned player to automatically fail.


I personally would like to see personal blacklists so we can choose to not play with people we don't enjoy grouping up with. Also in DSC/Conclave, the blacklist would not put us in matches in which the blacklisted people are in the opponents as well.


Re: auction houses: Yes, it might be cool either accessible in Dojos, etc. What I'd like to see is some Tenno colonies that we can go to that has a bunch of NPCs going about their daily business with auction houses/boards there, amongst other immersive game features, why not add pet shops/animal shelters for Kubrow in which we can buy/sell/trade unwanted Kubrow, etc.




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Don't add a kick system. Why? Long time players sometimes turn into the usual internet trash who would kick you if you are fairly new to the game. People can easily abuse this system and would scare players away from the game if dealing with that kind of annoying players. "Oh you are such a noob ugh I will just use the 'player is AFK' vote to get him kicked even though this is clearly breaking the point of this system." That is the largest fear for this system: abusing the powers of vote kick.

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Do you like the idea of an auction house that is accessible in public player hubs?

Answer: Maybe.


Explanation:  I've played many games where "playing the market" has been a game in itself.  It can be fun in itself, and the prospect of profits enticing.  Shouting over chat is a system that deserves to R.I.P.. I would love a quick an easy way to get profit for some of the things I have leftover in my inventory.  


My main concerns of an auction house is that it will affect the frequency in which loot is distributed.  


A good loot distribution will be just hard enough to make me feel like I've earned something, but not hard enough to make me frustrated and rage quit.  It keeps me excited to play the game.  Examples of games with good loot distribution are Borderlands 1 & 2, Diablo 1, Diablo 2...Warframe's isn't too bad either, every now and then I glimpse the FTP, but overall, a good attempt.  Unfortunately none of these have AH.    


Bad Loot distribution is...well the opposite.  It is created when, for whatever motivation, an attempt is made to balance loot with an economy of players which play at different frequencies.  Loot is normally controlled through throttling and manipulation.  My most recent encounter with this came from Diablo 3, but you can see it frequently in MMO's.  It makes players feel horrible and sad ;__;.


The most important thing i can stress is that in the loot quest should be a story that makes players feel good about their achievements.  Playing a game with a friend or family member is fun.  Scavenging for loot and almost dying is fun.  Playing with friends and finding the holy grail can be a blast.  And on the flip side?  Having to buy an item from an auction house because the loot design is so tight that only one player per hour can acquire item your farming for?  Annoying, not fun, frustrating, rage quit.


Now I wish I could give you all a solution, I haven't seen a good example yet...  

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[Auction House] I've posted on this before--    Llyssa, on 16 Jul 2014 - 11:08 AM, said:

    The persistent server thing is a huge killer on this.

    Although, a thought is that this could be used on the current system to a degree--a player could activate a shop when they want to sell, and then their shop would become a "market host", and other regional sales would be directed to them. The time between missions for players is usually large-ish(several minutes spent researching, planning, modding, whatever), and then the game could just play hotpotato migrating the market host when players close their shop or enter a mission.

    That wouldn't allow you to sell offline or while in a mission, but it would allow you to have your items for sale whenever you're not in mission, automatically hitting up the market so long as you're trying to list items. That wouldn't solve everything(since it only sells while you're online and not in-mission), but if you were automatically selling the whole time between missions(as long as you've got stuff listed), it would be much easier than spamming trade and hoping. You could still use trade if you wanted to get a quicker sale, but if you have a price in mind, you could basically just set and forget, and the game would notify you when you were successful.



Well, there is a persistent server/server farm that keeps track of our inventories and stats, etc. Otherwise players could hack in whatever stats/mods/items they wanted. DE could add additional servers (or depending on their set up and whether or not the machines that host the player info have the resources, add virtual servers on the physical servers) that host the auction house and interconnect them with the servers that hold the player info to move inventory around, etc.

Edited by CedarDpg
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