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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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I'm not going to bash it, however I find that it's strange to me. Why not have you fight in the liset? A ship with customization guns and such things. Why is your warframe flying around with jets and wings? How are we running out of air on ships, but we can breath in space? Why not have Liset combat, destruction missions with the liset, to attack ships and do special mission types. I feel like this upcoming update will break the lore (?) What about Zephyr? What about flying with the archwing on planets?


If we get archwings, can we fight a dragon? (I'm not kidding - No sarcasm at all) Warframes can fly in space and battle drones, why not jump all the way in? 


I really don't mind this update, but after thirsting for each update and each new thing, this announcement was my least favorite of all. IF it worked in my mind (realize I love anime and over the top combat.) I feel like the time spent making this could be used to make even more quests, more mission types, more weapons, more warframes, more work on the Focus system...etc. This game's potential is endless. What about the story/lore? What about more player created stuff? What about new enemies, a new faction, other things that would add more?


We have the basis of scifi, ninjas, mercenaries, samurais, assassins. The combination of these worlds and influences/references makes the weapons of old a place to start and the goal, shooting into the stars. 


I can understand this game has shaky lore, and with this much content and influence, explaining everything gets ridiculous. I want to see Boss quests, news pieces of the lore and other things. Invasions could be deeper and connect with the factions better. 


With Darvo around, why can we have weapons sold on the black market? The Snipetron doesn't fit the lore? What if the corpus tried to develop a projectile shooting weapons? Darvo "obtained" this information and sells it to the Tenno? What about the other weapons? Darvo could sell them. The blackmarket is the place for useless (but wanted weapons) Can we trade the special weapons? I never wanted the Snipetron Vandal or the normal one, my pal wants it so bad because he enjoys sniper rifles. He started playing two or three weeks ago, he didn't have the chance to get ANY of these special weapons.


What about an auction house? 


What about the community made enemies? Could we see an early prototype? What about the backstory for each boss? Stalker? Lephantis? We fight these bosses and we know a bit about them, but what about the society of all the factions? We know the corpus is a space corporation, the Grineer are govern by Twin Queens, and the infested were created to fight the sentients. Can we have more background on their society and the Orokin and the Sentients? 


I think honestly that the events should be relaunched; in order to get things, you have to do exactly what everyone else did for those weapons/mods...etc. (although it cannot change the result of the events themselves.) I have a couple friends that started today as well, they can't get everything I have because I started the game earlier. Too bad, he should have bough a better computer, right?


I don't agree with this content, it's coming and I can't stop it, but I don't believe that I will enjoy it as much as something else. 






Archwing and the other minigame? I don't necessarily feel that that it the way to go.



No sarcasm at all, by the way. Why are you even here?


A new release that you have not even played, with totally speculative gameplay, and you already don't like it. Well, I do, so does that mean that I cancel you out completely, and we can forget you ever wrote that wall of complaints?


Tell you what, If Warframe becomes pay per month, THEN pay for a year, and are disappointed with content, THEN the complaints might possibly mean something. Any money purchased in Plat is for "current" content, because you can't buy "future content".


Unless your psychic. Then my point is invalid.

EDIT: Or can time travel.

Edited by DSpite
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Oh sorry :c, btw I've never imagine that the Grineer has drone ships, I thought it was a Corpus exclusive

Could just be singleships. You got an infinite number of troops via cloning, just build cheap one-man pods with basic propulsion and strap guns on it.

Heck, first thing I thought when I saw them was the Single Trooper Attack Platform from Star Wars I, just with a covered capsule.

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No sarcasm at all, by the way. Why are you even here?


A new release that you have not even played, with totally speculative gameplay, and you already don't like it. Well, I do, so does that mean that I cancel you out completely, and we can forget you ever wrote that wall of complaints?


Tell you what, If Warframe becomes pay per month, THEN pay for a year, and are disappointed with content, THEN the complaints might possibly mean something. Any money purchased in Plat is for "current" content, because you can't buy "future content".


Unless your psychic. Then my point is invalid.

EDIT: Or can time travel.


 Who're you that you figure you have any business telling him he can't have an opinion?


 As long as he understands everything is subject to change or explanation then he's got the right to have any opinion he likes.

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I dunno, as a UK English person, when I see "Archwing" I want to prounounce it with a "ch" rather than a "k". 


"k" would be Arcwing or Arkwing.


Must be a Canadian/US English thing to have either-or :)


Yes, definitely.  Just think of all those words we must have stolen from North Americans because of their hard 'ch' such as archaic, archive, architecture, archeology, monarch, matriarch etc.  God bless Amercian for inventing the word 'monarch'.  Until then us Europeans had no idea what to call our royalty!  ;P

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>says that upcoming addition to the game is numbing and stupid

>said addition isn't even in the game yet


Despite all the attention this game needs, and is constantly not attended to in lieu of shiny new things to put WF on steams front page yes I have precedent to make that assumption.


And how they've handled additions and things of this magnitude, only to be neglected when the next thing comes around, I will still make that assumption.


And I'm not above eating my words.

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Despite all the attention this game needs, and is constantly not attended to in lieu of shiny new things to put WF on steams front page yes I have precedent to make that assumption.


And how they've handled additions and things of this magnitude, only to be neglected when the next thing comes around, I will still make that assumption.


And I'm not above eating my words.

Point is, you're judging something when it's not even placed in yet. All we have is just a CGI cinematic

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Despite all the attention this game needs, and is constantly not attended to in lieu of shiny new things to put WF on steams front page yes I have precedent to make that assumption.


And how they've handled additions and things of this magnitude, only to be neglected when the next thing comes around, I will still make that assumption.


And I'm not above eating my words.


They showed exactly one of the things we'll be getting with U15. How do you know this game won't get any attention? 

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Im not really hyped for it either. It looked like one of those spaceship missions in star wars games where there is only 2 dimensional control of the ship, as in we wont be able to freely fly around but instead its more like a rail shooter experience.

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Aren't we conveniently forgetting about the dozens of gameplay and quality of life fixes that come with every major update? 


No, but I'm also remembering I can't viably use 80% of the weapons I've farmed, Dark Sectors are still nowhere near complete, PvP is still a hot mess, still can't release kubrows, melee weapons are still lacking depth in combos, some rare mods are next to impossible to find, and they're crucial to the system itself, chat system is still garbage, trade still hasin't been addressed, defense rewards despite discussion still haven't been streamlined versus survival. We still have yet to see reason to amass in spectre armies, or their intended purpose other than a one time companion. Bosses were said to be changed, and made to be more than a sequence of invulnerable phases, the laundry list of warframes who need some attention. New player experience is still rather lackluster, the new shattered mods also cause confusion, and lead people to be ripped off for a maxed broken serration. Mastery system is still, just a vague number gating you from a couple of weapons. Delta beacons are still next to impossible to find. Not to mention the hundreds of holes in map physics that we get stuck in, and are near impossible to report. Ash still has the jesus mode bug, and he also needs some work.


But, you know, whatever. Space wings right?

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Perhaps I'm being a bit too critical but....am I one of the only people who views this update with a slight amount of trepidation?  Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome concept, and the reveal trailer was nothing short of amazing.




I tend to draw a bold line between what might be called "grittier" sci-fi like Warframe and "anime" sci-fi like Gundam.  Call me paranoid, but I feel that the Archwing update is dangerously close to jet-packing over that line.  Especially the giant cleaver sword.  That could have come straight off the Destiny Gundam.

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No, but I'm also remembering I can't viably use 80% of the weapons I've farmed, Dark Sectors are still nowhere near complete, PvP is still a hot mess, still can't release kubrows, melee weapons are still lacking depth in combos, some rare mods are next to impossible to find, and they're crucial to the system itself, chat system is still garbage, trade still hasin't been addressed, defense rewards despite discussion still haven't been streamlined versus survival. We still have yet to see reason to amass in spectre armies, or their intended purpose other than a one time companion. Bosses were said to be changed, and made to be more than a sequence of invulnerable phases, the laundry list of warframes who need some attention. New player experience is still rather lackluster, the new shattered mods also cause confusion, and lead people to be ripped off for a maxed broken serration. Mastery system is still, just a vague number gating you from a couple of weapons. Delta beacons are still next to impossible to find. Not to mention the hundreds of holes in map physics that we get stuck in, and are near impossible to report. Ash still has the jesus mode bug, and he also needs some work.


But, you know, whatever. Space wings right?


Uh huh.

There's way too much for me handle in this one. 

I kinda feel as if you're just nit picking certain parts…like the chat.

What in gods name is wrong with the chat?

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Uh huh.

There's way too much for me handle in this one. 

I kinda feel as if you're just nit picking certain parts…like the chat.

What in gods name is wrong with the chat?


It's not fun having to discern someones name while sending an invite or asking for one when we can't just right click their name, and not to mention the automated responses from kickbot causing a lot of spam.

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It's not fun having to discern someones name while sending an invite or asking for one when we can't just right click their name, and not to mention the automated responses from kickbot causing a lot of spam.

I've never had any issues with just "right clicking their name". 

Kickbot does his job well. If you spam, you get kicked. That's all there is to it.


So far, I still don't see any reason (other than the confusion between L and I ) as to how chat fails.

Edited by TheErebus
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No, but I'm also remembering I can't viably use 80% of the weapons I've farmed, Dark Sectors are still nowhere near complete, PvP is still a hot mess, still can't release kubrows, melee weapons are still lacking depth in combos, some rare mods are next to impossible to find, and they're crucial to the system itself, chat system is still garbage, trade still hasin't been addressed, defense rewards despite discussion still haven't been streamlined versus survival. We still have yet to see reason to amass in spectre armies, or their intended purpose other than a one time companion. Bosses were said to be changed, and made to be more than a sequence of invulnerable phases, the laundry list of warframes who need some attention. New player experience is still rather lackluster, the new shattered mods also cause confusion, and lead people to be ripped off for a maxed broken serration. Mastery system is still, just a vague number gating you from a couple of weapons. Delta beacons are still next to impossible to find. Not to mention the hundreds of holes in map physics that we get stuck in, and are near impossible to report. Ash still has the jesus mode bug, and he also needs some work.


But, you know, whatever. Space wings right?


All the problems haven't been fixed...so I guess none of the problems will ever be fixed? Or am I reading that wrong? Oh, and it also sounds like you're saying there's not going to be any bugfixes or system changes with U15 because space wings. I can't tell if you're being serious or just arguing to argue at this point.

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yes you're the only one.


who am I kidding the world is full of people with different opinions...but on this matter of the archwing we are all or at least 90% of the players are excited and hyped about it. 


You would be hyped also if Devs would put into the game the most trash thing in the entire world. Just becase it's new, glowing and full of nice stuffs to blind other people. 


However no, you're not the only one. I like the idea of space fight, but on this way it's just ridiculous. Wings. Wow, what an original idea. Never seen in a RPG.

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You would be hyped also if Devs would put into the game the most trash thing in the entire world. Just becase it's new, glowing and full of nice stuffs to blind other people. 


However no, you're not the only one. I like the idea of space fight, but on this way it's just ridiculous. Wings. Wow, what an original idea. Never seen in a RPG.

Nothing is original anymore.

So that is a useless thing to criticize.

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Perhaps I'm being a bit too critical but....am I one of the only people who views this update with a slight amount of trepidation?  Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome concept, and the reveal trailer was nothing short of amazing.




I tend to draw a bold line between what might be called "grittier" sci-fi like Warframe and "anime" sci-fi like Gundam.  Call me paranoid, but I feel that the Archwing update is dangerously close to jet-packing over that line.  Especially the giant cleaver sword.  That could have come straight off the Destiny Gundam.


It's all in the execution. Aside from the fact that warframe was never really gritty (though it should be), if they can pull this off in a suitably tenno-ish way it will work. I'd much rather my guy fly around on his own than pilot a spaceship.

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