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[U15 Megathread] Archwing/syndicates/limbo (It's Here Edition)


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How is it that a F2P game I barely knew of when I first paid it money (WAAAAY back) that had no ties to space combat or even an INKLING that there would BE space combat is going to do it BETTER than a game based on WARS IN SPACE???!!!


I'm looking and you Star Wars : The Old Republic.


They totally borked space combat out of the gate.. and only recently have added 3d space combat... PvP only though.


DE.... you guys are just amazing.  Will be buying the latest Prime Access to give you more money soon.  I promise.

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Warframe is taking on zone of enders like characteristics.

Before it was announced they showed Wyrmius, a gradius parody.

Gradius is a game where you play as Vic Viper.

Vic Viper appears in Zone of the Enders.




i see you need the shorter path to ZOE



Edited by HurricaneBones
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Well it couldnt be a worse ZoE clone than the last boss of Lost Planet.

Also ZoE3, give me...



I hope sometime they(I mean konami) will release Dolores or IDOLO as Z.O.E3, because I haven't seen that anime so it would be really fun to play... lol.




BTW, I wonder how life support does work with archwing....

Edited by WhiteNekophus
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didnt get a chance to read through the 65 pages.......but if we use archwings...does that mean there are modications to the warframe that will occur as well? currently we cant handle being in an area without life support or oxygen....



any ideas? will there be added armor pieces to warframes? will there be a helmet replacement just for archwing usage?



*lolz just noticed the post above mentioning oxygen and life support as well

Edited by sekushiiandee
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didnt get a chance to read through the 65 pages.......but if we use archwings...does that mean there are modications to the warframe that will occur as well? currently we cant handle being in an area without life support or oxygen....



any ideas? will there be added armor pieces to warframes? will there be a helmet replacement just for archwing usage?



*lolz just noticed the post above mentioning oxygen and life support as well

Lol we thought same thing! High five! lol

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Call me a miserable sod but I'd just like to see all the current bugs and what-not sorted out before any brand new material is added into the game. I still get UI crashes whilst matchmaking, mission rewards not appearing, not being able to join trading sessions, Vor getting stuck and disappearing in T4 void runs...


Having said that I haven't seen a release date for U15 so guessing it's a way off; plenty of time to get everything ironed out in the meantime.

Edited by Dualice
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This isn't about the rails in pvp. He's saying we're restricted to the mission area but have freedom of movement rather than being stuck on a rails (think roller coaster).

Yes. But actually Steve didn't even say anything about "retricted" either. In general, players now a day tend to take what Steve and the team said either very literally or wildly interpreted. That's why Steve, or even the team, rarely speaks (or afraid to say) anything anymore whether on devstream or forums or twitter.

Edited by ndantony
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I was in a dying dream. I saw a bright spot blurring and weaving toward me. I felt a tug toward it from the metal clasps on my suit. It reached me, rising up - a gleaming beast, a plume of golden wings rising and unfolding behind it. An angel. It snatched me from my death. I could feel my lungs fill as it wrapped me in its wings. Its Void Shield shimmered blue, strained under the enemy beams. I felt a sudden tug of acceleration. I closed my eyes and held onto it like a child. 


- Mag Prime Codex Entry






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