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Warframe On Xbone Only?



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Haha, XBone will struggle, not even gonna mention 360 XD


Sorry hater alert :/


not really. the hardware in an xbox one is more than sufficient to run warframe. 


hate all you want on xbone (i do) but the hardware isn't at all terrible. (what they're doing with it is, but that's another story entirely)

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not really. the hardware in an xbox one is more than sufficient to run warframe. 


hate all you want on xbone (i do) but the hardware isn't at all terrible. (what they're doing with it is, but that's another story entirely)

In the end it comes down to the developer, we all saw GTA V on PS3 and The Last of Us, which were extremely well developed otherwise the console would've burned and screamed before the disc was even inserted.


I was sort of exaggerating of course because I really hate it.

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In the end it comes down to the developer, we all saw GTA V on PS3 and The Last of Us, which were extremely well developed otherwise the console would've burned and screamed before the disc was even inserted.


I was sort of exaggerating of course because I really hate it.


really, the performance wars argument is absurd these days. as you said, and i agree, if you optimize the game for the console properly you're golden. and this has been demonstrated across at least 3 generations of consoles at this point. so why people even scream about it is beyond me.


i was a console fan dating back to the atari / nes days. but no longer. since microsoft has gotten into the scene they've taken what was a great idea and turned it into a steaming pile of ... well, i'll leave that to the reader.


the always-on, update requiring, extortion requiring (xbl), advertisement showing, software-locked piece of offal has sickened me.

if they actually built the device with openness in mind -- allowing linux to be used. software and hardware to be modified by the user without penalty. (which is a clear violation of first-sale-doctrine that i totally don't understand why people put up with it) -- then i might actually give a crap.


instead they've designed competing, silo-ed software/hardware combinations that allow little to no control by the owner and extort fees to unlock "features" that use your bandwidth, your electricity, so that others can play with you and vice-versa through networks they don't own. 


i'm just waiting until microsoft decides to about-face on the "features" they removed that caused such holy hell when they were announced. (or for sony to just arbitrarily do so) -- i still have a bad taste in my mouth about how they screwed over "other OS" in the ps3 era.




p.s. screw consoles, if i want to play on a good one i'll go back to my late 90's early 00's options. past that they've lost their goddamn minds.

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No PS2 love? Granted I never owned a console, I did play a lot on friends' PS2 and Gameboy color and let me tell you that I fell in love with those.


Once upon a time making consoles and developing games was about passion and wishing to show new horizons to the world, now it's you ain't got money? get out of here.


Why I appreciate PC and Valve, they got a lot of slack for trying out the new controller <-unrightfully so, people demand so much change yet when it arrives everybody turns into a demon.


Again, never got the old atari days however on my PC I did play lots of Sega releases (emulated), Virtual Cop 1&2, Sonic the Hedgehog etc also I loved those games "House of the dead" all of them, the railed shooter, so great were the olden times ^^

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No PS2 love? Granted I never owned a console, I did play a lot on friends' PS2 and Gameboy color and let me tell you that I fell in love with those.


Once upon a time making consoles and developing games was about passion and wishing to show new horizons to the world, now it's you ain't got money? get out of here.


Why I appreciate PC and Valve, they got a lot of slack for trying out the new controller <-unrightfully so, people demand so much change yet when it arrives everybody turns into a demon.


Again, never got the old atari days however on my PC I did play lots of Sega releases (emulated), Virtual Cop 1&2, Sonic the Hedgehog etc also I loved those games "House of the dead" all of them, the railed shooter, so great were the olden times ^^


i loved almost all consoles up to (and including) the original xbox. and the reason i loved that was because i immediately put a linux boot and xbmc on it and it became the glorious center of my entertainment system. watching streamed movies that were on my server and giving me (in 2005) the ability to basically ditch cable. (i even hacked a bunch for friends and family) i was hoping that the trend would continue for the 360 and the ps3. and was overjoyed when the "other os" feature appeared on the ps3. and i had lots of fun with it.


what happened immediately after was (and is) a continuing trainwreck in slow motion travesty of modern hardware.


i'll even toss off a kudos to the old TG16. (and twin final lap turbo, which i spent FAR too much time playing)


these days the only thing i miss about consoles is racing games. i had a serious love affair with forza 3 (and on) -- until horizons when they decided to emulate NFS and basically kill-off the franchise for me. but hey, makes it easier to not bother.


i'd love to see steamboxen and steamOS start putting a major dent in the marketshare and i wish them all the luck (and support) in the world. 

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