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Are People Really So Eager To Take Offense...


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So basically the answer is yes:  People are eager to take offense

Are you trolling now?


You're being too sensitive to the responses you're receiving from us. How about giving peoples' insights a chance to fill you in on the universal etiquette of what not to say to someone new? Because no one calls another person a newbie with a smile emote and believes its in good jest unless they know the other person. If it was in good or welcoming jest, then you would need a bit more content to convince them they are "Welcomed."


Even if they are new, they already know it.

Being condescending and inconsiderate is not helpful nor welcoming to new players (or any for that matter.)


Don't be that guy (or girl.) You can't victimize yourself and seem rationale.

Edited by ViLeDeth
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"Newbie" is actually alot nicer than "noob", if you ask me. A newbie is just a newcomer/apprentice, but not forever -

he learns and grow up. A noob never grow up, he just stays like that. I wouldn't have a problem if someone call me a newbie

(if I start a new game...) :D We were all once.

This. Also with the state of the internet if someone's taking offence to being called a newbie (which literally means new to the game and nothing more so in this case it's accurate) they shouldn't be on it as they'll suffer people actually trying to insult them every day.


I spend a lot of time leveling and re-leveling stuff on Mercury (Lares and Apollodorus, of course) and see a lot of new players. Shiny new Excalibers with their Mk1 hardware and 200/200 stats. Yes, new folks!


Normally, I don't say much to them. My reasoning is they have enough to do without worrying about responding to me. It wasn't that long ago I was in their place and I recall what it feels like. If they are interested in talking (and it's kinda hard to do when neck-deep in angry grineer) I'll certainly respond, but mostly we're all there to level and just get down to business.

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Went into a recent alert mission. It popped up on Mercury, so it was available to new players.  When we got in I noticed that one of the team was a rank 1 player so I said





Note the "big grin" emoticon, almost universally understood to indicate high happiness and playfulness. I was sincerely happy to see that a new player had gotten a chance to participate in an alert mission. The reward was a 10-pack of fusion cores, so I'm sure they could really have used it too.


Then one of the other (non newbie) team members said something confusing related to male anatomy. Then we host-migrated...The rank 1 player had dropped out.


What is wrong with people. :(


Euros use smiley faces when being dong lords all the time.

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Newb isn't offensive. Noob is. Smiley faces show playfulness, which can be interpreted in different ways, but having none at all makes you seem like a stuck up jerk.

Don't know what their problem is, but if they can't handle someone talking to them then that is a severe case of shyness.


In any case, don't think you did any wrong and continue to greet people however you please. If they can't handle it, you don't want to know them anyways.



Or, you could just do what we were all taught growing up: Address people by their name.

On the internet you better use my full screen name until I introduce myself with a nickname. In the real world you better call me "Sir" until I introduce myself and shake your hand, otherwise I'll punch you in the face for disrespecting my name, honor, and privacy.

But then again I'm a really screwed up person in the head who lives in a fairy-tale world.

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Taking offense to things has absolutely nothing to do with how something is interpreted. It's purely about how sensitive you are. Some people are very easily emotionally provoked. Other people aren't bothered by it in the slightest, even though they are aware of the meaning behind the provocation.


For example, I've had a lot of d-bags in the past, in other games, call me a "re-" or other insulting name simply because they had the freedom to say it and they were protected by the anonymity of the internet. I very well know exactly what they meant but I purely ignore it and help out positively until the end, thus exiting afterwards. I don't bear ill will because holding grudges is silly and childish imo. Even though I knew exactly what they were trying to do, I simply chose not to get provoked, which had absolutely nothing to do with how I interpreted what they said.


So I would have to agree. Most people generally take offense because it is easier and takes less effort to be angry rather than happy. Seriously, try frowning then smiling. It is much more tiring to keep up a smile compared to a frown.


I'm probably going to be poking at the tiger here, but I disagree that "newb" isn't a friendly way to greet someone. I personally consider myself and everyone else a newb in any game I'm playing for the first time until we get better at it. Obviously if the person is aware I'm just teasing them, cool. If they get provoked easily, obviously I will apologize and address them by their ign. Different approaches for different people.


As for ":D", I believe that ":3" or "XD" is better, because ":D" gives off a troll vibe, depending on the phrase it's attached too. The latter are universally accepted friendly emoticons.

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This is why solo is best, for just about anything, you don't need to bother about sheeple and 'feelings'



On the down side, I have no friends, not even in real life



Nobody likes being called: Newb, Newbie, Rookie, Noob, N00l3, nub, and anything other than their username. People take offense because those words are associated with someone that's completely oblivious to the game mechanics.

People call me dude or Jenna sometimes (don't ask)..., I don't mind, its probably just the feeling that being called noob makes them inferior which gets them mad....
Edited by Somedude1000
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also bare in mind a lot of us have second accounts we run for all sorts of reasons. I have been playing with rank 15 who where terrible and to be greeted by your playful, yet condescending comment would have put my back up to. We don't always think what we are doing.


you say it was an open alert mission. so you know why he was there and what he was doing.


My question to you is, what response where you hoping for?

Edited by (PS4)Draconis1981
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I don't call them newbies. If I see someone that low of rank I usually say: "Welcome to Warframe! How are you liking it so far?"


And yes, some beginner players do take offense to being called newbie. It's not exactly the nicest thing to say and comes off as really quite condescending.


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Personally, I don't take offense to anything anyone says in a game...it's not rl and everyone has been a newb or n00b at some point in every game. Besides, it's all part of the fun starting off as a newb and earning your way up to a bad***. We've all been there, done that, so I think everyone needs to relax and enjoy their game :/

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I think people are too eager to take offense at simple things on the internet, most folks haven't learned how to leave real world baggage at the login screen.  


You weren't being offensive or rude, just friendly.  Not much you can do about the reaction of the other guy, maybe he was just having a bad day?  Who knows, maybe a clown said that to him at his 14th birthday before slapping him in the face with a fish.  It could have been a flashback.  (I'm attempting a joke, careful)


Either way, I wouldn't worry too much over his rustled jimmies.  

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come on man everyone knows you can only address rhino prime players as newbies or noobs and they wont take offence because they are proud of their training wheels 


dont confuse them with warframe's new cadet beginner players of justice, integrity and honor

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People need to (re)learn the difference between newbie (everyone was one) and noob (not everyone was one, but some people never get past the stage). If you're insulted by the first you have issues, if you get called the second one of you is an idiot ( either the guy that incorrectly called you one, or you for actually being one ;-) )


As an aside, I often see newbies drop group from missions for seemingly no reason. I have sometimes wondered whether they are afraid I'm yet another inconsiderate high level rusher (Which I'm not, I tend to wait for newbies and I generally won't be nuking the entire room for them either).

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Can I call you, "Hey, loser :D", with a smiley face like that, after you have lost a fight...?! or more appropriately, "Hey, weakling :D", after I have revived you?! What do you think?


No, because calling a newbie "newbie" is totally different from calling a newbie an "idiot" or a "noob".

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