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(Now, please don't judge me on this, I just thought of it whilst playing the game)

So, in case you didn't already notice, the U14 added custom player ships and generally a new user experience (and kubrows :D). What I noticed here, and I'm sure you've noticed this as well, is the similarity between Warframe and Destiny.

I mean, we've got player ships, different planets to explore + bosses, co-op based gameplay etc.
With the major difference being that Warframe is a TPS while Destiny is a FPS, as well as Warframe being a F2P game.

Now that I've mentioned that, both games have a guide to help you. The Lotus and The Ghost. They have Hub worlds, Warframe have the Dojo, which IS technically a Hub and Destiny has the Last City on Earth.

Imagine if Warframe was an open world game :D

Like, all the current tilesets will be expanded and a more diverse environment will be incorporated into it. For example, there would be a giant forest on Earth, as well as a huge grassland. With random Grineer patrols, and somewhere on the map, there would be a Grineer base which, if it was to be entered, would look like the missions we have now. We'd be able to team up with the usual 4 players, but during our mission, we might come across other Tennos! (Enjoy these hideous drawings as reference :P)

Other than that, Alerts might be scattered around the map, and invasions would have ships from different factions landing somewhere on the map and begin attacking bases.



Now, I know this will probably never become reality because of engine limitations or whatever, and my drawings aren't the best way to describe this stuff. But you get the point.

If this was possible however, would you prefer this or the Normal Warframe we have now?

Edit: Lots of things I need to say here. I guess people have a very different view in this matter.

After getting plenty of negative feedback, I can sort of understand why people aren't so enthusiastic about my idea. Then again, I wasn't thinking about Warframe slapped on with an Open World setting. Nor do I actually mean having the devs change the whole game.

Sure as people said that the core gameplay would have to be reworked. But imagine having a more fluid movement system and parkour, maybe like Assassin's Creed? (Might stir up more hate from saying this) The camera positioning would still stay the same though. 

As for the lag people are mentioning, I did say "This will probably never become reality because of engine limitations." and I'm guessing you don't want it to become reality as well.

P.S For those who dislike or has any grudge towards Destiny, I apologise, it was just the closest thing to reference to. 


Edited by (PS4)Probalt
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I imagine it. I see terrible lag, 10 FPS at max, and the very core of the game being changed - Warframe being Warframe no longer.


This game is about jumping on missions, doing them, and jumping to another one, not about exploring vast maps. Warframe is not created to be an open-world game, period.

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It seems I'm not the only person with these ideas.
Yes, Warframe would be amazing open world..


Edit: I just read the post above mine, and I just thought, Warframe might not be ready for that yet. Maybe if DE came up with a different standalone game where you used Warframes, a game with different mechanics, etc.

Edited by (PS4)Strifedecer
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While I like the idea...


There is no server, this game is host dependent... and to put that much strain on one host, heck even split hosting would make it near unplayable. This would have been something that would have needed to be the main vision when laying down the original grid work and add servers. There are however games like this. (Planetside2, Firefall, Defiance, etc.)


I just can't see this being something DE would risk on. But, I do like the idea... please don't think I don't

Edited by .Zeva
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My eyes... are hurting!!! I can`t take it anymore!!! Stop it, please!!!


Back to the topic: I don`t like open-world games (preety much) and Warframe is verry fine as it is now! Like you said, why we need to transform Warframe in another Destiny???

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Since fantasy game mode is the topic of the day, I'll share mine.


 I've always wanted a mission where the tileset is nothing but an open battlefield or something close to it. But instead of 4 players, the mission will allow a hundred and all will engage in a bloody fight the death against an overwhelming force of the opposing faction. It would be a spectacular gameplay experience. Think 300 in the sci-fi world.


Obviously that's impossible, since there are no dedicated servers to host that many or allow such high spawn rates. But hey, a fantasy it is.

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How about just a hub "map/world" like a Tenno compound/base/city where you can run around, explore and buy gear

The Hubs are in the works. DE was talking about them some time ago. In fact, the observatory room from Dojo was supposed to be a part of the Hub.

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Since fantasy game mode is the topic of the day, I'll share mine.


 I've always wanted a mission where the tileset is nothing but an open battlefield or something close to it. But instead of 4 players, the mission will allow a hundred and all will engage in a bloody fight the death against an overwhelming force of the opposing faction. It would be a spectacular gameplay experience. Think 300 in the sci-fi world.


Obviously that's impossible, since there are no dedicated servers to host that many or allow such high spawn rates. But hey, a fantasy it is.

Oh the lag, oh the rhinos, oh the Mirage prisms flying through the air causing a plague of lag across the battlefield 

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So basically OP wants to make this into Firefall...


I've not played Destiny but alot of what you said strikes me as reminiscent of Firefall. Open world, randomly spawning missions...hell, we even just got Thumpers (I kid you not, they call mineral harvesters Thumpers in FF) via the new Excavation mission type.

Edited by Samoth95
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So basically OP wants to make this into Firefall...


I've not played Destiny but alot of what you said strikes me as reminiscent of Firefall. Open world, randomly spawning missions...hell, we even just got Thumpers (I kid you not, they call mineral harvesters Thumpers in FF) via the new Excavation mission type.

Yeah, the new gamemode reminded me of Firefall.

The new tileset of Dead Space 3...


Warframe - multiple games in one!


And I'm strangely OK with this. If DE is inspired by something from any other game, well, it's usually only the good stuff.

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Warframe is not Destiny. Warframe should not be Destiny. If DE attempts to compete with a game that has both Bungie's work for five years and the unlimited resources of Activision they will fail.


Besides, Destiny seems a little too planet-bound for my liking. I enjoy spaceships very much, actually.

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I do agree on the foundations of the game not being made to be an open-world game, and the lag would kill people, but i also have to say that a lot of the maps are too dark, or too similar, even between different tilesets, i feel that the tunels are just a re texture, maybe they could try different dor styles, locker styles, and those little details that completely change a game. 


Ok maybe not a full open world system, but some tenno-city would be cool, as well as a good story-campaign like in firefall, change the way you constantly play with hard &#! missions, that have special stuff.


I mean, we have more than enough weapons, and also we have weapons to come, and frames to come, like naturally, primes , wraiths, vandals, dexes, infested mios, etc. Devs should stop focusing on that kind of content, or at least decrease it, make a better melee combo system, same actions but achievable with two buttons; better ai, more enemy diversity without the eximus exploitation, ( i know they are working on it) but gameplay components need to be backed up eith enthrailing feels of acomplishment...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that I think about it, considering Tenno are in a sense contract killers under the employ of the Lotus, having the game be open-world wouldn't make a lot of sense as just wandering the System looking for stuff to make dead would be less efficient than "get your orders, go in, accomplish your mission, get out". Then again, I could also picture certain planets having a map or two that's sort of a "scavenge" mission mode; no definite objective, just an enemy ship/base for you to loot and go to extraction whenever you're done, though enemies might still spawn. Or perhaps fewer if any enemies would spawn as you're now "raiding the ship for supplies" and there's another Tenno cell somewhere doing Survival to keep the enemy off your case...

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