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So Whats The Current Meta?


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Submarine Loki is still basically cheat codes, but doesn't help the team or protect the objective.


Radial Disarm Loki is still super OP but still no one has noticed...


Rhino is still OP as hell and viable everywhere.


Snowglobe gets trash talked since it was reworked out of being invincible but we never really needed it 100% of the time anyway, just put it up when there's tons of incoming fire -> it soaks up tons of damage which goes to HP for the globe -> It lasts 2x-3x that long again because you've been killing stuff and it's not taking tons of fire anymore.


Trinity got nerfed so she provides damage reduction rather than invincibility. I don't play her and won't judge.


Nova got nerfed for pwning low level stuff. Her ult moves outward as a wave and applies slowly. Doesn't matter much at high levels, but at lower levels people kill stuff faster than the wave moves out so it does nothing.

EDIT-- But it's affected by power strength now too, so you can slow enemies to almost perma stunned slowness and you can actually SPEED THEM UP if you want to farm, by using Overextended to get negative power strength.


Vauban took a minor nerf in that his 4 is affected by more stats now, so something like Narrow Minded will hurt it's pull range... haven't used it since so I won't judge.


Oberon's Hallowed Ground skill got buffed to prevent almost every effect in the game. You take direct attack damage and minor pushes while standing in it. Nothing else. No DoT's, no procs, no pulls, nothing.


Ash's 4 is faster animating and uses clones to kill some targets, so less of your stuff gets killed out from under you.


...that's all that comes to mind right now.

Edited by VKhaun
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Sounds like Rhino should be the first frame I get huh? I thought that Loki would be pretty good as well from what I saw on the wiki about him. Both his invis and radial disarm seem very helpful.

No. You should what ever you want, and not the frame/weapons that the community deems to be the best.

It may be ideal, but you'll find that it may not be in your idea of fun. Which will destroy the game for you.

Trust me, I've been down this road.

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you seriously play what community has decided to be the best in a co-op game that is mostly about having fun?


In an RPG/Action mixed game the flow is supposed to work like this.


1) RPG numbers get worked out on forums for BEST DPS and BEST EHP

2) People use #1

3) People find problems within the gameplay/action of #1

4) People adjust #1 to their taste by losing DPS/EHP to gain utility they desire.



Warframe shortcircuits at #3. We have no structure so numbers alone will pwn the game, since you can take max gear back to lv10 enemies, and our endgame has been nothing but endless missions, so there is never a moment to drop EHP/DPS to get utility. You play knowing that eventually your damage won't be enough, so you consider all of it precious.


We need more structure, like the Tactical Alerts and more absolutes like invincible unless you do X, or super high damage unless you interrupt Y, or maximum Z damage received per hit unless teamwork. More conditions for getting the best DPS, like +X% damage on headshot, or +X% damage from behind/beside, or +X% damage per target hit so that when someone wants the best damage, they also have to consider meeting conditions. Etc etc structure, thinking, adapting etc etc.


Until we have more structure, yes, the forumites win and there are best loadouts and best weapons. DPS is currently a calculation, though some of us post hoping it becomes a conversation we usually get flamed for it.

Edited by VKhaun
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Sounds like Rhino should be the first frame I get huh? I thought that Loki would be pretty good as well from what I saw on the wiki about him. Both his invis and radial disarm seem very helpful.


Don't fall into the Rhino trap. That way lies darkness.

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No. You should what ever you want, and not the frame/weapons that the community deems to be the best.

It may be ideal, but you'll find that it may not be in your idea of fun. Which will destroy the game for you.

Trust me, I've been down this road.

Sounds like Rhino should be the first frame I get huh? I thought that Loki would be pretty good as well from what I saw on the wiki about him. Both his invis and radial disarm seem very helpful.

Erebus says it like it's meant to be. Play whatever weapon/frame you find fun. The moment you try to play the game competitively or trying to be the "best" it goes downhill. The game doesn't have much end-game for you to extinguish the power on, so you just end up getting bored really quickly.


A lot of veterans who built for power now go back and play what they deem fun instead, I didn't make the same mistake but those who did regretted it a lot :/


That said if you find Loki fun, then by all means play him ;)

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Best weapons/combinations, best frames, whats new?


Oh boy...okay, here we go again. There is no meta, because you can make combos that top anything. So instead, I'll give you my ultima combos:


Nyx with a Latron Wraith/Prime or a Bow, Akboltos as secondaries because they are a good backup and melee I usually use a copter, because I don't melee.


Loki with Boar Prime is a wrecking ball, don't use an ammo mutation, use punch-through, when out of ammo, switch to either Detron or Brakk (I use Detron because Brakk is a pain to farm and I can't be bothered doing it yet). Refill ammo and then switch back. Shotguns synergize well with Loki. I tend to use either D. Nikana or Dual Ichors with him.


Mirage with Amprex and a maxed out Hall and Eclipse build. 600% damage on an amprex is very beautiful. As for her secondary, I go with a Detron, because this build forsakes the crowd-killing potential and leaves that to your weapons (yes, her ulti is amazing but I don't like continuous casting and amprex handles things better). With the 600% damage increase Detron outperforms brakk because no damage fall-off, allowing her Kage-Bunshins to assist well even at range.


Rhino with Attica (thunderbolt) and Angstrum. With Iron skin to protect yourself from the backlash. You can slap on a Rifle Amp and watch both your weapons just wreck entire crowds. This allows you to stay at range and carpet bomb. If you need to get in close to revive, your stomp is ideal. A lot of players play rhino as an up-close confrontation guy...but I prefer him as a hang-back and bombard, with the Iron Skin as your EXTRA TOUGHNESS


There are other combos, but I'm too lazy to go further.


Note:  I didn't mention the following because LOL they actually suck if you play the game (applies only to Boltor Prime).


Boltor Prime - Outdps'd by both Akboltos and AkMagnus. I only use it against the grineer because with Expel Grineer and maxed Heavy Cal it has good damage and great viral proc rate. Latron Prime and Wraith also both outdps this rifle and Latron Wraith has a reload cancel at 75%


Phage - Not for everyone and its not my weapon of choice because of reasons and tentacles


Paris Prime - Oh god...bows are REALLY not for everyone. they are great in certain situations, but I find them lacking where I can lazily sweep a Quanta through crowds or just enjoy gunning enemies down with a Soma.

Edited by Semshol
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....*facepalm* "rhino is the bestest, hes long, thick, strong and THOBBING!"


NO!...just freaking NO!


im getting fed up of seeing this.....people whove not actually used any of the other frames think this and for some crazy reason belive it.  so what if he has iron skin that stops you from taking damage up to a certain point doesnt make him the best, so his ulti stomp can leave enemies floating long enough for you to swiftly shoot and slash them all or run away f you feel you need to...again doesnt make him the best.  hes just an overused frame because people who havnt yet learnt how to dodge can take advantage of his skills to survive, thats all.  and dont get me started on the boltor prime when it comes to guns just like frames its about player choice ...and there are better guns than the boltor.


all the people that say just use what you want and what you like are actually spot on, each frame has their positives and negatives, sadly some of the nerfs that have been flaoting arround have shifted the usefullness of some frames but thankfully not by too much.


i didnt even know what most people meant by meta for a while i just assumed they were going on about what people who werent interested in learning how to play were using but after seeing what it did to the recruitng ch i realised.


honestly tho the more squishy frames are usually much better than their tanky brothers (as the sister frame is pretty good and i cant deny that) all they require is a more strategic type of play for some or a faster pace for others.  loki and ash are actually a great example for this as loki is more the keep him hidden and move fast to remove any threats type while ash is the go invis and kill the large crouds or stay visable and move from cover to cover or behind your enemy and kill them with gun and blade.  similar skill setups but different styles.


oh and just so those of you who cant tell know...i wasnt raging


Edit -  almost forgot the point of the post...theres alot of top tier gear that many people pick and mix through so its hard to tell the exact meta other than the overused at lower levels types.

Edited by EdgeKasim
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Sounds like Rhino should be the first frame I get huh? I thought that Loki would be pretty good as well from what I saw on the wiki about him. Both his invis and radial disarm seem very helpful.

Rhino is easier to get than Loki since Loki parts drop way later in the game.

Also, Loki doesn't shine until you obtain some corrupted mods for him. Most notably fleeting expertise and overextended.

Playing him without overextended or fleeting expertise is a very meh experience.

Rhino is very straight forward to play. I highly recommend you get rhino first.

Edited by (PS4)friedricetheman
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