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Archwings And Warframe Powers


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Well after watching the stream I was a little dissapointed that the frame you choose will have little to no effect on the arcchwing battlefield.



Wouldn't it be fun if at least we could get 1 warframe "space battle power" that goes with their theme?


I mean excal would either have Radial Blind in space..



Nyx  something like , chaos or absorb


Rhino : Welp iron skin or roar could work nice



Zephyr : Maybe some kind of passive allowing faster movement ( like her floatiness)



Frost , Nekros , Ember , / Fireball sould punch or snowball


the list goes on and you get the idea.




Please correct me if i'm missing something I haven't been able to watch the stream in its integrity

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Will they said that all of the warframe energy is pretty much powering the birdlifter. And we've only seen the dragonfly birdlifter, which has a more tactical power layout. Maybe stealth lifter would be nice with a blind/disable power.

oh that's too bad :/


Because Then I would have litterally no reason to pick a frame over another in archwing combat. It doesn't help diversity at all imo

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Looks like the image in my head of Valkyr flying through space destroying everything with her claws and fitting the Valkyrie theme will remain just that, an image, oh well.  Though I don't like how it takes away your warframe powers but doesn't affect shields or health, meaning there would be little reason to use any frame that doesn't have increased shields like Zephyr, Rhino, Volt, Frost, etc. I hope they take a look at that.

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I'm glad they don't have frame powers in space.  I'm sure this was intentional as a way to distance the game from the broken, "press 4 to win" state the core game is currently in (See Nova and Vauban).


But Archwing is such a departure from Warframe that I worry players will just dismiss it out of hand or the casuals will decry having to actually be strategic instead of pressing one button and having the whole map freeze in place or get sucked up into a vortex.


Time will tell.

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Well I thought about Archwing and abilities for a bit... Then I searched for similar topics to what came up in my mind and found yours Deidaku; which is basically what I thought as well.




We won't be able to use our Warframe skills when we have those wings equipped right? Instead we get a set of 4 new abilities.


I think that feels somehow wrong because:


  • That drastically reduces the variety of usable skills and the Warframe attached to it literally becomes irrelevant beyond his/her basic HP/Shield/Energy stats.
  • It also becomes quite unfair for certain Warframes because they have much less of an energy pool than other frames... for example some have 150 energy and some have 225. That's quite unfair because the later ones will be able to spam their Archwing abilities while the other frames can't and have to rely much more on gunplay even they have basically the same abilities equipped as the other frames.


It shouldn't be totally this way. I'm fine with the idea that each Archwing provides 3 unique abililities which override abilitiies 1, 2 and 3.


BUT I think what each Archwing should do is maintain the unique theme of each Warframe rather of completely nullifying it. Therefore I'm suggesting to buff/boost your unique 4th/ultimate Warframe abillity while in space but maybe with alternative effects to overcome the fact that there's no air/ground and some abilities not making sense there otherwise.




It might matter which Archwing you take with you because a different Archwing might boost your Warframes differently... so not all of them feel the same when spaming your abilities. Some might increase damage, some might increase the radius, others the duration and so on, much like Warframe Powermods do. That adds at least a virtual layer of decision and optimizing your build for space combat.


Also with boost I mean BOOST both in actual impact and visual effects.


Like Ember's World on Fire being like a substance similar to napalm spreading out and sticking to everything and then being incinerated in a large fire blast similar to the Eximus one but in 3D and with a much larger radius. (Yeah I just like to watch the world burn. I'm one of those people.)

Vauban's Vortex becoming like a tiny instable black hole in space and attracting debris and other stuff nearby that might hit enemies on the path.

... and other "space magic" like that. xD




That way each Warframe will still have his/her unique role, even when in space combat and DE won't have to create a vast array of new independent abilities AND mods (which will probably become another grindfest) just to add more variety to the Archwing-Gameplay which otherwise might be quite boring if there's not enough varying abilities around. It will just boil down to everybody equipping the same few available abilities then - especially if one proves to be king to all others.




It might even be worth thinking about having a choice which Warframe ability you want to be carried over and that you can select which one you want to be buffed by your Archwing.


So some Warframes like Frost might instead use their Frost Bubble for a support role while in space for example even it's not his ultimate.


That would make for some interesting mission types as well because then again it matters which Warframe people take with them for varying missions.




I'd have created my own thread for that but somehow I had the feeling someone already came up with a similar idea. But what I fear the most is that DE won't consider that anyways and then when Archwing comes the Warframes will be reduced to cosmetic items during space combat, which kind of misses out on a great opportunity to further manifest the roles of each Warframe in companion with specific Archwings.

Edited by MeduSalem
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