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What Is Your Biggest Hate With Other Players In Warframe?


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I've never understood over-firing with the Boltor Prime. I've literally finished an Exterminate mission without reloading, and taken a half-ranked one to a T4 and had it still kill enemies efficiently at the 35 minute mark. It's like the most unnecessary gun to over-fire with.

It's probably because the bolts have travel time. It doesn't die immediately = pull the trigger more.

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I hate players who bash on other players for a way they play just because they don't enjoy it. Sure, Rhino Prime and Boltor Prime are the most commonly used frames, and they are my most commonly used weapon and frame in my profile, because I got them before I got my current main, Loki Prime and Paris Prime. Sure, I may not like it, and in retrospect, it was a rather redundant, but they should be free to enjoy the game without me nagging at them for something that is frankly none of my business.



Seems these threads are popping up more recently, so.. our community really getting a bit lower? Anyways was side tracking, my honest gripe is high rank player that act high and mighty. Elitist basically. Give the rest of the high rank players a terrible name. People tend to generalized, once they had a bad experience.


Could not agree more, the elitism in this game is what I dislike the most. They have a list of all disapproved frames and weapons and if you use any of them you are a scrub and a noob. Funny thing is these players complain about the majority of players using this and that then fail to comprehend that they themself are actually the minority. So why they think their opinion is more validated is beyond me.

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Why would you hate people for using overused warframes or weapons? Let people play with whatever they please. If they pick certain warframes for trolling purposes like Loki's switch teleport then ok. Otherwise I see no reason for hate.


I mostly dislike afkers, frosts that use globe with intfested defence, and hallway heroes.

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I don't know what I hate more so I'll just post the two things I hate the most


1: Whenever someone in the squad gets down, the entire squad starts reviving them, only one person is needed to revive a teammate -_-


2: Whenever I use Mind Control as Nyx, people kill the Mind Controlled target, I understand if you quickly see it and attack it due to reflexes but say I target a shield drone, people kill the shield drone that is helping us 


Thought shield drones closed up when they are mind controlled?

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Well, i hate lvl3 guys, who askin to help with T4 surv, and then i say, time to leave (35-40 minute) (im with brakk, blinding excal and etc) they start to cryin that im bad player etc etc (im just becomin tired of reanimating them 100+ times). And, kinda of counter-arguement bout frames/weapons. As excample, what is need of takin Ember into void on T4 surv, when we decided to go for long run, like 1+ hour? Arent there a much more viable options? Im not talkin bout "great combo" like Nekros, Nova, Loki, etc. Im talkin bout Mag (her 1st and 2nd are useful), bout Volt (his shield is like mini-snowglobe, and his speed buff also really good), im bout Zephyr (her Turbulence also can act as defensive skill for whole team), etc etc. Same with Frost on infested missions (yeah, i understand, dat snowglobe is slowin them, but there are much better options).

P.S. sorry for my bad english.

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Hallway/Door heroes. Those are my pet peeve.


And people who scream how easy the game is while wielding max ranked/forma'd rhinos/valkyrs, or Lokis who scream master race while using one of the easiest builds in the game that basically nullifies all difficulty (max duration invisibility + dragon nikana)

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#1  people who tell other players what frame to use .>>Does not matter if a players is having fun playing at there best who are we to judge

#2  door way hero's 

#3  grand masters  that they think they know best just because the spent some money way back when >>. B&^%$ please  you think your the only one that spent money>

#4  People who don't tell Loki  when in survival  at the start to be in charge or air control > Loki can go from one side of the map to other with out being seen people..

#5  Rhino's that do not use roar

#6  Nova's the speed up MP but not on defense run's

#7  DE For not letting us use same color palate to color Kubrows as our warframe's and Sentinels 

#8  DE for thinking we need  archwing > If i want to fly I will use Zephyr >archwing  looks like somrything out of a bad anime or bad MMO  

Edited by SlapClown
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When in Mobile Defense missions there's always that greedy guy that doesnt stay near the defense point and just goes to where the enemies spawn making everyone on the team except him not get exp and probably make his other team members miss some rare mods. When 3 people do this i just hide and watch the defense point die, maybe they learn something.

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So we join a match, myself and a good friend, both mastery rank 16/17. We always go to 40 minutes on Apollodorus, even with unranked gear when we're leveling, we're pretty chill about it, but hey.


So the pod lands when we sound the alarm. the MR4 noobs dashes straight over to it and boom, opens it at 98%, completely wasting the capsule.


So I tell him politely, "Why are you opening the pods? Save them for 60% and under, let's not waste them."


No response.


He dashes over to the next one thats about to spawn and camps it until it spawns, and opens it immediately.


So my friend has his turn to tell him. No response. A bunch of Russian characters pop up. Fortunately, I could read these Russian characters, but I don't have a Russian keyboard to respond, so I tell my friend the guy doesn't, visibly, speak English.


He opens a third capsule at 90%. My friend then insults him (in English).


The mysterious Russian Pod-Popper suddenly gains an insight into the English language and tells my friend he's a 'f****** little c***'



So he understood us anyway, but chose to pop the pods at 95% anyway. Unfortunately this is common, and I don't understand how people can be so oblivious to a very basic mission objective.


So yeah, 95% pod-poppers are my pet hate.

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Since everyone has mentioned the obvious lets go specific. I hate people who immediately assume you are an elitist jerk because I am a grandmaster and mastery 17. I just want to unwind after work and play the game that's it. My only advantage is time played which means I have access to more stuff and I have had more time to Forma things the way I want that's it. So why all the hate immediately when I join a lobby.

Edited by Rhinothewino
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