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Excaliburs Powers


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I use Excalibur only in Warframe (I've been told its why I have 200+ hours but am still master rank 4?)

I think his powers can use some work,

Radial Javelin was cool when I started but ultimately the animation takes way too long, no punch through doesnt help, and isn't really strong, this should be buffed,

To me slash dash is fine, I don't use it for offense at all, just mobility (to save bleeding out allies and get out of a jam and such)

Radial Blind is great the way it is to me, but I guess a nerf is just gonna have to happen Dx

And super jump, it's fun to use but completely useless in battle, it should be completely removed for another power


Add some sort of add on to it like when you jump, enemies in a certain area around the jump also come up dealing damage and damage when they hit the floor maybe a stun too (leaving them in finisher state) or something defensive such as invulnerability until the land or a slight health heal or a mix or combination of offense and defense.

There's probably better ideas out there but just a thought.

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I think his powers can use some work,

Radial Javelin was cool when I started but ultimately the animation takes way too long, no punch through doesnt help, and isn't really strong, this should be buffed,

To me slash dash is fine, I don't use it for offense at all, just mobility (to save bleeding out allies and get out of a jam and such)

Radial Blind is great the way it is to me, but I guess a nerf is just gonna have to happen Dx

The designers of the game have been very clear that the end-game is not going to be space wizards. Damage powers will always feel underpowered at the high end. Using the right damage type for the enemy target or using team work to maximize your application will help carry you farther, but eventually the game shifts towards utility, just like you discovered with Slash Dash being great for mobility in addition to damage.


Radial Blind is frankly super OP at the high end in the utility zone. It can take a nerf and still be useful, but last we heard DE is talking about it requiring line of sight to affect enemies. With the long animation and high damage dealt by enemies at high levels  this could make it totally ineffective as it would be suicide to use it on any significant number of foes.


I think they expect us to combo it with super jump, having the height give us LoS and the movement keep us alive, but that's very narrow in every sense and I hope they reconsider.




And super jump, it's fun to use but completely useless in battle, it should be completely removed for another power


No, it shouldn't.

IMHO, Slash Dash and Super Jump should be one power that works similar to Zephyr's Tail Wind power, executing a super jump or slash dash depending on your activity. Maybe sprinting or being in-air makes you Slash Dash and standing or running makes you Super Jump? This would free up Excalibur's #1 or #2 slot depending upon which was replaced without removing any abilities he has now.




I use Excalibur only in Warframe (I've been told its why I have 200+ hours but am still master rank 4?)

Not really. It's true you can get mastery from ranking other frames, but they're some of the hardest things to get and don't provide very much mastery. It's much easier to rank up by clearing the star chart and leveling guns. Right now rank does nothing but unlock more stuff to level, though. No hurry there unless you see something you really want and it requires something higher than rank 4.

Edited by VKhaun
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Dude you use Exclaibur for the same reason I do, and you have the same issues with Radial Javelin like I do... For a second there I thought I posted this or something... lol.


I agree Radial Javelin NEEDS PUNCH THROUGH.


Slash dash can remain the same it really is one of the best movement abilities on him vs. Super jump.


A shame Radial Blind is getting a nerf. Its his go to ability. The must have out of the entire set.

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I posted a topic a while back about an excalibur rework.

This is what it had to say on the matter


To start we need to look at the problems with his kit. Two of his abilities deal direct damage, one putting him into danger and the other taking half a year to cast for mediocre damage output. In addition another of his abilities only adds a small degree of mobility to his kit.

Historically I have always looked at Excal as a very mobile frame, indeed, I'd have put him at the top of the list for mobility. However with the release of Zephyr Excal has lost a lot of his usefulness in terms of mobility, since her first ability does a better job than his two mobility powers combined.

However, early game Excal is great, as his abilities are good teachers about how to react to situations, and help newer players pick up skills, hence compromising on this early game play is something that any balance changes should avoid.

So what Excalibur needs is the ability to dish out the damage later on, a bit more safety and a reason to use his mobility later on.

With that in mind I propose these changes.

(Any aspect not mentioned here can be assumed to stay the same)

Slash Dash:

Ability will initially deal 30% of the targets CURRENT health in direct damage, if this is less than the regular damage number, additional damage will be dealt up until this point.

Direct damage is not boosted by power strength and ignores 90% of an enemy's damage reduction.

In addition all other abilities can be cast whilst dashing without animation. Radial Blind and Javelin will not interrupt the dash, Super Jump however will.

Radial Blind: (Post U14.6)

Requires line of sight, though at a lower degree than in the 14.6 changes. Enemies will not block LOS. Blinded enemies will take 50% additional damage from his abilities.

Super Jump:

Now damages nearby enemies upon landing.

Deals 150/200/250/300 Blast Damage in a 3/4/4/5m radius upon landing. Additionally enemies hit with the blast will be knocked down.

This effect will occur regardless of the height reached by your jump.

In addition all other abilities can be cast whilst using Super Jump.

Radial Javelin:

Damage reduced to 750 per Javelin.

Javelins hitting targets will deal their regular damage , followed up by additional damage equal to 50% of the targets missing health in direct damage.

Targets struck with multiple javelins will take an additional 10% extra direct damage for each additional javelin, as well as the initial damage

Direct damage is not boosted by power strength and ignores 90% of an enemy's damage reduction.

Javelins gain 0.5/0.6/0.8/1m of Punch Through

Javelins will now target enemies in line of sight. If the number of javelins created is greater than the number of targets present, multiple will target each enemy prioritising enemies nearest to Excalibur.

So why these changes? To start it doesn't stop Excal from doing anything he is doing already. Initially I had planned to leave radial blind blank, since it was doing alight as it was, though after 14.6 and 14.6.1 it is assumed that the LOS change will be happening.

The biggest changes are to his first and final abilities, giving them both direct damage means that both will remain relevant right up into the endgame.

Slash dash dealing damage based on current health means that it works best as an initiation tool, encouraging the player to charge in with it to get as much damage in as possible. Subsequent strikes will deal less damage, so picking your targets becomes much more important.

Radial Javelin will now deal additional damage based on how weakened a target is. A single javelin for instance will always kill a target on 30% health of less, regardless of what level they are or how much armour they are wearing. The reduced damage on it was added to keep its base damage on about the same level as it is now. Additionally it becomes incredibly potent when facing smaller groups of enemies, as all Javelins will now target something.

The second big change is the freedom to use abilities at any point. Being able to hit blind while dashing means that you can freely charge in, knowing that any enemy who might want to shoot at you is now looking for a guide dog instead of firing their gin.

Finally the changes to super jump give Excal a tad more utility and encourages players to use it as an initiation tool.

Overall these changes have little impact on Excalibur earlygame, yet later on they mean that he can deal significant damage through his powers and encourage greater use of his mobility while rewarding good timing of power use.

Edited by Sixty5
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Not really. It's true you can get mastery from ranking other frames, but they're some of the hardest things to get and don't provide very much mastery. It's much easier to rank up by clearing the star chart and leveling guns. Right now rank does nothing but unlock more stuff to level, though. No hurry there unless you see something you really want and it requires something higher than rank 4.

ehhmm...sry, gotta correct this! Completing the star chat rewards ~15k Mastery, which isn´t much at all. Guns give you 3k and Warframes 6k each, so if someone would care for Mastery, which in the beginning of the game is quiet important to gain access to more gear, i´d say go farm some freaking Warframes!!! 

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and don't provide very much mastery. It's much easier to rank up by clearing the star chart and leveling guns. 


200 mastery per frame level. 6000 mastery per full ranked frame.


100 mastery per weapon. 3000 mastery per full ranked weapon.


60 mastery per unlocked planet segment.

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Surprised that people are quoting me to argue about affinity. Yes, frames are more per level but it takes days to farm and craft a frame. Unless you're buying frames with plat straight up you can farm ten times faster leveling guns, especially now that there's all this MK1 stuff in the market real cheap, and even with plat... guns are cheaper than most frames.... cheaper to rush, too. Farming mastery by doing frames is horribly inefficient, especially if you don't want them.

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