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Update 7.8.0


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My question to the DE. Release of the game Star Trek will affect the quality updates in Warframe? ;)

Of course it will. They'll leave warframe behind for about a year, and then come back and release a new tileset and make an option where you can buy all the stuff in the game for 30 bucks, right after halving the credit cost of all items.


*J/k, just trying to diss smite*

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Of course it will. They'll leave warframe behind for about a year, and then come back and release a new tileset and make an option where you can buy all the stuff in the game for 30 bucks, right after halving the credit cost of all items.


*J/k, just trying to diss smite*

and if will comes true? it often happens...  I'm excited :D       

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Of course it will. They'll leave warframe behind for about a year, and then come back and release a new tileset and make an option where you can buy all the stuff in the game for 30 bucks, right after halving the credit cost of all items.


*J/k, just trying to diss smite*

Too soon, you Shazbot... TOO SOON.

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"- Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded"

BIG BIG BIG mistake....endless defense? no only till wave 15 on lower levels than almost everyone stops, why? OFC in higher levels its possible to get stunlocked by the mass of enemies and thats it for your hard work.....was in a few endless defs on eris after wave 5 all quit.....

challange is sth else!

and one thing please buff the puncture mods ive got a maxed metal auger thats completely useless and its not only me there are many other players who see these mods as waste of energy and credits

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As mainly a solo player, I find the decision to lose everything upon failure a let down. I agree with the aborting the mission and losing everything, but not with failing it. What you acquire should remain yours. In my opinion, this only defeats the purpose of replaying a mission you just died on or got disconnected on or your fellow teammates left you high and dry on. It just meant you played how ever long for nothing. After this happens enough, people will just move onto another game. I know there are some real hard core gamers out there that like this approach and you know what good for them, But many do not play that way and with this decision, you alienated everyone that doesn't play that way. I was going to purchase some platinum because I wanted to support the on going developement of the game as I find it one of the best I have seen in awhile. But with this change, I have reconsidered my purchase and my support. I apologize but as the kind of gamer I am and many are, I do feel let down by this change.

Edited by Sepharoth
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I like all this, but just one question. 


 On rescue missions, why does the person you rescue have a pistol, but doesn't use it?


 Also, it'd be cool if there were alternate recipes (with more common resources, but at a much higher cost), or an option to 'deconstruct' componets into base items (Nuerodes ----> Nano spores, etc.), and to also 'construct' rarer components at a much, much higher cost. So, while it'd take, say, one alloy plate to make some amount of scrap, it should take Xtimes that amount to make an alloy plate. 

Edited by NixeonLow
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"- Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded"

BIG BIG BIG mistake....


I just had the game "crash" on me in 4 different missions. Well.... two crashes and two where the control module in the spy mission went missing and we needed to abort because of it. Do you know how bad this sucks now? This stuff shouldn't be implimented in beta. It's bad enough we have to deal with glitches but to take ALL our rewards too? -_-*


I hope the devs remember the players help them to develop the game during beta... we shouldn't all be punished because of a few jerk players or lose everything during a mission because of a glitch.

Edited by simeo77
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- Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded


But Failing a mission also forfeits all these?


It seems a tad unfair to take everything away from a honest mission failure. Curse whoever was exploiting the game, now we can not have nice things.


And can it be made so that players can join a mission even after the first objective is complete, just not give them the rewards for the mission? Especially when the first object is "complete" after 1 of 4 data terminals is acquired, not to mention there could be two more missions after that is said and done with.

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The Wiki has an article concerning farming Rubedo. It advises players to rush for the containers, and then intentionally failing the mission. Under the old system, you'd keep the rubedo you "earned", and the mission would actually end quicker than had it been properly played.


To me, failing, which of course sucks, should entail the penalty of failing. You were outplayed by the game. You were not strong enough. You attempted to solo something when you shouldn't have. These IMO do not entitle you to a consolation prize of keeping drops.


And of course, neither should deliberately rushing for the drops THEN ditching the group intentionally be rewarded with anything as well. It's in bad taste and polarises the community.


If it's a question of how easy the game should be, then I'm sure DE can figure something out. Bear in mind though, that they need to consider more than just your perceived enjoyment of the game. They need to keep the community free from gaming's less desirable elements, like, dare I say it, exploiting.

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If we equate the idea of losing everything if we fail to real world games like football, baseball, soccer,ect, then it would be like this. First, you don't get the trophy because you failed ( that is a given ), then your score in the game is set to zero ( you failed so you get reset to zero), all the money from ticket sales, food and drink sales, promotions, etc go to the winning team ( you failed so you get nothing ), no endorsements for the team or any team member ( you failed you get nothing ). As you can see, how long do you think these real world games would continue to go on. Not very long as eventually there would only be 1 team left because no team could afford it. And this isn't a real world game, it is just a game that is meant to be fun and entertaining. Losing everything on failure is neither fun nor entertaining. So why even play or worse even invest any money into the game if it is now not fun nor entertaining anymore. As I said in my previous post, not everyone plays the game the same way. So if you enjoy playing the game as it is now because you like it all or nothing then good for you. But there are many that don't like it this way or even want to play it like it is. This should have been an option that at least in solo or private that we could turn off or on. Or as I have said in other posts, put in save points in the missions so once you reach a save point ( each point can only be used once ) you can save and keep everything up to that point. That way if you fail, get disconnected, crash, you don't lose everything. And that would bring back both the fun and entertainment that was taken away. Most if not all other games have save points or lets you save at any point you choose.

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