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Update 7.8.0


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Another point on the lose everything if you fail. It has been pointed out that if you fail because you die, you are dead and shouldn't get any reward. But if you go by that idea, then you should lose everything you have gotten in the entire game and start over at the very beginning at rank 1. Because hey you died right. This would be entirely fair. You died, you lose everything and have to start completely over because lets face it, that what death means, starting over. Oh and by the way, no revives either. You die no matter how far along you are or what you have collected, back to the very beginning. If you are going to argue this point, then this is how it should be. Bet those that agree with the fail and lose everything would be the first in here screaming to change that decision. But oh wouldn't it be fair then.

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Would like to see something decrease the chance of enemies attacking the sent. I use Rhino and they seriously attack my sent 50% of the time, how can I tank when my sent takes all the damage in the first firefight and dies. Or maybe include the shield ability to affect Rhinos sent aswell. Because if I activate my shield they all just attack my sent and of course it cant survive. Very annoying

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I really dislike the idea of losing everything on forfeiting. This makes resource gathering incredible lame and time consuming. For example: I need 500 rubedo for an item, and it almost took me 1 hour to farm that, include that with missions that take 20+ mins, where you get like 20-50 rubedo every time. At least lower the foundry costs, or increase drop rate/ amount

Edited by Zorker
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I liked the previous Moa and Jackal models much better. They felt more bio-mechanic. I really wish both model variants were kept as different enemy types/skins instead of just ditching the original ones.

Edited by ikarop
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I really dislike the idea of losing everything on forfeiting. This makes resource gathering incredible lame and time consuming. For example: I need 500 rubedo for an item, and it almost took me 1 hour to farm that, include that with missions that take 20+ mins, where you get like 20-50 rubedo every time. At least lower the foundry costs, or increase drop rate/ amount



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Update 7.8.0





- Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded



This was a expected update change but what was more expected was with this change, drop rates for build resources, would raise,


Currently the game is extremely on the unrealistic side, grind heavy, even with the ability to abort once needed items were acquired or when you'd get as much as what you were after was going to drop, it still took a very very, very, long time, many many, many runs of the highest yielding mission to acquire the needed amount to build a weapon or part,


So with this change it'd only make sense that drop rates for build material would raise to prevent the game from becoming a even more grind heavy game, yes this is beta and some bad choices are expected to be made but they are usually followed by good choices or correcting bad choices.


Its understandable that a FTP game has to push their players to buy game items, plat but this change with out a raise in build resources drop, has made creating a single item, takes days if not weeks to gather the needed resources, thus making the game way to grind heavy, the game being grind heavy to begin with even before the update change.


Even now, buying plat will help you very little, if at all, I'm looking at about 800 rebedo needed to build the Frost frame and before that'd take me two to four days to come up with, now I'm looking at about a month or so.


Possible solutions


1. Raise the build material drop rate.

2. Raise the quantity of materials when they drop by a %.

3. Aborting missions does not forfeit building materials.

4. Reduce required amount of building materials across all blueprints requiring more then 200 of a build material.


Please Thumbs up.

Thank you.

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As mainly a solo player, I find the decision to lose everything upon failure a let down. I agree with the aborting the mission and losing everything, but not with failing it. What you acquire should remain yours. In my opinion, this only defeats the purpose of replaying a mission you just died on or got disconnected on or your fellow teammates left you high and dry on. It just meant you played how ever long for nothing. After this happens enough, people will just move onto another game. I know there are some real hard core gamers out there that like this approach and you know what good for them, But many do not play that way and with this decision, you alienated everyone that doesn't play that way. I was going to purchase some platinum because I wanted to support the on going developement of the game as I find it one of the best I have seen in awhile. But with this change, I have reconsidered my purchase and my support. I apologize but as the kind of gamer I am and many are, I do feel let down by this change.


As do I, as do I.

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I've been playing a while and I realized that now in multiplayer missions when a colleague opens a loker or breaks one of the traditional cylinder pick up and drop the money and ammunition, life and energy the only thing you can take from what they took are only the life and energy.

besides the chiefs give blueprints for a single person.

I did not like anything these

forgive criticism.


please return to what it was before, when they gave blueprints, resources, money and ammunition to 4 players. I also love to win mods, exp, blueprings, objects, resources and money by dying to win something in the mission



I liked the bug fixes and other improvements  thanks

Edited by player-zero
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I am not a regular FPS player and up till this update I was actually enjoying myself and learning, but unfortunately after this update you will make it almost impossible for a solo player (at least at my ability level)to gain any mods or other things on missions such as defense and with infestation aboard mainly for the fact in infestation it is my understanding they respawn. I understand your probably trying to stave off all the farming but if you do that you need to make a finite number of enemies instead of continually respawning enemies.  A request can you make the gun site maybe a bright yellow or green or some color that shows it up when your trying to track an enemy? Also on the minimap can you indicate maybe by color of a different floor, I find it very confusing when trying to find a marker and there is no indication if it is on a different floor? Thank you for your continued hard work.

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Do what you -can do-.


Abort early if you must in order to avoid failing the mission.


Do not risk things that you are not willing to lose.


This is all easy math, folks.  Asking them to put back in an exploit which allows you to grind twice as fast has nothing to do with your level of ability.  If you always wipe on 18, leave at 15 or bring friends.  If you can -mostly- make it to 15, but get buried every couple times you try, blow one of your daily rezzes and work with that.


*@##$ing about this fix is asking them to replace an easymode loophole, not an intended game mechanic.  Leave defenses early if you must.  Don't try to solo things that will kill you.  Play the game like the designers intended it to be played.


Risk vs. reward makes things interesting.  Elsewise you're just grinding easy stuff for materials.

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Do what you -can do-.


Abort early if you must in order to avoid failing the mission.


Do not risk things that you are not willing to lose.


This is all easy math, folks.  Asking them to put back in an exploit which allows you to grind twice as fast has nothing to do with your level of ability.  If you always wipe on 18, leave at 15 or bring friends.  If you can -mostly- make it to 15, but get buried every couple times you try, blow one of your daily rezzes and work with that.


*@##$ing about this fix is asking them to replace an easymode loophole, not an intended game mechanic.  Leave defenses early if you must.  Don't try to solo things that will kill you.  Play the game like the designers intended it to be played.


Risk vs. reward makes things interesting.  Elsewise you're just grinding easy stuff for materials.


 That's the thing though, some people, like me, don't have a good enough connection to play with friends. I'd love to take on Jackal quickly with a few others, but most of the time I get kicked because my internet just plain sucks. Lol, I do agree with you with most of what you say though. However, it'd be nice if they adjusted the difficulty depending on how many people are in your party. That way, if you have four people it can be a nice challenge, and if they all jump ship, then the game scales down so it'd still be a fun challenge for you to tackle on your own.

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 That's the thing though, some people, like me, don't have a good enough connection to play with friends. I'd love to take on Jackal quickly with a few others, but most of the time I get kicked because my internet just plain sucks. Lol, I do agree with you with most of what you say though. However, it'd be nice if they adjusted the difficulty depending on how many people are in your party. That way, if you have four people it can be a nice challenge, and if they all jump ship, then the game scales down so it'd still be a fun challenge for you to tackle on your own.

Since the game is pretty much intended to be played solo after this last update, this guy makes a great point.

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Furyoushounen don't you mean after this update it's intended to be played multiplayer? I do agree that if thats the case enemies should be adjusted accordingly to how many are playing. By the way does anyone else lose their target recticle in the background when your tracking?

Edited by Pendragon1951
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Do what you -can do-.


Abort early if you must in order to avoid failing the mission.


Do not risk things that you are not willing to lose.


This is all easy math, folks.  Asking them to put back in an exploit which allows you to grind twice as fast has nothing to do with your level of ability.  If you always wipe on 18, leave at 15 or bring friends.  If you can -mostly- make it to 15, but get buried every couple times you try, blow one of your daily rezzes and work with that.


*@##$ing about this fix is asking them to replace an easymode loophole, not an intended game mechanic.  Leave defenses early if you must.  Don't try to solo things that will kill you.  Play the game like the designers intended it to be played.


Risk vs. reward makes things interesting.  Elsewise you're just grinding easy stuff for materials.

I totally agree. I just hope they fix enemies getting stuck in almost all defense missions. Also, I would love to see planets have their unique look to be distinguishable. At the moment if you select a random map and play it, I can't tell which planet that is. Having said that, I would like to see some outdoor forest levels :)

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 I can handle Jackal alone, it just takes an ungodly amount of time. I was just using him as an example.

I find the Jackal quite easy to do with a Paris/Excalibur combo.


Load your melee weapon with armor piercing. Ditto the bow. UNSTOPPABLE.

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