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Update 7.8.0


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Ever heard about risk\reward dilema?

Right now there is no reason to stop defence mission, unless you are bored with killing stuff. New system forces you to make a decision, if you want to take risk for more reward.


Cause before failing mission was like "Meh....", no it will be more like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!", especially if a rare stuff droped during mission.

Why would it be a good idea to frustrate players?

What if someone messes up and everyone loses all their rewards?

I'm not looking forward to the angry group chats where elitist players will yell at a novice for messing up.


I wouldn't mind it so much in regular missions, just not endless defense.

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i did not i see a fix for this in the change log but i and other who i have spoken with in-game cannot join an alert mission online, it will instantly disconnect me and force me and the other people with this problem to play it solo


edit. forgot to mention...this started when update 7 came out :(

Edited by thedrag0n22
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- Prevent fusing/selling critical ability/precept mods when no duplicates are present

I upgraded my piercing strike to last rank just now along with some other mods and when I tried to put it on I found it gone completely.

edit. I'm positive I didn't use it to "fuel" other mod and it seems this update affects only warframe and sentinel skills :/

Edited by Seamur
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Good stuff! Still, I managed to accidentally n00b-fuse my Slash Dash away just 15 minutes

(!) before this update arrived --- an update that would have prevented me from making such 

a combat-paralyzing mistake. :( :( :( :( :( :( 


I hope I can get such a vital ability back somehow! :'/

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I've a request for an update... can you please make it so that when you remove a mod, you don't have to hit apply to see it in the Mods section. There are times when I want to fuse and upgrade my mods, but I have to take the extra redundant step to apply that I do not have it on, then go to the menu for the mods and fuse it. 


So, Unequip > Mod screen > Re-Equip 

Instead of Unequip > Apply > Mod screen > Re-Equip > Apply

Edited by theif519
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for the most part i like this update, all but the failed mission aspect. sure if we abort thats fine. it was our choice to lose those items. but if some troll wants to ruin his/her group he/she could force a failed mission. which in my eyes is greifing.


while that may not be very often and probably reportable. why even give players the option to make someone else lose items. to me it just doesnt feel right.


this is a co op game and that change alone has made me boycott public games.


and im sure im not the only 1 who wont bother with pug/public play, between lagtastic hosts trolls and now the option to grief due to this new system i just see less n less appeal for public play.

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NO please no.  Aborting missions now forfeits any earned credits, mods, blueprints and so on... everytime an enemy was stuck in a bug like he glitched in the ground i had to abort and now this doesnt reward anything?

I hope this change gets removed D:

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- Mission completion credit rewards now scale up based on the AI level

- Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded

AWESOME!... good thing i just finished getting that last Rhino blueprint today ;-p

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Just purchased the Snipetron and it's a good sniper rifle but 4 BULLETS?! Wut in the world, c'mon in the next patch please double it's mag capacity please to at least 8!!!!! Just insane that I take 4 shots at a big boss and have to reload EVERY TIME!!!!

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Still nothing for the Trinity Pet issue.

Nothing for certain people not being able to revive other players...




The fixes are great, but these are the only ones I care about.

I hate the whole if you leave early, you lose what you've earned so far.

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NO please no.  Aborting missions now forfeits any earned credits, mods, blueprints and so on... everytime an enemy was stuck in a bug like he glitched in the ground i had to abort and now this doesnt reward anything?

I hope this change gets removed D:


This change is actually really bad considering this is still beta as well.


What I mean by that is, I'm sure DE will be releasing more and more new maps for us to test. Every time we fall through the floor or get stuck in a map we'll have to abort.... losing everything except XP.


(I fell through the floor on a mobile defense mission just the other day. I have a screenshot if ya want lol. I fell endlessly and was forced to abort)

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I've had this happen twice to me. Both times I noticed it happened right before the host migrated and when the new host was chosen during migration, lock-down was still in effect even after the panels were used up. Thus forcing an abort and under the new system, I'd have gotten absolutely nothing aside from some XP because of one person having a bad connection at a bad moment. I'm dreading doing alerts now, as I have to hope I end up as the host due to my super low ping (rarely above 37ms). I'm not kidding, seeing a host migrate during a lockdown when the extraction room is right around the corner and forced to abort is not a fun thing at all, especially when it could have been avoided by being able to hit Play Now to force myself as the host for three people to join. If you don't want people farming bosses and quitting out, then make it so the boss is guarding the extraction room exit. There, problem solved without punishing people for having questionable connections because of a few bad apples. I won't even go into the previously mentioned post about how a host can rage-quit or god forbid, troll the other group by quitting out right before the extraction occurs and suddenly people have no rewards like mods, mats, dropped credits, etc.


thats the reason why im boycotting public games, atm someone other than myself can chose for me to lose out on items. which isnt a fun or replay worthy concept. i understand they changed it to prevent host rushing but its current state offers more room to do same thing


this is the first patch change ive actully felt the need to post over, so far ive agreed with 99% of your changes since closed.


and its the first change thats gonna dictate how often i play. now im almost forced to solo or wait for my premade to show up in mumble.

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Hey DE, still getting 0 credit rewards on defence missions, in this case for finish&claiming on Xini wave 15 :o)


Nice update :>


That said:

I agree with previous posters who pointed out that there are too many ways to need to abort, to punish the player for it.

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 atm someone other than myself can chose for me to lose out on items. which isnt a fun or replay worthy concept. i understand they changed it to prevent host rushing but its current state offers more room to do same thing



A host can still technically abort if the BP they wanted doesn't drop. This fix didn't really fix the whole host not leaving issue.

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Liking most of what I'm seeing.  I'm hoping this means the Grineer Lancers won't be quite the godless killing machines bears to deal with.  It bothers me that they are more dangerous in close combat than the Troopers armed with shotguns.


- Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded


Okay, I must admit, while I appreciate why this was done, I'm not so sure I'm happy about this particular approach.


I've run into missions, especially Extermination missions with Corpus, where enemies are stuck behind locked doors or otherwise unkillable since you can't reach them.  Now, in this situation, not only do I have to abort the mission, but I'll lose everything I've gotten in the level, as well.  That's going to get frustrating.  Now, thankfully, its very rare, but I seriously hope this is just a stop gap measure until a better solution can be implemented.

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I agree with the people saying mission failure shouldn't mean no loot. I've had many times where a disconnect or host leaving caused mission failure or during in a deg mission means losing a good 30min-1hr of my life? That really sucks :C

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