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Update 7.8.0


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DEs do you think you could list the Warframe abilities these mods effect please?


Steve said:


They all should work, I can try to dig up a list when fires die down. The notes are terse sometimes, sorry about that.


Maybe that will help.

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Where are you farming? I've been farming Sedna, and I have enough rubedo and alloy plate both. Honestly, I've been wondering what to do with it all. Protip: Destroy all containers and open all lockers, they can have materials in them.


i am on sedna too, and i open these stuff EVERYTIME and i get rarely alloy plates even the wiki says this here


Alloy Plate is an uncommon component that can be found on Venus, Sedna, and Ceres. It is usually found in quantities of 10 to 30. Some people have problems acquiring the amounts for certain weapons because of its drop quantity limits.


the drop of alloy plates is for my opinion too low, i am happy when i get maybe 12 or 16 alloy plates from each mission o_O

well they say it drops on venus too ... but i never got alloy plates from a venus mission xD except from the mission Aphrodite on venus but thats the only mission where i got alloy plate on venus x3

Edited by Chira
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Now racing is going to be even more of a problem.

I understand why you would cut rewards for aborting, it's hurting pub games.

But you are curing symptoms and not the problem.


People wouldn't abort farm in the first place if it wasn't a 2 minute walk to the boss and a 15 minute walk out.

Here's a crazy Idea, put the boss... wait for it... near the END of the level!

I'll be waiting for my check in the mail DE.



Edit: Also, people are still going to abort every time they don't get what they want because they will know as soon as it happens, they'll just be more frustrated that they won't get to keep the junk they picked up along the way (and neither will the pubs)

Edited by SparklyNoises
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I don't know about this change. It's attempting to fix a very minor problem by applying a solution that is far too sweeping and which has very negative unintended consequences.


Mission failure as mentioned above is one of them, please tell me that giving people nothing for failing is not intentional.


Also, what about disconnects? People lag out all the time, peer to peer lobbies are unreliable in terms of stable ping/packet transfer, real life sometimes intervenes, and as we know from past experience, DE's servers aren't foolproof (not a knock on you guys, just the nature of technology). One of the things I really like about this game is that you still get something if you get disconnected, which is a ubiquitous occurrence in online gaming, especially for people on wifi or with less than great connections. It's one of the ways that this game is light years ahead of, e.g. ME3 multiplayer--getting jack upon disconnecting, which happened constantly, was probably the worst aspect of that game. It just seems misguided to punish the entire player base for the actions of a few bad apples.

This. I've had several times playing the game where the game would glitch, an enemy would fall through the map on exterminate and i can't find it, or I would fall through the map randomly and die. And sometimes IRL intervenes and I have to leave a mission early. Why punish everyone by wasting their time and effort just because of the actions of a minority? And I only play solo and already got quite a few forced quits, I can't imagine how many disconnects and host migration problems that co-op players are going to get. Please, there are other ways to stop Quitters other than punishing honest players. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/31552-actual-solutions-to-the-rushingquitting-problem-also-stop-crying-over-pug-games/

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Truth be told, it doesn't feel like i am fighting grineers anymore, its like they turned silent compared to the previous ones.

The grineers i know back from the early update 6 are a rowdily bunch that make a lot of noise in a fight.

But that's just me, other then that i really like all the changes and how fast you guys react to popping bugs (like the credit one).

Thanks for the hard work.

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Good job guys! Love the waits for the friday patches they never disappoint (: 


EDIT: I am in love with how my sentinel looks LOL! sooo badass with mask and wings! aw yeah! KEEP THE COSMETICS COMING. I want to be able to make my favourite warframe as unique as possible ;)

Edited by elvin123456
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My Update gets so close towards the end of download, then it says Update Failed.

I have tried rebooting steam, my computer and logging off and on.


Please don't tell me I have to re-install the game again.


*** NEVER MIND GUYS IT WORKED FINALLY*** Just kept letting it fail and start over.

Edited by TheAchiever
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Now racing is going to be even more of a problem.

I understand why you would cut rewards for aborting, it's hurting pub games.

But you are curing symptoms and not the problem.


People wouldn't abort farm in the first place if it wasn't a 2 minute walk to the boss and a 15 minute walk out.

Here's a crazy Idea, put the boss... wait for it... near the END of the level!

I'll be waiting for my check in the mail DE.

l2 sprint cards.....with maxed out speed, regen, and max stam you can get to the exit of most lvls under 5m (assumeing ur solo so you dont have to wait on ppl) of course i'm talking about farming runs where your only in it for a boss.

Also I would recemend getting loki or volt as there the fastest ( Loki 1.6 run speed) others are 1.0 or lower besides ash witch is 1.4

Edited by ImortalTJones
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i guess now we'll have to play a good week with this sadistic rule of not being able to keep mods after losing a mission. :( i hope it's only for a week. it really frustrates the player. especially on defense.

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up7.8 "Farmers crusher"


Pretty nice update regarding rusher gamebreakers


love to fear dying again, hope more idea will come to put in players the fear of dying (maybe it's fine too like this)


Kind of    >_<


after buying that nw gloves ( was hoping for a diferent animation or something) i do love the design badly


1 part of the animation, become just eyes annoying disturbing and break the combo flow at high fire rate... (that move when yu turn on yourself)

it should be either deleted or followed directly by another  "i turn on myself" but to the other side


any changes coming or should i just give up gloves






Also do founders got any luck  to have coloring system for Prime weapons?

Grey lines coloring on EX prime?

any idea to make prime stuff usefulL/diferent?


Any improvment for Prime gears?






Will all jumps atk will keep lookin the same?


Will we have a light air atk that can connect combo?


Will the air ground atk will be a triky move(regarding damage and effect) it should be something like a charge atk


press 1 time  for light and keep pressing for ground smash?


Non existing Stalker buff may coming?

Edited by Tsoe
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A suggestion to the whole abort mission discussion: Would it be possible to just have the penalty affect those who quit within a certain amount of time? That should prevent rushers, yet not fully penalize those who legitimately get stuck due to a map glitch who would just have to wait it out a little longer. I leave it to DE to decide whether this is feasible and the appropriate values.


Myself, I'm still waiting along with many others for the optional reset to hit so that we can start out fresh again. While the platinum was great to support the developers while also getting a nice feel of the game and the various frames/weapons without having to farm for months on end; the game is just not as appealing anymore having purchased things with platinum (for me anyway). I personally feel that starting out fresh, and building my way towards the frames and weapons that I like the traditional way would add the replayability that I am seeking; while I can use the refunded platinum more for slots, color palettes, and skins as they are released in the future.


I know this has been beaten to death, but would any DE staff member, maybe Steve if he's around, give an approximate update of when this feature might be rolled out? It kills me every time that I get excited with every new patch or update thinking it might be rolled out with it... only to find that it hasn't been. I understand that it's because a lot of users keep threatening to rage quit (doubtful, this game is too fun to ragequit in my opinion), and there's a fear that people might not understand what a reset actually means... but there are many like me who are fully aware of what it means, and would still want to go through with it because playing has lost quite a bit of meaning since we're currently stuck playing the waiting game instead.

well its nice that you want a reset ... but whats with others who paid not with platinum their weapons and farming idk how long to get a new warframe?

you with your platinum stuff can say that so easy because you said "ahh ... well i buy the stuff ... i dun want to farm the mats for it o3o" but those who did that spend maybe hours or (for stuff with alloy plates xD) days to build these weapons/warframe parts


i say CLEARLY NO to a reset o.O and yes, i would quit the game if i lose all my hard work to get my weapons because a bunch of players wants a reset of the entire data base ... sorry but you think in my eyes a bit egoistic and you take no attention what others may think about that


i totally agree with it that a reset should happen from closed to open beta ... (like nearly every game does that) but ... for that is it now allready too late, many new players joined and worked allready hard and spend hours to get weapons/warframes sorry but a reset? NO please no -__- i hate server wipes >_>

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well its nice that you want a reset ... but whats with others who paid not with platinum their weapons and farming idk how long to get a new warframe?

you with your platinum stuff can say that so easy because you said "ahh ... well i buy the stuff ... i dun want to farm the mats for it o3o" but those who did that spend maybe hours or (for stuff with alloy plates xD) days to build these weapons/warframe parts


i say CLEARLY NO to a reset o.O and yes, i would quit the game if i lose all my hard work to get my weapons because a bunch of players wants a reset of the entire data base ... sorry but you think in my eyes a bit egoistic and you take no attention what others may think about that


i totally agree with it that a reset should happen from closed to open beta ... (like nearly every game does that) but ... for that is it now allready too late, many new players joined and worked allready hard and spend hours to get weapons/warframes sorry but a reset? NO please no -__- i hate server wipes >_>

OPTIONAL reset -.-

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well its nice that you want a reset ... but whats with others who paid not with platinum their weapons and farming idk how long to get a new warframe?

you with your platinum stuff can say that so easy because you said "ahh ... well i buy the stuff ... i dun want to farm the mats for it o3o" but those who did that spend maybe hours or (for stuff with alloy plates xD) days to build these weapons/warframe parts


i say CLEARLY NO to a reset o.O and yes, i would quit the game if i lose all my hard work to get my weapons because a bunch of players wants a reset of the entire data base ... sorry but you think in my eyes a bit egoistic and you take no attention what others may think about that


i totally agree with it that a reset should happen from closed to open beta ... (like nearly every game does that) but ... for that is it now allready too late, many new players joined and worked allready hard and spend hours to get weapons/warframes sorry but a reset? NO please no -__- i hate server wipes >_>

he's asking for "optional reset" a reset option for those who put platinum in the wrong places during beta phases. These optional resets should not at all affect other people

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Wait a second. If you fail a Defense mission, you lose EVERYTHING you picked up? That can't be right. You will always lose if you keep playing.


They can't intend to take back all mods and schematics you pick up in rounds 1-10 if you get spanked in round 12?


No way, right?

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OK, they mean you lose your loot if you ABORT a mission, not if you FAIL a mission.


That seems fair enough. I never intentionally abort, unless real life pulls me out of the game. People shouldn't be rushing to bosses and quitting after the fight.

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