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Tiberon, New Hope For Old Weapons


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so as of the recent patch we received a new weapon, the tiberon. now the interesting thing is that this weapon requires a pre-existing weapon to craft (i personally find this REALLY cool, gotta calm down), the regular latron. after doing some stat calculations the DPS is actually quite impressive and is definitely an upgrade to the latron, albeit a completely different styled weapon. now what does this mean to older, lesser tier weapons with no hopes of primes? (although there is a latron prime, but that is beside the point) well, considering how a lower tier (the regular latron is actually quite sub-par) and pre-existing weapon got what could be considered a direct upgrade, this brings hope that some of our most beloved, but yet underwhelming, weapons might receive and upgrade themselves as well, giving them a chance to grow into powerful weapons in a more beautiful and evolved form, sort of as a metamorphosis. honestly I LOVE this mechanic and i wish DE would further this, but mostly for lower tier weapons with no hopes of primes, as they are the only upgrades the major population can aquire, and not only this, but it also opens up so many door to much more evolved weapons and even perhaps weapon trees. I r8 this new idea 8/8, DE, i hope you keep this up.

and that do you guys think, do you like this idea, if so, what weapons would you like to see upgraded?


here's mine:

- Ignis

- Buzlok

- Mutalist 

- Grakata <3 (would prefer a wraith doe, an upgrade would still be fine)

- acrid

- twin gremlins

- all sub-par alert swords & daggers

- lecta

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I'm not sure a semi-auto weapon turned into a burst fire weapon is exactly an "upgrade" so much as an evolution.  It definitely destroys the Burston and the Hind though.  The Burston Prime is roughly its equal... if you build the Burston Prime for RoF or crit that is.


As for other weapons that could use this "upgrade" approach, reintroduce the machete as an easily obtainable weapon, maybe actually buff it, then have it "upgrade" into a the Grineer's version of a Nikana.


I don't think Twin Gremlins need an upgrade though.  Those things are already pretty beast.


I could see an upgrade to the Grakata though, just to give the Grineer Lancer's a new weapon to shoot us with.  I do wish the Karak was used outside of Earth though.

Edited by Littleman88
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aside from alert melee weapons ignis and lecta, I wouldn't really consider those weapons sub-par. Even if they are those are types of weapons that should get buffs anyway.

weapons that should have 'upgrades' like the tiberon is to the latron would looks more like:




clan tech weapons should either get a buff of be left alone. (maybe the dragon nikana treatment for some)

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well what i meant with sub-par are weapons that don't really have what it takes to make it to long survivals. and i do agree, Latron -> Tiberon isn't exactly and upgrade, but rather a style change, but it does have a drastically improved DPS (if you want my maths i'll show you, and i'll post a build form Warframe builder as soon as it's up to back up my claims) so i count it as an upgrade. and to whoever said the gremlins are good, they're not exactly BAD, but rather, non-endgame material.

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well what i meant with sub-par are weapons that don't really have what it takes to make it to long survivals.


Infinite content is supposed to overwhelm and kill you. It's been specifically stated as something that's not going to be balanced to. 

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Infinite content is supposed to overwhelm and kill you. It's been specifically stated as something that's not going to be balanced to. 

i understand this idea, but what i mean is bring up thing to slightly less than Boltor P level, the reason i say long survivals is to give the weapons a longer degree of usability so that we have a greater variety of  "top tier" weapons to use, especially with weapons we find mechanically fun and/or hold near and dear to our heart (for example: the first weapon you built, mine was the grakata <3, still love it)

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here's mine:

- Ignis

- Buzlok

- Grakata



Whoa whoa whoa, hold your Kubrows.  Ignis Grakata and Buzlok not good?  I can take my Grakky to T3 and T4 stuff and wreck face with it for days till all other weapons fail


Same with Buzlok and well Ignis dies out a bit earlier but still a good gun.  why peeps hate Ignis?

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Whoa whoa whoa, hold your Kubrows.  Ignis Grakata and Buzlok not good?  I can take my Grakky to T3 and T4 stuff and wreck face with it for days till all other weapons fail


Same with Buzlok and well Ignis dies out a bit earlier but still a good gun.  why peeps hate Ignis?

 this goes to you and everyone else. my list isn't weapons i think are bad, just weapons i feel could use some improvements to make them even stronger

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We should call it "The Tiberon Effect" if they choose to build on the concept of using existing weapons to make new ones. (I.E. making weapons like the Braton into, say, a MINIGUN!)


Now, I'm not counting all the other ones that use other weapons since they still have the original weapon in their name.

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We should call it "The Tiberon Effect" if they choose to build on the concept of using existing weapons to make new ones. (I.E. making weapons like the Braton into, say, a MINIGUN!)


Now, I'm not counting all the other ones that use other weapons since they still have the original weapon in their name.


More like the Bolto Effect.

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The Ignis and Gremlins definitely don't need an upgrade. The Ignis was actually considered to be borderline-overpowered after the update that turned it into an AoE weapon (yes, it was a continuous-beam weapon before), and it hasn't exactly been nerfed since then. Not significantly, anyways.


Gremlins were beastly upon release, and have been remained basically untouched for well over a year (save for Damage 2.0, which removed their 100%-armor-ignore base damage, but to be fair, this was done to every other armor-ignore weapon in the game as well). They don't need a buff; they can easily perform as well as throwing knives as long as you're not trying to use them for sniping.

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i understand this idea, but what i mean is bring up thing to slightly less than Boltor P level, the reason i say long survivals is to give the weapons a longer degree of usability so that we have a greater variety of  "top tier" weapons to use, especially with weapons we find mechanically fun and/or hold near and dear to our heart (for example: the first weapon you built, mine was the grakata <3, still love it)


See, this is the thing: DE isn't really interested in building for the top tier.  They just know people WANT powerful weaponry and they'll exploit that for the money.  


If I had to put in an intended limit they build any weapon around, it would be the first full rotation of rewards in a T3 survival or defense since while they don't have to care about how far a player can go, they do have to make sure players have the means to at least go those initial 20 minutes/15 waves.  After that, it's overtime, and infinitely scaling content is ideally meant to soft cap a grind session.

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I don't understand all this hype...


If one doesn't have the latron yet, which is likely the case for newer generations of players or those short on slots, he has to built the latron first.


If one already has the latron, he could as well just delete it and replace it with a new weapon.


Lore... ok I can understand the point of using a weapon as base and make something better out of it.


Psychic aspect: Latron was the first weapon I got. Now it got a new purpose and lifes on in the Tiberon.


Well at the end of the day it's just more bothersome requirements for the group of people who didn't have a latron. So I dunno whether the hype is justified.

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More like the Bolto Effect.


Yeah the Bolto is sadly a bit forgotten, despite being essentialy an "upgrade with changes" to the currently underperfoming Lato. I recently dested my old potatoed AkBolto and they still hold up greatly in T3 Defences.


It's noteworthy that this is actualy a difference to the Nikana-> Dragon Nikana style straight upgrade, since it doesn't just turn a weapon into a stronger version, but a stronger version with changed mechanic.


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I don't understand how this can "improve" the old weapons, if any it simply turns them into a resource (Which is a very sad move to be honest) It gives them a new purpose but it doesn't improve their usage as a weapon at all.

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Grakata (Wraith please)

Dera (Vandal please)

Viper/dual vipers

vasto/ak (not really in need of a buff, I would just like to see what is done with it)



ceramic dagger

fangs (maybe an alternative to prime)


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