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Gifts We Get From Occasions


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Pretty much every day is a holiday somewhere. That would mean giveaways every day, or once or twice a week at least...


Honestly, I've never heard about this eid al-filter before. Like - probably - 90% of the playerbase. Everybody heard about Halloween, Valentine's Day or St. Patrick's day, however.

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As the others said, this is a muslim celebration, and most players (plus DE itself) reside in non-muslim countries, ergo no one even heard of it.


Christmas and Halloween are both major celebrations/events in said countries, so it only makes sense, not to mention giving out stuff for every holiday would mean I'd never have to visit the market again xD

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unfortunately I think as with most games you're only going to see recognition of Holidays/events etc that are popular in the area of the developer, with who they see a majority of their player base being. Although it could definitely be used as an opportunity to expose people around the world to different cultures and celebrations they would otherwise never know about.


I certainly wouldn't mind it.

though as some said if they really tried to represent every celebration then we'd be getting free stuff everyday which is pretty overkill.


It's just one of life's little disappointments  you have to learn to deal with.

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How odd would it be if we logged in to play for a holiday we've never heard of nor can even pronounce?


That would be awesome and educational.

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unfortunately I think as with most games you're only going to see recognition of Holidays/events etc that are popular in the area of the developer, with who they see a majority of their player base being. Although it could definitely be used as an opportunity to expose people around the world to different cultures and celebrations they would otherwise never know about.


They have no obligation to include holidays they don't celebrate themselves; they shouldn't be forced to.


Really, political correctness regarding multiculturalism is a pet peeve of mine.

Edited by Brimir
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They have no obligation to include holidays they don't celebrate themselves; they shouldn't be forced to.


Really, political correctness regarding multiculturalism is a pet peeve of mine.


I don't see rajule's post speaking of any kind of obligation or forcing the devs to do anything, honestly. 

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I don't see rajule's post speaking of any kind of obligation or forcing the devs to do anything, honestly. 


Nor did I say that he did.


I'm just saying that mindset can lead to a dangerous and hypocritical road to walk down that should be avoided at all cost. If DE chooses to celebrate a Muslim holiday, cool I don't care. But if they are pressured into doing it in the name of multiculturalism...

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I don't see rajule's post speaking of any kind of obligation or forcing the devs to do anything, honestly. 




He said it could have been used as an opportunity to bring a bit of knowledge of other cultures in not they absolutely must do it because we must include all cultures. 


We know they don't have to. We know there are far too many of these celebrations worldwide to include them all. He just said it could have been nice.

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Nor did I say that he did.


I'm just saying that mindset can lead to a dangerous and hypocritical road to walk down that should be avoided at all cost. If DE chooses to celebrate a Muslim holiday, cool I don't care. But if they are pressured into doing it in the name of multiculturalism...


DE are hard as hell to sway if the majority of the vocal community doesn't ask for something with torches and pitchforks. I think it's pretty safe for us to voice this opinion, I don't see it going anywhere anyway :P

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There comes a point where celebrating various religious/regional occasions for the sake of inclusion would become too much.

Most companies stick to what's relevant for the culture they are surrounded by (Canada being predominantly Christian in this case.)


If they went the whole "equality for all, no compromise" route they'd probably have 50+ of these major events a year (I can think of a couple of dozen widely celebrated occasions only taking into account a handful of the most common religions). This of course brings with it a number of issues from the work needed to support it (To a level where it's worth something to players) plus the fact that if it was supported in a manner the community wouldn't complain about, why the hell would anyone buy anything if they are throwing out free content like confetti?


I'm not a religious man by any stretch of the imagination (As such none of these events mean anything to me), but I am well aware that they do to some. Therefore I wouldn't have any issues mixing in a couple of notable spiritual holidays from various different cultures. 


However... as stated above, most companies stick with what surrounds them or is relevant in their culture. So we probably won't see Eid al-Fitr or the beginning of Ramadan being celebrated any time soon... nor Chanukah, Rosh Hashanah, Diwali, Vaisakhi, Lammas or Navratri.... I could go on.

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They have no obligation to include holidays they don't celebrate themselves; they shouldn't be forced to.


Really, political correctness regarding multiculturalism is a pet peeve of mine.


Nor did I say that he did.


I'm just saying that mindset can lead to a dangerous and hypocritical road to walk down that should be avoided at all cost. If DE chooses to celebrate a Muslim holiday, cool I don't care. But if they are pressured into doing it in the name of multiculturalism...



Now what exactly would you call "pressuring"? You mean the way people ask to have more customization in the game? What about your statement here? Is it considered pressuring DE to NOT include a muslim holiday? I really don't get this animosity that you have. If people wanted something because they wanted to experience a different culture and asked for it in the most civilized way possible, does it matter that it's for "multiculturalism"? 


And no, don't take me wrong, I don't care one way or the other if they include all the other holidays. I just find your post...curious.

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Upon clicking the link, the first thing I saw was 'Feast of Breaking the Fast', which--without reading anything else--looked like longhand for 'Breakfast'. No disrespect here, none at all, but celebrating breakfast would be awesome. :3

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Well-christmas and halloween are holidays everyone celebrates irrespective of religion. So I think that's why they do it.


Maybe color pallettes?


Christmas maybe and I'm not even too sure about that... but Halloween is definitively not celebrated by everyone, not by a long shot.




*snip* celebrating breakfast would be awesome. :3


I celebrate breakfast everyday by eating stuff :D

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Well-christmas and halloween are holidays everyone celebrates irrespective of religion. 



Nope, several religions don't celebrate Christmas.


Muslims, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhists don't celebrate it at all.


There are probably a few others too.

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