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Such Rage Quit


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I had a good 4-12 host migrations with 3 or 4 failed missions for the wildfire nightmare alert against grineer


At first my attitude was a laid back "eh we failed" half effort type of thing


Then it just got ridiculous with people rushing in on the wardens and dying or getting spotted and realizing they wouldnt have time to save the hostage


I saw valkyrs go down. i saw nyxs and lokis go down, i saw a rhino prime go down twice. I even went down once and just said screw it


Picked up my Serro and wreaked havoc IMMADNOW style


Then came the host migrations...


Really though i still dont care .-.




Why do people rush into this and bounce migrate instead of taking a moment to kill wardens and save the hostage?

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Just go solo Loki with perma invisibility and after you rescue the hostage run like hell to the extraction.



I went solo to do a stealth run. In the second room, there were 4 arc traps hidden INSIDE the walls. You can probably guess what happened next... Despite Loki's invisibility, those little S#&$s still one-shot me, thanks to the no-shield handicap.

Edited by Airut
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I went solo to do a stealth run. In the second room, there were 4 arc traps hidden INSIDE the walls. You can probably guess what happened next... Despite Loki's invisibility, those little S#&$s still one-shot me, thanks to the no-shield handicap.



Oh, completely forgot about them. Yeah, these little things can be a real pain in the &#!.

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well, if you can't solo any nightmare alert with a Valkyr, then you either lack a few key mods, or you're dumb. Yes, it is entirely possible to perma-hysteria speedrun through the map, ignore the wardens while hacking the cell doors, and then take them down. Even if the hostage dies, you can safely revive him because of invulnerability


otherwise you need teamwork - some tenno deal with the wardens, while others are hacking, etc. you can't expect that from a random group

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Pubs are okay most of the time, only failed 2 times, 1 because they rambo the wardens with underpowered weapons. And once because of host lag. But seriously, if you see an alert plz do check the f'ing difficulty, what faction you're up against, what level are they, mission type and set up your load out accordingly.

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solo... allways solo alerts or go with ppl u know... leaned that the hard way when doing the new tactical event


the guys i was running with stayed untill we reached 3.4k when we only need 2k... really annoying when u just want the rewards :/


I think he was talking about the nightmare alert.

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I went solo to do a stealth run. In the second room, there were 4 arc traps hidden INSIDE the walls. You can probably guess what happened next... Despite Loki's invisibility, those little S#&$s still one-shot me, thanks to the no-shield handicap.


Use Vitality?


Wow, Valkyrs going down huh, must be highlevel stuff.


Who rushes a rescue mission anyway? don't players know that going rambo in this mission type might get the target killed?


Go Loki or Ash, stealth is key here.

Lvl 44 Nightmare Grineer


I was changing songs while reviving a stranger...


I think he was talking about the nightmare alert.


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Seriously though, I can understand if you're completely swarmed with enemies, but it's sorta rare for a Valkyr to go down if you mod her right.

Ate right through my HP and energy


Grineer warden eximus on nightmare lvl 45-55ish?


He hurts


If i had been paying attention though...

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solo... allways solo alerts or go with ppl u know... leaned that the hard way when doing the new tactical event


the guys i was running with stayed untill we reached 3.4k when we only need 2k... really annoying when u just want the rewards :/

I had it worse: I was the only one going to the excavators, the otheres were protecting the scanner, even after I said to go to the excavation site, I said F*** it and Aborted the mission... a few ones in fact, then recruited people and got my 2k points.

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PUGs don't care what you want, they don't share the same interest. If you expect anything from them, you will only be let down.


When you join a PUG Either play like you're going solo, or do not expect anything at all. Not even someone to revive you if you go down.

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solo... allways solo alerts or go with ppl u know... leaned that the hard way when doing the new tactical event

the guys i was running with stayed untill we reached 3.4k when we only need 2k... really annoying when u just want the rewards :/

All the pug hate on the forums is always baffling, to me.

I queued up for the tactical alert with randoms... Easily got to 3.2k before leaving, had no problems with any of the people. Got all 3 rewards from that first game, don't even have to do it again. The few times that somebody did go down, everyone was always there trying to revive.


Not all pugs are bad, y'know. Especially when people actually want a reward and work for it. Most regular matchmaking missions, sure there's AFKers and people who just don't care, but most of the time in events and the like, people are actually trying their best to get those rewards.

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PUGs don't care what you want, they don't share the same interest. If you expect anything from them, you will only be let down.


When you join a PUG Either play like you're going solo, or do not expect anything at all. Not even someone to revive you if you go down.

Isnt that exactly the problem?


-looks at title-


such rage quit

very butthurt


You shouldve read the post

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Nightmare Fuel:


1. Public match

2. Nightmare mode

3. Rescue mission


Perfect storm. Delicate disaster. It's such a magnificent forumla for unbridled rage and a lowering of faith in humanity.


The devs should be given medals for how powerful of a force this is, and how easily it can wreak havoc.


Wildfire is seriously not worth the effort.


Hell no mod is worth a rescue mission's effort, nightmare or not. Rescue is dreadful.


I was gonna slip a worldplay/pun in during the store segment and Wildfire but I just woke up. Believe me I wanted to.

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