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Coming Soon: Devstream #39!


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CR@P. Forgot to post my question-is there going to be any new rooms for dojo (target range, aquariums, more gardens) as well as a way to pay for decoration all at once?(you know, so you don't have to individually run back and forth inside the hall to constantly add resources to decorations).

Edited by Pixel_Terror
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I have a question, when update 15 is set and released for the public, about the archwing will it be like a quest similar to how mirage was where we would have to go to set location's and do mission's and get the individual parts for the archwing and build it piece by piece then do the mission's that have an archwing requirement or will it be like an event where everything is fleshed and ready for us and we just have to do the mission and kick grineer and corpus butt.

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Is a double factor authentication method ever going to be implemented?
Since these game accounts are filled with platinum from real money i think that implementing soon (not Soon™) a double factor authentication metod is a top priority, even more after reading the news about the acquisition, since the game is futurably going to see its market expanded due to reaching more population in previously unmarketed regions, and thus making possible security exploits even more profitable for malicious attackers.

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(I lost count, would be a waste of time to look it up...and the numbers are to help you anyway):

1. Will you guys be getting free chicken to enjoy on dev streams and primetimes?

2. Sandskate syndicate?

3. Will we be able to start/design our own syndicates?(Particularly important if you're going to refuse us a sandskate syndicate(BUT WHO IS THAT CRUEL?))


4. What are the "other surprises" Steve spoke of last night?


5. Will there be any special warframe-branded chicken nuggets for us to buy from the merch store now(or at our local grocer)?

6. Will the new investors mean anything interesting to us? Like, bigger, more-frequent updates, servers, or technology gadgets and widgets you guys always wanted but couldn't afford before? Basically, there must be a reason for the tenno to cheer about the new deal, so... what is it? What are the new benefits and perks of this?


7. Steve said there's a card game? Will that tie in to warframe? Will we get any benefits on it from being prime-access or founders on WF? Will it be related to WF at all? Will we get benefits in warframe from playing the card game, or vice versa?


8. I actually read the ToS and EULA and all that fun stuff. Will we be getting new ones now that DE has been sold, or are the old agreements staying put?


9, Will chickenframe(ember) be getting any special love in honor of Sumpo?

10. Will we be seeing any new/different in-game items based on Sumpo, or on PW-related things?


11. How many archwings will we start off with? Steve said "probably 3", but sounded completely unconvinced of this.

12. We know it's "Soon", but what's a vague ballpark for u15? This month? Before winter? Before american thanksgiving? When?

13. Hubs(or "relays"). Will they be in 15, or later? Will we be able to avoid them, or will they be like the liset--completely non-optional?

14. Auction houses--were mentioned as needing hubs. Will we be seeing those with them, or later, or sooner, or...?


15. As there's a new game announced/leaked, does this mean DE will be sunsetting WF, putting WF on a back burner, or otherwise allocating WF resources (designers, artists, coders, etc.) to the new game?


16. Can our kubrows/sentinels ride on our backs in backpacks, R2D2-style, during archwing segments of the game?

17. Will there be archwing-mode sentinels?(a la Gradius "Option")?


18. Archwing pvp?

19. Enemies in the archwing demo look very prey-like. Will there be any dogfighters, duelers, minibosses, bosses, or other "it only exists so you have something to shoot at while you fly" enemies? Actual aerial combat(Wing Commander style!) would be awesome.


20. Alerts currently have the option to change objectives, or add objectives after the first has been completed. Will we be seeing any transitional alerts? Ie. Complete a standard objective, and swap to archwing mode, or complete an archwing objective and swap to standard mode?

21. Alerts used to have the changing/adding objectives thing more frequently(I once saved 3 hostages and blew up a reactor, all after capturing some dude, after stealing a briefcase... for 1k credits. Admittedly, not enough pay for the job, but it was AWESOME). Will that ever be coming back, or has it been axed permanently?


22. Last year, we were promised more epic treasure rooms. However, rather than having more epic treasure rooms, the ones we had seem to have tapered off/disappeared--there are far fewer treasure rooms in most tilesets now, particularly the void, and some epic treasure rooms have apparently vanished completely(there was a wind tunnel with floating platforms in the derelicts that I haven't seen in 9 months now). What happened? Where did they go? Did the newer tilesets ever get any to begin with?

23. Some tiles get altered/changed over time... others seem to vanish completely(I haven't seen the derelict version of the old orokin raid room in at least 6 months). What happens to the old rooms? Will we ever get access to them again?

24. Might there ever be additonal modes or ways to visit older versions and completely removed rooms? Or are they just gone forever?


25. Will archwing have any epic treasure rooms?(Ie. broken hulls that still have stuff to do in them?)

26. Will archwing have any Descent-style missions for it? (Flying around inside a 3-dimensional mine/dungeon designed with flight in mind) Surely the grineer mining operations and corpus factories are far more massive than the tiny parts we run through on asteroid maps.

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Question 1: Any plans to remove the invincibility from Valkyrs Hysteria?


Dont get me wrong, I am mainly Valkyr player and I love the feel of the frame, especially the Ripline. However, as you must have learned from the old Trinity, any sort of reliable invincibility removes gameplay from the game. Currently my potatoed Valkyr can run 2 hour solo survivals with absolutely no problems through chaining duration mods with Rage and Energy siphon for endless invincibility and with enough armor and hitpoints that they can never oneshot me between the casts. I would rather see Hysteria remade into something more fun that would actually utilize the laser claws as the main reason to use the ability

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27. What will we see from syndicates, besides sandskates?

28. Will there be a sandskate syndicate?


29. Archwing is the first major game type change up in WF. Will we be seeing others in the future(perhaps RTS or MOBA game modes)? Or is this a one-time thing?


30. Will we be seeing any cross-over promotions from the new business partners?

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The sigil ideas are super awesome and I am pretty excited for their intrduction into the game!


Question: With the eventual addition of the sigil cosmetics that we can't buy with platinum, will you ever consider other cosmetics such as armour and syandanas that can only be obtained by being epic?

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Don't know if its been asked before, can't find it.

WILL THERE BE: A manual frame limit option? PLEASE, either add this in or tell us where to mod your game to set this!

Im getting nearly 1000 frames in your menus, 500 when outside of combat, and around a solid 190-220 IN combat.


Please just let me set what frame limit I want. 150 to 200 would be nice, thank you.

PS. We all know V-sync is garbage. Don't tell us to use vsync.

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n light of the coming ability to switch warframe idle animations, I had an idea. The option to take the stock armor add-ons (for frames that have them) and use them on other warframes. For example of you have Oberon, you can use his shoulder armor on Volt. I can see this being a nice way of adding some customization without actually having to add new content.

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When sigils are added to the game can we expect a prominent amount of them in the double digits or are we going to be receiving them like missions where we get 2 or 3 and then question what else to do with our lives?


As much as I like the new corpus music, hearing it on missions like void etc makes me feel like that whole 'instanced' thing isn't really happening. Could we get a fix on that?


Currently what are each of you working on that you believe is taking the most time out of your workday?

Do you plan to be in your 'endgame' before the year is out or shortlty into the new year? If not, when would you estimate that players could finally feel a part of the Warframe universe?

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Since phobus and OD's maps no new tilsets where presented not talking about rework tilesets on planets but actual new places we have DS we have void updates but OD's maps could be reveiw and add a new place like asteroid belt mission nodes or othere old orokin temple sure theres alot of ideas in the forums are u guys think in a new place for missions on near future?

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