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This Is How Weapons Are Done


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Moreover, half the weapons and characters in ME3 multiplayer were only small variations on each other.  Oh sure, some stood out from the rest, but not all of them.


Consider also that Warframe has a variety of melee weapons too, of which there were none in ME3 multiplayer.  DE's already catching up in terms of total weapon count, and offering much more variation for weapons and Warframes both.


Quantity is not always quality, after all.

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Moreover, half the weapons and characters in ME3 multiplayer were only small variations on each other. 


Actually, every single weapon is different. There is not one instance where you think it's just a reskin of something else.

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I don't think the preposterously vast amount of guns in Borderlands can be topped by anyone.  They are on a whole other level of crazy awesome. 


To be fair there actually aren't that many unique weapon skins in borderlands.

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To be fair there actually aren't that many unique weapon skins in borderlands.

The guns in borderlands just have some small appearance change (One sniper can have a handle but the exact same doesn't have one). So I agree with you there, and be patient with the content of the game. This isn't something like ME or BL where every gun in the game has been thought out and placed into the game, in time we will have some pretty kick &#! weapons.

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I agree. I was just pointing out Mass Effect is far from the be all and end all of guns.


It's probably a good example, since the gameplay here is similar.  However, even though I sometimes wish Warframe used cooldowns instead of Energy orbs, you don't have procedurally-generated maps, awesome melee, or ninja parkour in ME3 multiplayer.  So... tradeoffs.  Besides - Warframe's not even released yet, and it's already awesome.

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Almost all of these weapons look so... dull and bland. Although I am big advocate of getting S#&$load of content mass in Warframe, I'd rather take smaller amount of easily-identifiable weapons with each having its own personality and recognition than bunch of lifeless,faceless clones of each other.

Edited by Fenrisulfr
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Mass Effect has many weapons that just varies in power (under the few weapon class). Borderlands however, has weapons that also varies in style.  imo we don't need that many guns that just varies in power (which just means we spend time and resources on more similar stuff which does not really add to gameplay). We need NEW FUN things to play with... (.e.g a nunchakus whirling Warframe, or a launchable Roller sentinel, or something like a gun whose bullets will ricochet off the first few surfaces it hits. come to think of it, seeker weapons (rockets?) will be fun too, esp if fired around corners just using enemy radar)

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I'm rather happy with the way weapons are done in Warframe thus far, each gun has it's own feel and niche to it rather than just being "oh another gun, which has higher stats?" which is the way it becomes if too many are added.


At the moment, the time spent into making sure a slot is free, gathering the materials, crafting the weapon and then ranking it while deciding if a catalyst is worth it gives it that personal touch which makes it feel valuable, when I first crafted my Lex or HEK for example I spent time gathering the materials, rank and credits for it then waited the day for it to be completed, and while I was ranking it up it felt more like my weapon of choice rather than some nameless gun I got because it had better stats than my old one, which is the feeling it becomes if quantity overtakes quality too much.


There are alot of good ideas on the forums to bounce around the devs such as silenced weapons, blow darts, shields and grenade launchers, and I have faith that the devs listen to their community and council and will bring the ideas that make the cut into the game. As for the heat seeking rocket-like ideas, let's keep things in perspective, it would be cool, but we don't want another "Psychic Bolts enemy tracking" weapon XD

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We don't need a giant weapon roster. Honestly, very few weapons in ME3 were at all significant.


If we end up with a giant armoury of guns, lovely. BUT!

And that's a very huge 'But'.


I want the Devs to spend a lot of time and thought on EVERY weapon. Notice how whenever new weapons are released they're in groups of TWO.


And how they are very unique?


Newest example, AKRYNOS (Spelling not checked.) seems to be a weapon designed for stunlocking a bothersome enemy. (I haven't used it yet.)


While it's older brother, the FURAX seemingly works best when used to let the rare charge-strike loose when you need to be certain an enemy will be dead quickly, usually the larger ones after you've emptied a clip into them and don't have the luxury of reloading.

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I played lots of ME3 Multi and if i recall correctly, many of those guns were introduced in DLCs (5 Multi DLCs - 3 weapons per DLC minimum - 15 guns introduced in +/- one year). Some of them are just variations of other - Black Widow was just Semi-Auto weaker Widow, Kishock Harpoon was sniper version of Graal Spike Thrower. Sabre was higher dmg-lower-rof Mattock, and Harrier was auto-fire Mattock. Not so many guns which are trurly unique (but I agree, some were awesome - Widow, Javelin, Mattock, Revenant, Avenger, Geth guns - those were my favourite)


Second, most of those guns were imported from ME2


Third, as someone mentioned, you are comparing DE with established developer with S#&$load of money.


Fourth, ME3MP armory had very poor modification capabilities - only two slots if I am not mistaken + flat RANDOM upgrades.


Fifth. No melee weapons at all.


So I think that DE is doing fine.

Edited by SabreUr
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