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U15 Skill Slots ( Personal Point Of View) De Kindly Read And Consider.


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Just a heads up: DE confirmed they had finished the system that is taking the slots and are just polishing to be 100% sure it works correctly.


The slots that are taken away will be slots with ability polarities. Unless you have less then 2 polarities none of your custom polarties will be taken.


So only frames with 1 ability polarity or 0 ability polarities should be worried about the slot removal.



Also i highly doubt the DE will release legendary forma due to the small amount of players who do have 1 polarity or less.


Since the DE staff has stated they do not agree or like the playstyle that doesn't use all abilities.

Edited by Feallike
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So only frames with 1 ability polarity or 0 ability polarities should be worried about the slot removal.



Also i highly doubt the DE will release legendary forma due to the small amount of players who do have 1 polarity or less.


Since the DE staff has stated they do not agree or like the playstyle that doesn't use all abilities.


The percentage of people that will be negatively affected by this is actually slimmer than that.


To quote myself from another topic:



Just to clarify, people that have forma'd away 3 of their ability slots will only lose one polarity. Losing one polarity might be an issue at first glance, but you have to realize that we're also losing 2 mod slots. The mod points freed up from this should be more than enough to cover the loss of one polarity.

Edited by Deetwo
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oh ,by the by - the situation was cleared up better, and i'm sure the disarray of threads around aren't reading the Announcement thread, so here's a quick overview.


the top left and right Ability Slots are the ones disappearing. if you Polarized the top left/right Ability slots and then swapped those Polarities to somewhere else, it'll still take the same slot.

if you swapped the Ability Polarity somewhere else, it'll take the slot you moved the Ability Polarity to.


if you polarized the bottom left/right Ability Polarities and swapped them elsewhere, then that won't be affected at all.

if you swapped the Ability Polarities from the bottom left/right elsewhere, it'll still neutralize the Ability Polarity.



all in all, that means you can avoid needing to relevel anything depending on how much Polarizing you've done just by swapping Polarities you want to keep away from the two slots that we know are being removed.


i poked around my Warframes and i now will be getting zero Forma from this change, swapping Polarities around so that i keep all of them.


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That is a massively dense wall of text. Nobody is going to actually read all of that, I didn't even make it to your numbered points.


Responding to what I did read:

DE already said they will compensate any work that is undone by the change. I have to ask though, who the heck formas all their power slots away?

I read it all, but I didn't get anything out of it. The run-on sentences made my mind go numb. :/


Words were read, but information wasn't gathered.

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i poked around my Warframes and i now will be getting zero Forma from this change, swapping Polarities around so that i keep all of them.


This is a really good point. People are quick to forget they can temporarily (or permanently) move the polarized slots so they don't need to repolarize and relevel their frames. Well unless they formaed all 4 ability slots
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i agree , the time spent releveling a formad frame is lost regardless of what the payback ( reward) is, that time was lost trying to enjoy the game and building your gear the way you see it fit

And how exactly would they compensate you for a linear progression of events that you can't move backwards on without a machine and a ridiculous amount of electricity?

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If i want to be conspirative, not many. People are just looking for excuse to be overly compensated. If DE confirmed there will be a legendary forma, many people will purposely forma their abilities before change.


And that will gain them... nothing. Because:

1. Forma isn't tradeable.

2. They're only getting two per frame.

3. It simply adds a polarity without having to reset again. Meaning even if someone had every frame with all abilities forma'd out, they'd still only be refunded for the work they put forth in an effort to get these legendary forma.


I have to assume that many of you do not fully think things through before you type. Because otherwise those acting like these would be abused probably wouldn't be saying something so hilariously wrong. You can't abuse something that is locked to your account, doesn't affect others, and only serves to refund your TIME. I could understand these concerns if legendary instantly gave you TWO polarities. But it wouldn't.\


Just a heads up: DE confirmed they had finished the system that is taking the slots and are just polishing to be 100% sure it works correctly.


The slots that are taken away will be slots with ability polarities. Unless you have less then 2 polarities none of your custom polarties will be taken.


So only frames with 1 ability polarity or 0 ability polarities should be worried about the slot removal.



Also i highly doubt the DE will release legendary forma due to the small amount of players who do have 1 polarity or less.


Since the DE staff has stated they do not agree or like the playstyle that doesn't use all abilities.


That was one member of the DE staff, and when I asked for clarification I was told that the only thing DE was mostly in agreement about was "[wanting] all 4 abilities to be a part of each Warframe." DE is not in agreement over disliking playstyles or builds that ignore abilities (or min-maxing).


There being a small portion of players affected is no reason to not give out compensation in the form of legendary forma. If group being small was enough of a reason to justify not giving out full compensation, they wouldn't have given out all those goodies to those of us who lost a kubrow.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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You forget that when making changes o anything in this world one must only please the majority and make an educated decision on this basis. I am not one of the majority in anything and as such don't feel that I am ever happy with the state of events. I also understand that it is impossible to please everyone. So I step back from the situation and look at it objectively. How many people are being negatively influenced by the change and how many are not.

In this scenario that you pose you are suggesting the DE has not met the necessary needs of the majority while also maintaining product stability. In fact they have done just that. If you look at the numbers, you will have 8 mod slots with 52 mod points with a reactor. The current system is 10 mod slots with 60 mod points. That's 6.5 points/slot new system and 6 points/slot on old system.

With that said if you want to put any mod that isn't an ability in an ability polarity you can reduce the points available on the old system by one for that slot.

They are only pulling the top two ability slots. If they were moved they are pulling them from where they were moved to. Assuming one of those was a formaed slot to change the polarity if not both then you are receiving the forma used to make all changes too that slot. Seems fair.

To combat you next argument, time, with the increase of points available per slot you will only need to reforms once to get back to your max state that you achieved before. The time needed to refoarma does not warrent the need to give you a legendary forma. An affinity boaster more then makes up for the necessary time to relevel your gear.

Looking at a situation subjectively limits ones ability to make an accurate measure of that situation. Take yourself out of the picture and look at the full scope of DE's proposal.


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You forget that when making changes o anything in this world one must only please the majority and make an educated decision on this basis. I am not one of the majority in anything and as such don't feel that I am ever happy with the state of events. I also understand that it is impossible to please everyone. So I step back from the situation and look at it objectively. How many people are being negatively influenced by the change and how many are not.


This is false and I have already explained why on numerous occasions. As for your claim on how things are handled in real life, that is also false. Many laws/rules/regulations exist (I am American so I can only speak on American laws) purely to protect and benefit various minority groups. And generally when a decision is being made, effort is put forth to please as many as possible (when they care that is, as not everyone does). In this situation, letting us keep all ten slots would get rid of most of the complaints and would please more people. Allowing us to underclock abilities would further decrease the amount of complaints. And finally (this probably being something that DE flat out says no to as it goes against the point of this change) allowing us to disable abilities we don't want to use would further decrease the amount of complaints about this change effectively to zero. The majority of those who would be left complaining would be the people who are ill informed and would be complaining about a situation that doesn't exist. The only others I can think of who would be left complaining are those few individuals who I saw expressing joy over the idea of the builds they don't like suddenly becoming more difficult to do.


If you were looking at it objectively and making your decision based purely on pleasing as many as possible, you'd vote to keep all ten slots.

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First off you are contradicting yourself by disagree with the point that pleasing the majority isn't what is supposed to happen and then saying that pleasing the majority is the right thing to do. Your original argument is directed at a minority of people in the game whom forma all of or all but one of the ability slots. By saying that they are supposed to please the majority in your own post renders this thread void of any purpose.

On the point of keeping all ten slots. If you do the math or just read part where I discuss the figures you would realize that maintaining ten slots while also eliminating the ability mods would break the game. By reducing the mod slots by twotwo and reducing the overall available mod points, DE is able roughly maintain the same average mod points per slot that was available on the ten slot system.

I recomend you take a step back and stop bashing on everyone and use a forum for what it is for, descussion. If you pose a question and then contradict yourself later it only hurts the discussion. I'm not saying you are wrong for being hurt PR the loss of time and effort but you do not need to take it out on a puplic thread against everyone who poses a valid argument against your problem.

Remember this is just a game. Free to play none the less. If you spent money on platinum, forma, reactors, or anything else for that matter then that is your own decision and you cannot blame anyone for you decision. If you do not like the change then stop playing to put your foot down.

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