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De, Put Your Foot Down.


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Okay,I agree with the OP,


All i can read in this thread is that these "vets" wants to be specially catered than just offer a simple solution that everyone could benefit. they dont even highlight those simple but brilliant solutions that presented here like:


Having the ability reallocate those forma "points" plus added normal formas (if they wanted even more)? anyone?


These so called "Legendary Forma" are not even needed, these are just "wants" because they feel special ...


Plus, having used alot or forma is not equal to payed alot of money to DE, since formas are acquirable ingame.


Thanks to some limited OP  stuff being given, some of these so called vets feel even more entitled, so its has to stop.


I'm guessing you would be totally fine playing a game where they just removed something you spent a whole crap load of time and said "Oh, have fun leveling your stuff again." Yeah, I bet you TOTALLY WOULDN'T go on the forums and just complain about it.


Imagine the hours upon hours UPON HOURS spent by people in the community forma'ing crap IN A SYSTEM THAT HAD BEEN ESTABLISHED MIND YOU -for over a year now-  and think of how stupid and unfair it would be if they didn't compensate their player base after pulling this out of their hat randomly


Have you ever played a game in the past and had somebody erase your saved game? Or do you just genuinely think this is still about people being "hurr durr I'm a veteran and I have privileges." 


It would literally make no sense for them to not reimburse that time spent in some sort of way. Literally no sense what-so-ever. Sure, free formas... WHOA BIG DEAL. They don't refund the time spent leveling so whats the point? Most people are bleeding formas anyways since all there is to do is void crap anyways.

Edited by grillv20
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My feedback is in the 'good job,' direction for once, instead of 'bad job,' way.


Removing Ability Mods, and consolidating the # of mods slots back to 8 is... 'progressive.'


Now, let me be clear, I think removed Abilites from being equippable in mod-slots is a negative, as, it completely removes Abilities from the interesting mod system that makes Warframe unique.


However, I do feel that with the promise of so-called 'Augments' for abilities, that the overall direction the game is taking is much better than... 3 days ago?


BUT! Do not undo this quality change by catering to those who demand extra returns. Changes have to be made, and I'm very excited to see them happening. Returning excess Forma is super kind, and my only suggestion is to give a 3-day/7-day booster to go along with the update.


Do not release a... 'legendary Forma,' or try to appease any of the other suggestions. (Because my suggestion is the best, you see?) We already have Arcane Helmets and Legendary Cores. Enough is enough. If change needs to be made, to fix the game, improve it, balance it, do it. People will get upset, but, it's bad track-record to try and 100% satisfy every dissenter.


Do try to consolidate the Forma'd mod slots over those that didn't get Forma'd. If a player had Forma'd an ability, but not a blank slot (for whatever reason,) be sure to attempt to force those together to minimize Forma returns and maximize appeasement.


I do not feel sorry for those who used 0/1 abilities, as, they were playing the wrong Warframe if that's the best build they could come up with. And, it seems like you're committed to dropping slots down to 8, so I'm not too worried about anything there.


This thread will be ill-received but we, as a community, needs to accept that changes must be made to improve the game. There is much more to focus on than the only actual progressive change they've made. (Mmm, gotta love some Tabard-locked Daily Quest Reputation Grinds.)

When dropping slots down to 8 boosts my available slots up by 2.

No complaints here! :D


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Having the ability reallocate those forma "points" plus added normal formas (if they wanted even more)? anyone?




How about reading this part other than wanting more? Propose a system that could work for everyone other than demanding an item that only few could benefit. 


Again i agree with the Op. we dont want more op stuff to be handed to us, we just need a better system that could solve that same problem. Get it?


" we demand to have this because we spend alot of forma on waframe and use than others!" other than the problem of releveling i keep reading, if thats not entitlement to you, i dont know anymore.

Edited by CrystalRibbon
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" we demand to have this because we spend alot of forma on waframe and use than others!" other than the problem of releveling i keep reading, if thats not entitlement to you, i dont know anymore.

They just want their build back without working for it again...Doing all that time consuming work again.

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They just want their build back without working for it again...Doing all that time consuming work again.


Yeah i know, but i read other nicer suggestions that could do the same thing or better but its keeps being buried by wanting a made up "legendary forma".  Its a bad mentality to want more stuff than better stuff in the long run you know.


And they cant have the old build back since they redoing the system again. They have to accept it and adapt since the devs said that warframe is an ever changing game. Remember the old pre U7 system? we only got the ancient fusion cores as a replacement which is not near as effective as legendary cores today and is only given as a compensation for bug or something.


Dont get me wrong, i myself already have 2-3 formaed some warframes but i dont complain about the change.

Edited by CrystalRibbon
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The legendary forma isn't about being special, no matter how many times you claim that it is. Which - reading from your current post - is just your attempt to prove yourself more special, because you want it to hurt people so that your gain cred from your mock disassociation. The devs have already said that only the polarities on those ability slots are in danger of being reverted back to a Forma, not every forma polarity ever. That makes this completely unlike the Mod 2.0 system, which happened to everyone equally.


Stop yanking on your wang to make yourself look enlightened talking about how we need to learn how to work within their new better system, which proves you hate us because we were the evil people ruining the game before then using builds that you didn't like. You know that everyone else will get to keep their polarities - and we'll have to rework to create them - and you want this because you hated the people minmaxing, and you are fighting to now make sure those that whom weren't mixmaxing get an additional foot above those who played ways you didn't like (because you only want their time preserved).


This is about people who did multiple runs of a relevelling process - the part of Warframe that is barely tolerable, especially on frames like Vauban and Loki - and asking for a way to have their time preserved, as time is also a commodity. So that when that polarity is put back somewhere - since they're giving us the forma to put it back - it maintains the efforts we've already put in, because simple math show the new builds will still need it. Instead you're the one who thinks that you're entitled to have your time be worth more, as you want to laugh at us for playing wrong - like you people have always been claiming that we were doing wrong - so that at the end you'll get to show us that we lost our progress but you got to keep all of yours.


You are the one here seeking entitlement, and desperately trying to disenfranchise the efforts of people whom played differently than you. The Legendary Forma we ask for isn't about being more special, but rather the tools we ask for to preserve the time we put in. A new UI would be entitlement, as the Legendary Forma could be coded in a trivial amount of time by comparison. The special compensation UI is what you push because you know it'd take inordinate time to make - be full of bugs - and would ultimately not be worth the effort in the end, and therefore you hope by demanding that the devs have to go there that they'll decide that we were better off screwed then helped. You're not as opaque as you think, and your evilness is quite transparent.


If you're upset that someone has something nice sounding, then let's instead call it the, "DE Told Me My Build Was Wrong, Forma". While it'd be horrible Customer Service to do that, I bet you'd suddenly stop protesting. Because now you'd feel entitled knowing that even though people got to preserve their time, they had to do so through an item that championed your contempt. That's all this is really about, an item named Legendary - in reference to the Legendary Core - sounds like the people you hate are being respected. You only want their blood, unless they can be saved in a way that denigrates them.


But if that's not it, then just stop your foul communism. You got your build that disallows specialization - we lost our single move focuses, which offended you as they were too good in some places* - yet you don't get to take away the very hours of our lives also. Stop using Mod 2.0 as a shield, for that one hit everyone equally and thus was never the same thing at all. You're only fighting for this so that you can be the special unaffected ones, and gloat about how those you didn't agree with no only lost their play style, but got everything reset to zero as well. You are the entitled jerkoff just seeking to be more special by being able to gloat that you not only forced everyone to play your way, you stripped the unbelievers of all progress as well.


* (Except I wasn't even using a Button-4 only build, but you keep ignoring that as the truth is inconvenient for the Candy Land inside you head)


Also stop telling us to suggest the tools do it for real, when we've already done that a million times. The Legendary Forma is the tool for the job, especially since they said they were just giving the Forma back (the UI really is preposterous). You either want the UI because you know it's ridiculous, or because you want something that contains no honor for the people you beg the developers to &!$$ on harder for your kind's self gratification. The name is only a name, get over yourself. Even after we get our hours spent preserved, you were still the actual victor as you destroyed all of our builds with your whining. If you're really so insecure that you can't be happy because the word legendary was in the fix item's name, then you need to stop playing games in general for a while and reassess why you've allowed your life to reach this state.


You are not this game's savior. You are not the developer's white knight. I am not entitled, although you certainly are. You do not get to preserve you progress, while demanding that only the people whom aren't of your kind get rolled back to a state lower than you. This isn't progress, this isn't going to make the community better, and people will leave and/or stop paying out of fear that no Formas will ever be safe ever again. Don't say that it's just a BETA and they should deal with it, as it's not the Mod 2.0 update that affected everyone equally. I will certainly live with the game's new system - which you keep ignoring, as that inconveniences your attempts to lie about my motives - but I will not live with your communism and/or snobbery based robbery plan. Time is just as much a commodity as money.


And you are the one whom seems to feel that you're entitled to rob the people whom aren't like-minded of their very life. I at least care about others - rather than you whom only cares about yourself, and your like minded compatriots - since your so-called enlightened theories, such as being allowed to move them around for a limited time before U15 hits, will punish those not actively reading the forums. You only endorse this because you're hoping to let a few of the infidels you hate slip by, all for a lesser secondary prize that will let you then tell the others that they deserved to be burned because they did not build like you - did not read up like you - and that is why you were more deserving to keep your time instead of them. I don't expect to be spared the apocalypse because I was on top of things, I demand that all players - presently active or not - be spared the apocalypse of your deplorable lack of humanity. I might be saved, but since unlike you I actually care about people equally, I will fight for the solution that saves all.

Edited by Clovis15
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but i read other nicer suggestions that could do the same thing or better but its keeps being buried by wanting a made up "legendary forma". Its a bad mentality to want more stuff than better stuff in the long run you know.

Uh i actually care thus i comment, and please read this part and stop raging like i have taken something valuable from you,

And sorry i cant see what part on that i became/felt entitled. :o

Just because someone disagrees wholehearted with your opinion, you rant back aggressively like you know me, blaming me and stuff. Now look whose feeling entitled. :o


And ill add, Its just 2 ability slots that will be removed which is not a big of a deal unless you formad all of the slots which is dumb in the first place,its that just simple you dont need to complicate things. :o


Your just ranting and demanding more stuff  in the pretense of for the good of all and i am the evil person that dont want it, oh God. 

Read your own thread , dont ignore them, theres alot of good points there too.

Edited by CrystalRibbon
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So DE Should instead force us to forma and level up our frames again!? I have 2 formas on almost all my frames, It is just plain wrong to just give forma, and not a special forma that doesn't set the frame to unranked. You're concerned that it'll F*** up the market? Don't make them tradeable then! Bam! problem avoided.


pretty much


how easy would it be to make an exception for the forma so it wont reset to 0 ??? or just have preallocated polarities in the UI


in the devstream they said players will be compensated for their investments that are affected by the change

the time to work thru each forma is the investment, people just simply want their time honored

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To end this thread, DE did not said that we will relevel our warframes, some of you are jumping to conclusions too soon without looking\reading elsewhere.

No. The script will look for Ability Polarities if you have moved them elsewhere and prioritize removing those instead of your customized layout.


Super Simplified Example for those who have moved their Ability Polarities around:


I have 3 bowls. 1 Bowl has an Apple in it, it is the default Apple Bowl.


Picture 1: (A) ( ) ( ).


My mom looks at the bowl.


I move the Apple because I wanted to customize what bowl the Apple goes in.


Picture 2: ( ) ( ) (A).


My mom said 'No more Apples allowed!' My mom doesn't take the bowl that the Apple in it for picture 1 because it USED to be the Apple bowl, she takes the bowl from Picture 2 because that's where I moved the Apple.




If I have removed ALL apples, she will simply grab the first bowl and refund me the Apple Slicer I spent to move the Apple at full cost. 


If you changed the polarity of an ability slot, the script will look for existing ability polarities.

Unless u have 1 or none ability polarities, which means, the script will remove ability slots that were re-polarized.

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I do not feel sorry for those who used 0/1 abilities, as, they were playing the wrong Warframe if that's the best build they could come up with. And, it seems like you're committed to dropping slots down to 8, so I'm not too worried about anything there.


Yes, please tell us about how you are the one who gets to decide how we should play with our frames. While you're at it please go ahead and tell me what weapons I am allowed to use, what cosmetics I can use, which order I should put on and tie my shoes, etc.


And I have no idea why you guys are against legendary forma. Giving players back there forma is only a refund for the tiniest portion of the process of getting a new polarity. You have to level your frame to thirty before you can forma, and if you want to forma 3-4 slots you have to re-level 4-5 times. All that work isn't being compensated when all you do is hand players back their forma. Giving out a booster still forces players to do extra work to get back what DE took. Legedary Forma is by far the best solution (short of just not removing the slots). It instantly polarizes a slot without reseting the gear to 0. It isn't tradeable (forma can't be traded). And each player is only getting two per frame at most (assuming they polarized all ability slots). There is literally no reasonable counterargument that doesn't boil down to 'DE shouldn't do it because they don't have to' or 'DE shouldn't do it because I think you're entitled and should be happy with nothing' neither of which are even remotely solid arguments..

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Then some of you guys are not contented with the response of DE.

Theres no releveling hapening anytime soon, read above.

There is a script that De prepared that will look and target those existing ability polarities  If you changed the polarity of an ability slot, and then "Unless u have 1 or none ability polarities, which means, the script will remove ability slots that were re-polarized." which is the worse case as DE did not intend to any warframes abilities not to be used at all thus the change.  

Edited by CrystalRibbon
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Then some of you guys are not contented with the response of DE.

Theres no releveling hapening anytime soon, read above.

There is a script that De prepared that will look and target those existing ability polarities  If you changed the polarity of an ability slot, and then "Unless u have 1 or none ability polarities, which means, the script will remove ability slots that were re-polarized." which is the worse case as DE did not intend to any warframes abilities not to be used at all thus the change.  


The releveling that people are referring to comes from attempting to put the replace the polarity(es) that this change will take from those who have forma'd 3 or 4 of their ability slots.

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those who have forma'd 3 or 4 of their ability slots.

DE did not intend for the warframe abilities not to be used in the first place as this just make the game look like your generic shooter with parkour elements  so the changes comes in. And why would someone replace all of their ability slots? You only want to use melee and guns not caring about the warframe abilities? if thats the case, are you only using 1 warframe entirely since warframe abilities dont mean much to you? I doubt that.

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DE did not intend for the warframe abilities not to be used in the first place as this just make the game look like your generic shooter with parkour elements  so the changes comes in. And why would someone replace all of their ability slots? You only want to use melee and guns not caring about the warframe abilities? if thats the case, are you only using 1 warframe entirely since warframe abilities dont mean much to you? I doubt that.


Prove it.

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BUT! Do not undo this quality change by catering to those who demand extra returns. Changes have to be made, and I'm very excited to see them happening. Returning excess Forma is super kind, and my only suggestion is to give a 3-day/7-day booster to go along with the update.


Do not release a... 'legendary Forma,' or try to appease any of the other suggestions. (Because my suggestion is the best, you see?) We already have Arcane Helmets and Legendary Cores. Enough is enough. If change needs to be made, to fix the game, improve it, balance it, do it. People will get upset, but, it's bad track-record to try and 100% satisfy every dissenter.


The legendry forma is really the only truely fair way for DE to do this.

What DE will have done is effectivly heavilly changed our "tech tree" with the change, thus giving out legendry forma is effectivly refunding the "skill points" of the system and will reimburse everyone equally that put in any "effort".

Sure it wont make everyone happy but will make the majority of players happy.  Those that wont be happy will be the players that have 0/1 ability builds, they are the minority however, so will be in the boat with those still not happy with the UI change.


Oh cool. I don't think they'll give legendary forma, but we just get refunded what we put into them. It'd be kinda weird having legendary forma, as I don't even know what that would entail.


I'm cool with getting my forma back, that sounds good.

Legendry Forma is the term given to forma that is essentially the same as normal forma.  The only difference is it wont reset your gears rank back to 0 when you change a polarity.  Forma cant be traded so no idea where people would get the idea that Legendry forma would be tradeable.


I do truly not Forma.


Back on topic however, I am asking you assuming you Forma a lot:

Would you have the legendary Forma tied to the frame you lost? So basically, people can't just forma 10 frames right now with a random pattern, get 5 leg Formas and then when they get a new weapon or something they dump it all on that one to just make it insanely powerful. Basically my main hold off is exploiting, I could Forma 5 frames right now that I do not use (so no repercussions there) and not even level them back up :/

Actually this is taken care of inherently if the Legendry Forma (like normal forma) can only be used on gear that is rank 30.

Given those frames will again be reset to rank 0 the player would still need to rank them back up again, this time potentially without their ranked up powers (as we have no idea if those powers will be all unlocked).

Sure you can then use normal forma on other frames, but you spent the time to level up a frame and still used a normal forma, so does it really matter if that leveling up effort was spent on that one frame, to a different frame (all frames take the same affinity to get to 30) or a weapon (which takes less affinity to rank up).

More than likely the frames to get forma and ignored will be the weaker ones that are typically harder to rank up anyway becuse they arent power houses that could survive in higher tiers or deeper waves where the affinity is better.


The thing with forma is really you put the affinity ("effort") into gear before you forma, not after you forma.  You dont get forma just for ranking to 30 it unlocks the ablity to use forma by getting to rank 30.

Edited by Loswaith
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