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Anti Red Veil Thread. (Red Unveil)


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This reminds me of that first Grineer vs Corpus event, and ppl making similar threads, making out absurd reasons of why 1 of the bad guys was good, all to get their main point across "im right, you are wrong"...


Who needs a flag or to follow other's purposes, arent those what we call puppets? use the sindicates for your own personal benefit, material benefit specially :D


This promotion and antipropaganda is really lame, being right or wrong is not an option when it comes to choosing these syndicates, but thinking to be right, i guess that gives some ppl a rush, or makes them feel "good", for all the wrong reasons lol


If i was to reccommend a syndicate, based on who i think is right...just choose the one that has either the most mods for ur fav frames or weapon mods, that's all the ideals and morals u´ll really have to involve in this decision.


Don't favor any, favor yourself ;)


This makes a lot of sense ... 1+


Consider the following:

1. Is it possible to "save" another?  What happens after the "savior" leaves?

2. Is it possible to "improve" another?  What happens when the "improved" changes in an unexpected way?


The point I am trying to make is that fundamentally that each syndicate ASSUMES that they have transformative power OVER OTHERS by following a SELF-prescribed mandate



1. The Meridian "saves" a colony from the Grineer - OK, fine that's good

So what was really gained by the Meridian sacrificing itself for the colonists?

The opportunity for the colonists to excise independence?  OK, that's good too

BUT does that ensure the survival of the colony?  Nope, they may die out anyway


2. The Veil seek to eradicate "corruption" which by inference would be what ever the Hexis stands for or its membership

So what is the Veil's final strategy?

Do they have an idea of what they want to replace "corruption" with?

What will prevent this new system from becoming "corrupt" itself?


The critical weakness of the Meridian, the Veil, the Loka, the Perrin and even the Suda is their conviction that their actions will have a lasting effect on those other than themselves

Admirable?  Probably

Enduring success?  Probably not


Your position that as an individual that the most effective way to conduct oneself is through self interest is actually the most rational

It reads right out of Ayn Rand

Ironically, it is the Hexis which fits this view the closest as they are focused on SELF improvement

Now, to what end they are dedicated to this is totally unknown at present but the speaker hints ominously that "The Tenno will surpass their former masters"

Does this mean that the Hexis wish to impose rule over the Origin System like the Orokin did?

Does this mean that the Hexis are so delusional that they could do a better job?


Enthusiasm is understandable

Propaganda is to be expected

BUT in the end there is no substitute for critical thinking

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Suda are scientists that want to understand the universe and make evryone else understand it.

Hexis are thinking tenno werent made to fight and are trying to get tenno to do what they were made for. What this is is unknown.


The Tenno are emperors. We are not just warriors, subjugated to others. What we are is something that is greater than our former masters - the Orokin. We are greater than them. Superior. And, together with the Arbiters, we shall achieve that potential, that greatness.

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The Tenno are emperors. We are not just warriors, subjugated to others. What we are is something that is greater than our former masters - the Orokin. We are greater than them. Superior. And, together with the Arbiters, we shall achieve that potential, that greatness.

We just want to break away and form our own people - our own nation, a nation of Tenno.


We want to build a culture and be more than just warriors.

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The Tenno are emperors. We are not just warriors, subjugated to others. What we are is something that is greater than our former masters - the Orokin. We are greater than them. Superior. And, together with the Arbiters, we shall achieve that potential, that greatness.


We may be greater than what the Orokin were, we may have the right to rule the system, but we are warriors first and foremost. We were born from chaos and made for combat, our people thrived in it. To reject that and replace it with the golden palaces our creators hid within would be to reject our heritage completely. Our culture IS conflict.


The Arbiters are fools for wishing to see this happen.

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We may be greater than what the Orokin were, we may have the right to rule the system, but we are warriors first and foremost. We were born from chaos and made for combat, our people thrived in it. To reject that and replace it with the golden palaces our creators hid within would be to reject our heritage completely. Our culture IS conflict.


The Arbiters are fools for wishing to see this happen.


Conquerors do not make for the most lasting rulers ...

Consequently, if Hexis has designs beyond the goal of elevating self rule to a sublime state, then they are delusional as all the other syndicates

For there is no such thing as perfect "forced" rule of others


If all the Loka wants is "pure" human control of a "purified" Earth then they fail to understand that human beings are intrinsically flawed and will repeat the same old mistakes in time


If all the Veil wants is to re-establish the Orokin Empire then they fail to understand that the Orokin and their system collapsed under crisis when they resorted to medical torture to make supersoldiers


If all the Perrin wants is to make money peacefully then they fail to understand that you cannot eliminate violence with bribes


If all the Meridian wants is to protect the colonists then what will protect them when the Meridian disbands when all internal conflicts are squelched or when the Meridian loses its identity after extended and boring peace?


If all Suda wants is to have all the knowledge of this universe what will be Its motivation to exist after it has cataloged all that is knowable?


Sadly, there is no permanence from action, even self-directed enlightenment

Eventually, ALL the syndicates will be judged to be failures by history ... some ruthless failures, some noble failures but failures nonetheless


The only escape is to ACCEPT impermanence

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Conquerors do not make for the most lasting rulers ...

Consequently, if Hexis has designs beyond the goal of elevating self rule to a sublime state, then they are delusional as all the other syndicates

For there is no such thing as perfect "forced" rule of others


If all the Loka wants is "pure" human control of a "purified" Earth then they fail to understand that human beings are intrinsically flawed and will repeat the same old mistakes in time


If all the Veil wants is to re-establish the Orokin Empire then they fail to understand that the Orokin and their system collapsed under crisis when they resorted to medical torture to make supersoldiers


If all the Perrin wants is to make money peacefully then they fail to understand that you cannot eliminate violence with bribes


If all the Meridian wants is to protect the colonists then what will protect them when the Meridian disbands when all internal conflicts are squelched or when the Meridian loses its identity after extended and boring peace?


If all Suda wants is to have all the knowledge of this universe what will be Its motivation to exist after it has cataloged all that is knowable?


Sadly, there is no permanence from action, even self-directed enlightenment

Eventually, ALL the syndicates will be judged to be failures by history ... some ruthless failures, some noble failures but failures nonetheless


The only escape is to ACCEPT impermanence


Well, I don't think the Veil want to re-establish the Orokin Empire - of course, I also am not 100% convinced that the Veil and Hexis correspondents are Tenno so I'm probably an idiot.


But if conquers, warriors, do not make good rulers. Then perhaps the Tenno were never meant to rule? All I know is this: our heritage is war, and the suffering of the people of the System - the Tenno among them - cannot be alleviated by anything other than the destruction of those who cause the suffering.


The Veil understand this better than anyone, and Steel Meridian know this as well.


What the future may bring is irrelevant to the suffering of the present. If all actions are impermanent, than there is no other choice but to start anew.

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At first, I'm thinking of joining all Syndicates just to farm for the loot and get out, even though I hate some (Red Veil and New Loka, due to their fanatical goal that I can't stand). But, after seeing we can farm them in other Syndicates, I decided to stick with the syndicates that I want, Arbiter of Hexis and Cephalon Suda, and luckily, they're perfect for me and they're the perfect match for each other.



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You need to give the Red Veil more of a chance.


Listen to their ideology.


It makes perfect sense.


The corrupt must be purged.


When they are gone, we can make society a better place for us all.


No more violence, no more hate.


Just the Red Veil.


Hail the Veil.

Tenno fight for balance.


Red Veil fights corruption.


Corruption balances purity.


Red Veil disturbing balance.


Pierce the Veil.

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Well, I don't think the Veil want to re-establish the Orokin Empire - of course, I also am not 100% convinced that the Veil and Hexis correspondents are Tenno so I'm probably an idiot.


But if conquers, warriors, do not make good rulers. Then perhaps the Tenno were never meant to rule? All I know is this: our heritage is war, and the suffering of the people of the System - the Tenno among them - cannot be alleviated by anything other than the destruction of those who cause the suffering.


The Veil understand this better than anyone, and Steel Meridian know this as well.


What the future may bring is irrelevant to the suffering of the present. If all actions are impermanent, than there is no other choice but to start anew.


No, the Tenno were never meant to rule others

The Tenno are flawed

"Superman for President"?  Hell, Popeye would make a better one ..


That is why Hexis is probably the most rational as they look upon the struggle of existence is the struggle of the self

For the highest form of dignity is perfected self rule ...

BUT it is also the most elusive


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We may be greater than what the Orokin were, we may have the right to rule the system, but we are warriors first and foremost. We were born from chaos and made for combat, our people thrived in it. To reject that and replace it with the golden palaces our creators hid within would be to reject our heritage completely. Our culture IS conflict.


The Arbiters are fools for wishing to see this happen.


Where have the Arbiters said that we will replace the Orokin as emperors, sitting in their "golden palaces"? The Arbiters merely say that we shall surpass our masters. There is no claim to rulership over the system. Do not let you blind hate cloud your judgment. The Arbiters only seek to achieve the full potential of the Tenno, not to subjugate the system to Tenno rule.

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Balance is an impossible goal, as yin will always attack yang.


Peace is easier to attain, but has a steeper price.


As always, the ends justify the means.


Hail the Veil


The Veil are violent revolutionaries. The lost history of the French Revolution should educate them on the inevitable failure of their endeavors.

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I have come to personally accept the Red Veil. Anyone who is a friend of Steel Meridian is obviously fighting for the right cause. Selflessly fighting an unattainable victory in a war to protect the weak. The Red Veil are not purging those who cannot fight. They are purging the corruption. Unlike Arbiters of Hexis, and Cephalon Suda who seek only to benefit themselves with knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge IS a weapon. If we keep helping Suda, and the Arbiters they will gain enough knowledge to over throw, and destroy us. The Red Veil is our allies. They might be extremist, but in desperate times sometimes desperate measures are required...

Edited by Arlayn
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Guys. That is all nice and dandy, but missing the point.


The Red Veil not only attracts the worst players, but is also the worst Syndicate. A swarm of locusts that want to rule the universe by eating the crops of all who oppose them.


To LOKA supporters. Can a murderous assassin be considered a pure human? Look at these guys...There is NOTHING pure about them.






Here is the Red Veil Motto:




Who are the bad guys, you ask?


Anyone except the Red Veil.


I would have to say the bad guys are the one's who directly attack the players of the community! based on which syndicate they choose.

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These people cause trouble. They are the only ones seeking to kill, when they are obviously underpowered. When they get into trouble, they ask us to help. (see Specters of Liberty) As many have said, the other Syndicates seek knowledge, peace, good economy, ridding the Sol System of the Grineer; All good things. 

Someone has said:


I have come to personally accept the Red Veil. Anyone who is a friend of Steel Meridian is obviously fighting for the right cause. Selflessly fighting an unattainable victory in a war to protect the weak. The Red Veil are not purging those who cannot fight. They are purging the corruption. Unlike Arbiters of Hexis, and Cephalon Suda who seek only to benefit themselves with knowledge. Knowledge is power. Knowledge IS a weapon. If we keep helping Suda, and the Arbiters they will gain enough knowledge to over throw, and destroy us. The Red Veil is our allies. They might be extremist, but in desperate times sometimes desperate measures are required...


Knowledge is all the Arbiters and the Cephalon Suda want. They just want to know everything and will NOT use it as a weapon, they have no aim to use it for anything other than just PURE INFORMATION. They may very well be using that information to help us.

The Red Veil. They are suspected makers of Wraith weapons. The only Syndicate making weapons. It shows how oppresive they are, even they are more fierce than the Steel Meridian who are from the Grineer. The Lotus may be making Vandal weapons, sure (and yes she is doing it) but what are we doing with it? We are helping the good cause, purging the universe of Grineer and killing Alad V, stopping his menacing experiments. However, the Red Veil may be using their Wraith weapons for something more worse; attacking other Syndicates.

And that is why I believe the Red Veil seek violence. Let us revolt against the Red Veil.

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Knowledge is all the Arbiters and the Cephalon Suda want. They just want to know everything and will NOT use it as a weapon, they have no aim to use it for anything other than just PURE INFORMATION. They may very well be using that information to help us.

The Red Veil. They are suspected makers of Wraith weapons. The only Syndicate making weapons. It shows how oppresive they are, even they are more fierce than the Steel Meridian who are from the Grineer. The Lotus may be making Vandal weapons, sure (and yes she is doing it) but what are we doing with it? We are helping the good cause, purging the universe of Grineer and killing Alad V, stopping his menacing experiments. However, the Red Veil may be using their Wraith weapons for something more worse; attacking other Syndicates.

And that is why I believe the Red Veil seek violence. Let us revolt against the Red Veil.

Weapons development is not a sign of oppression but is really a sign of freedom. Why do you think the United States of America has the Second Amendment? "The right to bear arms" Originally it was designed so the people can protect themselves due to lack of proper military, but as time went on it gained a new symbolic meaning when carrying weapons you give freedom, and by taking it away means enslavement. Disarming people is the best and most effectual way to enslave anyone. To allow ones life to be taken because one failed to defend it is wrong. The right to self-defense is a freedom. The Red Veil are not the Grineer or the Corpus they are a syndicate that was born to fight the grineer, corpus, and any form of corruption or tyrannical power that threatens to enslave, and oppress the solar system. In many ways they too uphold the ways of Hayden...


"we kept the world safe from corrupt kings and brutal warlords... from despots, and demagogues."

-Dark Sector: Zero (Comic book that came with the Dark Sector Game)

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The Steel Meridian


While we share similar views with the Veil in toppling the Grineer/Corpus Empires, we only require the safety of the innocent. Civilian casualties will not be forgiven or forgotten if they dare harm a hair on their heads through their violent purge.


We are the true rebels, the band of brothers that unite the heroes and defend the colonies.


Who are the Red Veil to judge the innocent as no worse than the tyrannical forces of the Grineer and Corpus? When the conflict is over we will make sure those demented extremists taste our mettle.  No more civilian blood will be spilled. Our hearts are true steel! Strong and Resilient, even to the Red Veil's delusions, we will be the ones to overthrow evil for peace!


And after all is said and done, my brothers in arms:


Justice for the Innocent


Defend the Colonies


and be weary, Red Veil.

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