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More Augment Shenanigans


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Hooray we get to waste another mod slot for a thing that should of been passively incorporated in the core gameplay moths ago.









there is nothing saying that augments will be mod cards. you are just wildly assuming random and stupid things. wait til we get more info on this topic before you start spouting nonsense

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there is nothing saying that augments will be mod cards. you are just wildly assuming random and stupid things. wait til we get more info on this topic before you start spouting nonsense


They said it on the livestream that these augmentations are mods you get as rewards for super high ranking on syndicates mate.

Try harder next time you feel a hard on to be white knighting this stuff.

Edited by TisEric
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Now all we'd need are team mates who actually want to play as a team. I have been away from the game for a bit, but when I was playing regularly, it was almost impossible to get a group of four who all wanted to cooperate in the mission; each were there for their own reasons and went about that in a decidedly single minded manner. Maybe this game-play change will encourage the "cooperative" part of Warframe.


As a side note: I've been back playing regularly for about a week and a half now, and I have to say I notice a overall shift to more cooperative play with folks now as opposed to a few months ago. Not sure if the reason is the game is coming into it's own, and players are finding less need to do their own thing, or if the players are just finding it more fun to work together as intended. Whatever the reason might be, I applaud this shift toward cooperative play, and I hope that DE will continue to find fun ways to further support and encourage this in future.

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Now all we'd need are team mates who actually want to play as a team. I have been away from the game for a bit, but when I was playing regularly, it was almost impossible to get a group of four who all wanted to cooperate in the mission; each were there for their own reasons and went about that in a decidedly single minded manner. Maybe this game-play change will encourage the "cooperative" part of Warframe.


As a side note: I've been back playing regularly for about a week and a half now, and I have to say I notice a overall shift to more cooperative play with folks now as opposed to a few months ago. Not sure if the reason is the game is coming into it's own, and players are finding less need to do their own thing, or if the players are just finding it more fun to work together as intended. Whatever the reason might be, I applaud this shift toward cooperative play, and I hope that DE will continue to find fun ways to further support and encourage this in future.

Really depends which missions you are playing. Some most populated mission like Kiste are horrible in 90 % of cases.



Tho, i did noticed also that people are more team orientated lately.

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Now all we'd need are team mates who actually want to play as a team. I have been away from the game for a bit, but when I was playing regularly, it was almost impossible to get a group of four who all wanted to cooperate in the mission; each were there for their own reasons and went about that in a decidedly single minded manner. Maybe this game-play change will encourage the "cooperative" part of Warframe.


As a side note: I've been back playing regularly for about a week and a half now, and I have to say I notice a overall shift to more cooperative play with folks now as opposed to a few months ago. Not sure if the reason is the game is coming into it's own, and players are finding less need to do their own thing, or if the players are just finding it more fun to work together as intended. Whatever the reason might be, I applaud this shift toward cooperative play, and I hope that DE will continue to find fun ways to further support and encourage this in future.

I do agree about this, and also wish to add that gameplay just isn't difficult enough to even think about coop (excluding endless). What's the point in giving fire damage (which probably doesn't scale well) if enemies are one-shot?


The utility augments will probably be useful though.

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wait i just thought of something..............


nova + trinity , trinity casting energy vamp on banshee, nova costing molecular prime, banshee doing banshee quake with max cc and range.



entire room, perma free-energy + molecular prime'd , for 3 minutes $_$ (more actually due to energy bonuses :3)

While that's nice and all (would be awesome), it isn't an elemental ability, so I doubt that would work, but nice thoughts.

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