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I'm Beginning To Think This Is A Bit Much


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I can throw out quotes and quips all day long as well, the FACT remains that no on is forcing you to play "a game".


Are the costs for Syndicates possibly going to be insane? Sure. So what? It's not like a new Frame is stuck behind 5 million points. Nothing seems to scream more "totally optional" then a colored pattern on your chest, and some "meh" mod.


"Locked" content only causes issues when that content gets used AGAINST you by other players, like for example being shot at by a gun that could only be obtained after 1000 hours of grind.


That's a great way to not progress with anything, ever.


"You don't like DaVinci's wings, Wilbur? Don't use it!" "You don't like the Colored Only fountains, Martin? Don't drink from them!" "You don't like your uncooked meat, Ogg? Eat something else."


Obviously these are much more important than the game, but you get the point.

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It's like the people at DE haven't played an MMORPG before. Usually you grind favor to get tokens or just straight up access to faction-specific goodies. I can't think of a game where you actually spent your rep to buy stuff, then had to grind it all over again. Not to mention having to spend exclusive resources just to get to Rank 3.


Sometimes one must wonder how much of a hand PW truly has in WF's decision making, even if they don't actually hold that much of the company...

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I can throw out quotes and quips all day long as well, the FACT remains that no on is forcing you to play "a game".


Are the costs for Syndicates possibly going to be insane? Sure. So what? It's not like a new Frame is stuck behind 5 million points. Nothing seems to scream more "totally optional" then a colored pattern on your chest, and some "meh" mod.


"Locked" content only causes issues when that content gets used AGAINST you by other players, like for example being shot at by a gun that could only be obtained after 1000 hours of grind.

Something being optional doesn't always make it ok when the general consensus seems to be that the cost is too high or something is wrong with it.

Hell, I can and probably will sacrifice a potato or two for a syndicate because I have a fewspare and know I can get them without spending a dime. In this case though I think its still asking too much, especially for the third rank. I'd be less salty if it was the last rank. There is also the highly likely possibility that mods will improve and syndicates will have much more useful stuff up for grabs.


Point being, "if you don't like it, don't partake/use it"  is practically never a justifiable response.

I'll keep going with syndicates, but it doesn't mean I have to like the cost of moving up to the third rank.

If that was the type of thing needed for the last rank I would be ok with it. Still wouldn't be crazy about the idea though.

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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"Locked" content only causes issues when that content gets used AGAINST you by other players, like for example being shot at by a gun that could only be obtained after 1000 hours of grind.

You do realise that this would happen soon with PVP (i.e.: Player Versus Players) and the Warframe/weapon syndicate mods, right? 


So, does that cause issues?

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The point of fully f2p game is to have everything in game obtainable without paying even 1$. Potatoes are limited to 2 per mounth for f2p player unless you trade. Aider DE makes potatoes farmable or change this system radicly. Now it is broken. "For rank 4 you need to give them your all colour pallets and at rank 5 you have to give up all youre prime acces stuff" seams like p2w for me.

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Despite I have 10 builded catalysts and 11 reactor bp's.... Not gonna give them away. Too damn rare. I never bought any of them btw.


Well, unless syndicates suddenly start to sell some VERY cool syandanas...like...ripped and shredded cloth cape by "steel meridian"...it should wobble in the winds of Phobos.   OR give out some Amplifiers... I would exchange some $ stuff for other $ stuff.  And these sigils should really increase amount of earned points. If they really do nothing (as many say), then its completely pointless. They dont look THAT good to WANT them. Not even animated...cant place them on my &#!...cant even place them on my forehead...that sux.

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With what is offered so far, I really only am looking at rank 2 (Exterminate Key).  My question is this; if I spend 5k reputation, do I still have my rank 2 title or do I need to re-sacrifice my items to get back to that level?  Having to sacrifice once, I don't have a huge issue with.  having to sacrifice over and over and over to get back to the same point?  This I find to be a bad idea.


Not sure how the system works yet, so I continue to reserve judgement at this time.

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