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Opticor ( Feedback And Discussion )


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I started a topic like this before and despite the implication it went ignored I still find it enjoyable to discuss a new weapon I enjoy using. Now onto the topic; Opticor.


The way the Opticor looks is Phenomenal. It's easily one of DE's best weapon designs. It reminds me of the Cain from the Mass Effect 2 and even though you can't blow up half of the map ( and yourself ) with it It's still a great weapon to use. I really only have two issues with the Opticor as it is.


My first issue with the weapon is that even with a 120% firing rate increase the charge up time is still a little slow considering It's already struggling to compete with It's little sister, Lanka, on DPS, from what I've seen. My second issue is with the explosion on impact. First of all; The Opticor and Quanta both need brighter explosions, especially the Opticor since I can barely ever tell when the beam explodes on impact and second of all; The explosion radius could stand to be a bit wider. It could be because I can't see the explosion all that well, but it appears the explosion radius is even less than a blast proc's. The first thing that comes to mind when using the Opticor is, "Gauss Cannon" or, "Cain", in my experience and anyway you look at it the Opticor clearly looks like it was meant to be heavy artillery and I think it should perform in a way that better resembles those types of weapons.

Edited by Ethice
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I started a topic like this before and despite the implication it went ignored I still find it enjoyable to discuss a new weapon I enjoy using. Now onto the topic; Opticor.


The way the Opticor looks is Phenomenal. It's easily one of DE's best weapon designs. It reminds me of the Cain from the Mass Effect 2 and even though you can't blow up half of the map ( and yourself ) with it It's still a great weapon to use. I really only have two issues with the Opticor as it is.


My first issue with the weapon is that even with a 120% firing rate increase the charge up time is still a little slow considering It's already struggling to compete with It's little sister, Lanka on DPS, in my experience. My second issue is with the explosion on impact. First of all; The Opticor and Quanta both need brighter explosions, especially the Opticor since I can barely ever tell when the beam explodes on impact and second of all; The explosion radius could stand to be a bit wider. It could be because I can't see the explosion all that well, but it appears the explosion radius is even less than a blast proc's. The first thing that comes to mind when using the Opticor is, "Gauss Cannon" or, "Cain", in my experience and Anyway you look at it the Opticor clearly looks like it was meant to be heavy artillery and I think it should perform in a way that better resembles those types of weapons.

+1 agreed thats why i think it has the slow wind up, if DE keeps the wind up it needs a larger AOE, also same with the explosion its rather small and doesn't do much if enemies are not in a super close group its either a bug or needs to be changed

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Incredibly underwhelming animations : /


It gives off the impression of being a beefy laser cannon but when seeing it in action, can't help but feel disappointed. No sort of screenshake/kick, or OOMPH! It doesn't feel anywhere as strong as it actually is.

Edited by Won_Doe
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it may end up being better if it gets a aoe upgrade, maybe even surpase the vectis


It's aoe in general is my main issue with it and needs a visual and mechanical buff, in my opinion.

I think that the only thing Opticor needs is innate punch through.


If a coil gun(Lanka) that shoots bolts at speeds of, I dunno, 200-300 km/h can have 5m pt, then why a friggin laser railgun can't have some too?


While I agree with this I didn't have an issue with it not having innate punch through since Shred is pretty much mandatory for the Opticor anyway.

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Incredibly underwhelming animations : /


It gives off the impression of being a beefy laser cannon but when seeing it in action, can't help but feel disappointed. No sort of screenshake/kick, or OOMPH! It doesn't feel anywhere as strong as it actually is.


It's animations are rather dissapointing. There should definitely be screen shake if you're close enough to the impact site and the explosion on impact needs to be brighter.

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This weapon is great as is, but it could be even greater if it had innate punchthrough, because then you could have it punch holes through enemies when it kills them. I don't think it needs a faster fire rate, because it makes it feel less heavy. It needs to be heavy, thick and cumbersome, a beast, the annihialator.

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While in theory you might imagine yourself this laser cannon is a BFG 9000, or Quake Railgun, or a PPC cannon (god bless you if you know this thing), you might still not quite satisfied with this gun.


here's what make this gun a big 'MEH 9001' rather than BFG 9000 at the moment:

- 0.3 fire rate with charging as the trigger. that means 3.3 secs to fire it for full damage. In that 3 secs your teammate already kill everyone in the room. Not even Speed Trigger could save this slow fire rate.

- No hold charge mechanic. Unlike Ogris, where you can hold your charge for the next squad of enemies, firing this gun means it's a shot or total miss, but usually it's a total miss. 60% of the time, It miss, everytime.

- If it acted as a Railgun, naturally they should have a punch-through characteristic, but it has no punch-through. The AoE is rated "useless" (in close range) to "unimpressive" (in long range), rendering the Firestorm mod pretty much useless.


With current stats and mechanics of Opticor, I think you only need damage and punch through build.


How to save this gun from become another 'mastery point and dump' weapon (it's a shame if it is, the design of this gun looks sick and mean, the design makes you looks like the heavy weapon guy who will save the day in T4 void):


- give it a usual firing mechanic. left click to fire it instantly, but only give you 25% of total damage. If you want to have 100% damage, charge it 100% with holding your left click. 50% charge only give you 50% damage.

- Give it a punch through. 1 point of punch through if you charge it 100%, 0.5 in 50% charge, no punch through in instant fire. Also, with punch through mod, instant fire still didn't get the punch trough (because you didn't charge the projectile to fly at maximum velocity)

- Increase initial fire rate from 0.3 to 0.4. with 50% fire rate increase, this gun will have 0.6 fire rate with Speed Trigger mod. Instant shot have fire rate locked at 1.0, means you can't increase fire rate at instant fire.

- the AoE damage scaling is okay. With my suggestions, you could AoE enemies pretty easy with instant fire.

Edited by dataman88
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- 0.3 fire rate with charging as the trigger. that means 3.3 secs to fire it for full damage. In that 3 secs your teammate already kill everyone in the room. Not even Speed Trigger could save this slow fire rate.


- give it a usual firing mechanic. left click to fire it instantly, but only give you 25% of total damage. If you want to have 100% damage, charge it 100% with holding your left click. 50% charge only give you 50% damage.

Have you missed completely that you still do full damage at 50% charge? With vile acceleration + Shred it charges as fast as a bow with speed trigger.


I deal around 10k damage per shot with about 1.1 shots per second with those 2 mods. It's very sufficient.

Edited by StickyBaseline
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My main qualm with this weapon is the inability to hold the charge. With other charge weapons, you have the opportunity to fully charge the weapon up before you use it. Either keep the weapon as it, and give us the ability to hold the charge, or make the charge faster, but still have the quark of unable to hold the charges.

Innate punch-though would be incredibly useful, but what I think we need more than the punch-through is a wider laser coverage area the further it goes (think of a cone, but really stretched out and made from super face-melting laser), AND an explosion radius indication. Not only would that fit better with the theme of the weapon (laser ionization), it would almost certainly be more satisfying to use when you can see how big of a impact size you're making.

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Well, here's what I think:  Opticor is a confused and inefficient weapon trying to be two different things at the same time.



On the one hand it's trying to be a direct damage single-target weapon, but is rather inefficient at this because

- Crit chance is too low to build for.  It cannot reach its full damage reliably.  The slower a weapon fires, the less you can tolerate crits not being reliable.


- Cannot hold charge. Must track target continuously to score hits.This makes it especially problematic given the fact that all efforts to minimize the handicap of pre-charge time will result in increasing the handicap of reducing the time before you automatically fire (whether you're on target or not).


- 5 rounds in the magazine. :(


As a single target weapon I find it hard to justify the Opticor due to the existence of Sybaris. Sybaris is a lot more intuitive to use and does similarly hilarious amounts of damage because of its high crit chance and the crits-to-face bonus; not to mention that firing twice in a burst helps normalize the multishot and crit chance rolls.


On the other hand it's trying to be an AOE weapon, but it's also bad at this because:

- AOE damage is only a fraction of the rated damage.


- Doesn't AOE when you actually hit a target (and if you were trying, and miss, your beam will hit the background rather than the floor near the target), meaning its area functionality is something you have to specifically try to do. 


Accidental splash is weak and unreliable, and if you're deliberately going for AOE, why not bring an Ogris or Penta which do their full damage??  Full disclosure, Opticor does have a few advantages in 1.) not hurting the user and 2.) using rifle ammo, but I just don't think that's enough to compete with the heavy weapons that do this role so very much better.


Where I would go....

Weapon needs to decide whether it is a direct damage rifle thing, or a splash damage heavy weapon thing.  If the goal is to be direct damage, the magazine size needs to be like 15+ rounds and we need to be able to hold the charge for better aiming.   If the goal is to be splash damage, then when it hits enemies it should do full damage in the AOE.

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With the change to its visual effects, it now doesnt leave a trail of whilry energy anymore which makes me sad...... Its just a another shiny gun now...

It still does but require a full charge.. I have mix feelings..

Edited by HellHeart
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