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Mono-Tenno Theory Confirmed.


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To me Tenno are humanoid monsters

They got corrupted by the void, transformed and given powers


They are alike to the infested appaerance wise, zombie like creatures who abandoned their humanity



Well thats how i view them

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He's been saying that for a year.

In the stream before the last one, he directly said that there is an answer to the mono-Tenno/poly-Tenno question and that it would be clarified in the near future

I am inclined to say that this is that answer. But believe what you will

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To me Tenno are humanoid monsters

They got corrupted by the void, transformed and given powers


They are alike to the infested appaerance wise, zombie like creatures who abandoned their humanity



Well thats how i view them



Most likely. They are confirmed to have been humans at one point. Now they are something... else.


I think the inability to remove their helmets and see how they actually look is a blessing in disguise - you wouldn't find Nova quite as cute if you saw her face.

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One Tenno per frame. I agree with this. One Tenno per account. No I don't agree with this. I think the key to that is Valkyr. I think there is a special relationship between a Tenno and their warframe. Which is why there can be multiple Valkyr. However I don't feel when I Tenno enters her frame that they can tear themselves out of the anger and hatred and use a different frame. I don't think that's how that works. I think a Tenno is bound to one Frame. Hence. Poly-Tenno theory. Although this is a weird example I like to think of the Tenno as Stem Cells, raw void energy that can be differentiated into any power based on the Frame, but when they differentiate I don't feel that they can change.


Valkyr is a very bad example, given that her flavor text says that there is an "original" Valkyr. Her lore seems to support the poly-tenno theory as well.


I don't think they're energy, we know there's something solid in the frame. I'd say they're probably biomorphs or something, able to change shape at will. 


Edit: of course, I choose to believe that switching frames is simply a gameplay convenience. They're still probably hideous under there though. 

Edited by vaugahn
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Still one Tenno per frame in my little world, just like it that way  :)


If Volt is walking around, it's his ship, his kubrow, his goals.


If I switch to Frost, it's a different Tenno. Not something pulled from the closet since Volt decided to change clothes. It becomes Frost's ship, Frost's kubrow,.. yadda yadda yadda.  No technicalities needed.


If I play Destiny, I can switch up characters that are different (unless one makes them all the same looking and does different classes) yet nothing around me changes in terms of gameplay or dialog. So pretty much the same thing. Whoever is on screen, is whoever is having the moment.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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Well, there goes that debate. A shame, there were some fun threads about it. 


So, the next question: what is a tenno, then? A ghost? Are tenno gender-neutral/gender-fluid? A brain in a suit? 

I think that Tenno are almost the same as Lotus, an AI. They upload themself into the suits.


(This is just my idea)

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YOU. The player is the Tenno.


The warframe is what you wear.

YOU as the Tenno, is an entity.

YOU occupy the warframe.


I don't even know why this have been such a huge debate. It's that simple.


If not, why does it matter, really?


I don't see anyone having to ask these sort of question in any similar RPGs.

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Valkyr is a very bad example, given that her flavor text says that there is an "original" Valkyr. Her lore seems to support the poly-tenno theory as well.


I don't think they're energy, we know there's something solid in the frame. I'd say they're probably biomorphs or something, able to change shape at will. 


Edit: of course, I choose to believe that switching frames is simply a gameplay convenience. They're still probably hideous under there though. 


No not really. I think it makes sense to have original warframes. Like you can prove that the primes were the originals. There was an original Volt, an original to everyframe. But that doesn't make the Mono-Tenno theory right.


And I meant the raw void energy metaphorically. Come on man everyone takes Vor too seriously. I meant that they have void energies coursing through them containing the potential for all these powers that we see but they can't utilize them. Sort of like a Stem Cell. And the Warframe narrows the Tenno power and heightens their ability to use whatever power the frame is designed for. However I don't feel they can hot-swap to every single frame.


We're in agreement my paragraph there was just poorly written.

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Most likely. They are confirmed to have been humans at one point. Now they are something... else.


I think the inability to remove their helmets and see how they actually look is a blessing in disguise - you wouldn't find Nova quite as cute if you saw her face.


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I think that Limbo literally lifting off half of his skull is answer enough.


And that answer is: this is just a game bouncing back and forth. The player isn't actually an individual. The devs come up with a cool idea and put it into the game without serious thought about possible higher meaning to everything.

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Do not forget that Ordis can be (probably is) breaking the fourth wall and speaking directly to the player.


Especially given the gender and physical differences between frames combined with the fact that word of god (dev) that the Tenno are humans (although altered by the void) which would make mono shapeshifting Tenno not make sense.


And when compared to Eldar Aspects, Exarchs, and Phoenix Lords they are only altered on a mental, martial, and spiritual level when they don the aspect suit but their gender never changes. The suits are merely designed to fit over the average Eldar body build given their standardized training.

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I think they do have an answer, I think they will tell us. I don't think that was it. It's too small, incidental, and open to interpretations. I at least sincerely hope whatever the answers may be their reveal will be as inarguable and blatent as the proto-armor linking warframe to DarkSector. Unfortunately people still argue with that despite it being stated bluntly that was what was going on. At the very least I'm not satisfied that anything has actually been answered yet.

Edited by NevanChambers
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So you saying you have a ton of tenno in your little ship cause we do have an arsenal 


Absolutely. There's a hatch that's hidden under a panel that has a nice inter-dimensional apartment where they're all happy roommates. Well, mostly. Nobody likes bunking near Nekros and they're afraid to keep the doors unlocked at night since Loki and Ash might be sneaking around.



....or as I mentioned, just a simple thing for me. Whoever is in play, it's all theirs. It's their little world, no matter what weapons are on the shelf or what Kubrow is in the freezer. I don't worry about what's being built, or in my player arsenal. I'm not super picky about that type of continuity. 

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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It feels pretty good to be freakin' right about this.  Aww yeah.



I do feel it important to add that, if the Tenno transcended physical bodies, that doesn't mean they're just energy beings - that carries with it certain weird connotations, I think.  It might be better to think of them as spirits of a sort, where the conscious human is commuted into a weaponized ghost, in many machines, that transcended even that when touched by the Void.  Maybe they are superfuture intelligences, synaptic imprints of humans committed to technology so that they may be timeless and indestructible, their bodies truly only tools to better manipulate reality.



Many Tenno operating Many Warframes each.

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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Absolutely. There's a hatch that's hidden under a panel that has a nice inter-dimensional apartment where they're all happy roommates. Well, mostly. Nobody likes bunking near Nekros and they're afraid to keep the doors unlocked at night since Loki and Ash might be sneaking around.



....or as I mentioned, just a simple thing for me. Whoever is in play, it's all theirs. It's their little world, no matter what weapons are on the shelf or what Kubrow is in the freezer. I don't worry about what's being built, or in my player arsenal. I'm not super picky about that type of continuity. 


To be fair in one of the Dev Streams them mentioned the Liset hooking up to a larger structure in which your arsenal is. So really there could be multiple Tenno in whatever this structure is

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If [DE]Steve were to sit down and explain exactly what the Tenno are

and how they control the Warframes in explicit detail in the next devstream

people would still argue.


No you're being a pessimist. I don't consider this proof of the Mono Theory because its widdde speculation. If Steve himself sat in front of all of us theorists and told us how this universe works I'd stop arguing if the Mono Theory was actually true.  Of course I wouldn't like it, but there'd be no point in arguing.

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I gotta agree with a few people here. This, like most other things in Warframe's lore, is just an implication that is completely open to interpretation. I can see both ways of thinking, mind you, but I'm personally of the side that this doesn't confirm anything.


I had a better argument, but my brain did that thing where it just decides to forget right before I write about it. I'll get back on that.

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To be fair in one of the Dev Streams them mentioned the Liset hooking up to a larger structure in which your arsenal is. So really there could be multiple Tenno in whatever this structure is


At least there had better be more Tenno local, gotta steal  borrow credits to go shopping from somebody!

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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