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Am I The Only One Seeing The Decline Of Warframers (Ps4)


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well with the new player experience being what it is , and 14 and 15 being soo bug ridden i feel it too .


15 brought people back for hours only then the time walls hit , and  people loged off  the player flow on the steam charts only went up by 300 the first day of 15   which is the lowest  yet 


at a certain  point any game reaches it's market saturation  warframe is at that point now methinks  


Steam charts went from 13,000 online to 34,000 online when U15 dropped.


On both steam charts and raptr we've seen a steady increase, on steam charts our online average has risen several thousand over the last few months alone.


We're nowhere near decline, as much as naysayers would like to believe we are.

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Steam charts went from 13,000 online to 34,000 online when U15 dropped.


On both steam charts and raptr we've seen a steady increase, on steam charts our online average has risen several thousand over the last few months alone.


We're nowhere near decline, as much as naysayers would like to believe we are.

Month                    Avg.  Players            Gain         %Gain              Peak Players

Last 30 Days            15,445.0                 -358.1        -2.27%                 34,785
September 2014      15,803.2                 -662.9       -4.03%                 25,841
higher peak lower avg still over all loss
Edited by Ravel7
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Month                    Avg.  Players            Gain         %Gain              Peak Players

Last 30 Days            15,445.0                 -358.1        -2.27%                 34,785
September 2014      15,803.2                 -662.9       -4.03%                 25,841
higher peak lower avg still over all loss


Look at the graph again.


Those are two different stats, and you're comparing them in a vacuum. If you follow the percentage gain and loss all the way, you'll see a significant net increase.


Don't forget to look at raptr's stats as well, because those stats only show online steam players, which means they're not a complete accurate representation of active accounts. 


It really seems like many of the more critical people on the forums, yourself included, are almost desperate for the game to be declining. I can see why, as it would validate every bad thing they think is happening. It's simply not true though. 

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And PC don't have a lot of AAA competition? I would say there is a stiffer competition on PC with greater variety of F2P games and a lot of powerhouse MOBA games out there. So that is really a moot point. No matter what system you are on you are gonna have a lot of competition.


The way you battle that is to keep the player base interested with frequent updates so they don't get bored and move on. Warframe made the mistake with U14 on PS4 and bundled up too much content instead of releasing Operation: Breeding Grounds. Which Steve actually admitted was a mistake during devstream and said they would not make that again.


.......but it seems they actually will do the same with U15. Rebecca hinted "I think we'll be able to submit console builds in mid November" on the reddit ask question thread. Which will probably mean late November early December for that to go live. So instead of releasing: Tiberon, Excavation missions, Blind Justice stance, Shifting Sands Tactical Alerts to keep players occupied we will have to wait for one massive update instead. Which will most likely cause more player retention.


You see the excitement in the forums from the PC users as each wednesday closes in because they know something will happen. Be that just a hotfix or something bigger. Therefore you will see threads like "It's Wed!", It's Wednesday we all know what's coming today" "So no update this week?" etc etc It also is a bit like waving a carrot in front of you since the console users see all the things that are released but we can't have them.


So if you have everything the game have to offer what do you do?....... you move on.


While you are entirely correct that both platforms have competition, that doesn't equate to having equal amount or same kind of competition.


The console market isn't the same as the pc for starters, and neither are the update habits, or game library among other things. So no, I wouldn't say that is a moot point at all. There are quit a bit of difference between the majority of console gamers and majority of pc gamers(the market), the habits of the platforms, and the state they are in.


That aside, Warframe is doing just fine on pc. Statistics still beat anecdotes in my book. As a side note I'd like to say that hardcore tenno moving on isn't necessarily a sign of anything other then people being done with Warframe, which will happen sooner or later with anyone in any game.


Edit: Some spelling issues, might be more D:

Edited by Lynxh
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And PC don't have a lot of AAA competition? I would say there is a stiffer competition on PC with greater variety of F2P games and a lot of powerhouse MOBA games out there. So that is really a moot point. No matter what system you are on you are gonna have a lot of competition.

That is not what I was referring to. At launch, Warframe was one of the few games to exist on the PS4, as well as being free. 

A lot of people downloaded it, and played it. Now that more games are being released to balance the share of who's playing what, people begin to stop playing the game. 

When Warframe was released for PC, these AAA titles were already available, and so shouldn't affect the competition as much as it did during the first year of PS4 release.

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I find players who leave are normally those who have been burnt out of the game, even more on console games.


The only decline I see is the personality of some players, from Legit and Understandable to Aggressive and Totally Out-of-their-minds. Not that I'm taking any haters here.

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Have to use my PC account to post this since the PSN login isn't working. But yes, there is a steady decline in PS4 warframe. I think it needs to be region free. Locking the PS4 players into regions doesn't work when the numbers are low. If people can't join other players they won't play. Then even more people leave. Another issue is that there is no way to easily matchmake into a game in warframe, all you can do is scroll around the planets and hope for the best.

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Depends what time you play too. Earlier in the day I can find public matches for the Defense/Survivals I want to run. For the main missions (sabatoge, capture, rescue, spy...) I tend to run alone, or with a friend who is very dedicated to his video games and is usually online and happy to play whatever is going on.


Yeah, there's wait in between updates, always is. I guess people just play hard and stop. Pacing is good.

Edited by (PS4)Folkeye
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Look harder.



Keep believing that


To to the OP's credit please realize folks that he's on PS4.  I too noticed that Warframe on PS4 is awfully quiet.  It's not dying a slow death, but I understand where he's coming from.


There are lulls between updates where nothing new has come out, (remember on consoles it could be 4-5 weeks before a new update shows up) and not as many people sign on.


My advice to you LIAM-HARVEY is to hit up recruit chat and do a LFM/LFG for whatever you're trying to run.

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