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Wish List For Next Wraith Weapon


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Furax, twin Gremlins and Kraken. Wraiths or Vandals are supposed be better version of weaker weapons.

The only Wraiths and Vandals that break this rule are braton, snipetron, and strun.
If we make an already weapon better the balance would be destroyed, unless the weapon would not receive as "good" buffs.

Keep in mind that the majority of these special weapon have had their originals removed.

Edited by Heidrek
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 I'd like a Grakata Wraith (one of the first weapons I ever built), Cleaver Wraiths (they'd be pretty powerful, I'd imagine), Hind Wraith (the regular version is underrated despite being a decent weapon), Vulkar Wraith (very underrated, yet a very good weapon) or Ignis Wraith (BURN). I would use the Hek out of them for about 2 days.


Shrek Wraith Confirmed


Years have passed since you were 9 years old, but your dark Ogrelord returns to haunt you... as a Wraith!


I hope for a New Loka version of the Pyrana or the Burston.
It's not fair, Red Veil is the only one that has their own weapons.


Vandals aren't from the Veil as far as is known. Arbiters of Hexis or the Perrin Sequence may be the syndicate who makes those weapons though... however you did raise an interesting point - what would each syndicate's upgraded versions of weapons be? Just so Red Veil aren't the only (more or less) confirmed ones.

Edited by Blackout751
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Vandals aren't from the Veil as far as is known. Arbiters of Hexis or the Perrin Sequence may be the syndicate who makes those weapons though.

However you did raise an interesting point - what would each syndicate's upgraded versions of weapons be? Just so Red Veil aren't the only (more or less) confirmed ones.

The reason players on a whole have linked Wraith weapons to the Veil is that the weapons have a similar visual styling (the pattern) to the Rakta Syndana, a syndana that is known to be related to the Red Veil. 

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