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The Report Center - What Is It? Do You Use It? And General Thoughts On How It Does/ Should Work


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This thread is being made to collect information about the site's Report Center, one of our mod's most important tools, and seemingly underutilized. This is done out of my own personal curiosity and the desire to improve explanation and the experience of all users in the forums.


I'd like to have you answer some of my questions, if you'd be so kind.


1) What is your impression on the Report Center? Do you even know what it is? How it works?

2) What type of things do you believe are reported and handled in the Report Center? 

3) Are you satisfied with how the Report Center currently functions? Would you like improvements? If so, what?

4) Do you find there to be an adequate amount of user-friendliness and information when using the Report Center?

5) Is there anything further you'd like to ask?


Thank you for your time.

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Disregard this post, I misunderstood.


1, Report Center = Support, or is it a separate thing? If so, it is nowhere to be seen, at least not in any obvious place.


3. Looks like you mean Support after all... Yeah, pretty satisfied, I'd say. There was no issue that remained unresolved for me.


2. Now that I know it is about Support, firstly it handled all of the bugs, now it looks like it handles only login problems, account issues and stuff. Nowhere to submit bugs. A pity, since my friend lost 2 basic polarizations from his Volt and the Support sent him to forums saying, that they do not deal with such issues.


4. Yeah, pretty user-friendly. Though it sometimes changes the language to french out of the blue.


5. Nah, I'm good.


I always wandered, what happens with all those leecher reports, for example? Do they really receive a warning of sorts? Is this bannable? Or do I receive just automated response each time I report such individual and nothing more happens?


Oh, and going back to 1st... It could be more visible. Not everyone looks at the footer. You need to throw the link left and right in PHP or bugs section...

Edited by Angius
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This is the exact thing I was kind of afraid of. No, I do not mean Support. I'm talking about Reports. Specifically, the ones you send with that little button at the bottom of posts and PMs.


Oooh, this thing... Pardon my misunderstanding. In that case:

1. Yes, I do know what it is and how it works, not everybody seems to, however. People are usually afraid to report their own posts for deletion, for example, they think of it only as a tool for reporting inappropriate stuff.


2. Inappropriate posts, containing vulgar images for example. And that's pretty much it, or so do people think. The fact is, that you can report your own post for deletion, or ask for a whole topic to be cleared in case of a flamewar. Or ask for a topic to be closed, that works too. Pretty useful for saying "Hey, flamewar imminent, keep an eye on this thread" too.


3. My response remains the same - yeah, I am satisfied. The mods always reacted pretty damn fast.


4. User-friendly? Well... It's minimalistic, there's nowhere to get lost, so, yeah, it is user-friendly. Though the description may confuse people, mainly this part:

This form is to be used ONLY for reporting objectionable content and is not to be used as a method of communicating with moderators for other reasons.

makes people afraid of reporting their own posts and/or topics to lock.


5. Nah, I'm good.

Edited by Angius
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This thread is being made to collect information about the site's Report Center, one of our mod's most important tools, and seemingly underutilized. This is done out of my own personal curiosity and the desire to improve explanation and the experience of all users in the forums.


I'd like to have you answer some of my questions, if you'd be so kind.


1) What is your impression on the Report Center? Do you even know what it is? How it works?

2) What type of things do you believe are reported and handled in the Report Center? 

3) Are you satisfied with how the Report Center currently functions? Would you like improvements? If so, what?

4) Do you find their to be an adequate amount of user-friendliness and information when using the Report Center?

5) Is there anything further you'd like to ask?


Thank you for your time.


1. I know what it is and often use it to report posts that "name & shame", are flamebait, or are generally something the moderators should keep an eye on in case it spins out of control.


2. The things that I believe are handled are just overall cleanup of the forums including, but not limited to, the things I mentioned above.


3. I'm satisfied with how if functions but wish more were aware of it's purpose and use.


4. I don't expect replies and smilies from a report that I make, but I almost always see a moderator lingering in a post that I report.


5. None at the moment, continue moderating!

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Alright, I think I know what we're talking about here.


1: I've used it a few times, but rarely for it's intended use. It being the only direct line to the commods though it really became my best bet. I think that it could use some tweaks.


2: I know that offensive threads or ones that break the rules of the forums are to be reported through this system. I also know that it is often used to ask the moderators to move/merge threads if the creator or someone else thinks that it is in the wrong place or if there is an existing thread similar to it. It also is the way to request a post be deleted. 


3: While it serves it's purpose, it is currently somewhat clunky. I think that it needs to have a menu to choose what you are reporting for (move/merge, delete, offensive post/thread, etc) because as it stands I have occasionally not reported threads that I think should be moved because of the wording on the page.


4:I think that its user friendly (type-box for your reasoning is pretty hard to mess up) but could use the changes I stipulated above.


5:No other questions.

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3: While it serves it's purpose, it is currently somewhat clunky. I think that it needs to have a menu to choose what you are reporting for (move/merge, delete, offensive post/thread, etc) because as it stands I have occasionally not reported threads that I think should be moved because of the wording on the page.


This, this here proposition, sir. Here, have an upvote. It would solve the issues with people not knowing what they can report.

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1. I know what it is but I have never needed to use it because the moderators normally get to my concern before i can fill one out

2. I would like to think just explicit things, crude humor, general clean up (like merging?), when rules are broken. Junk like that

3. I can not say because I dont use it

4. N/A

5. N/A for the time being

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2. Inappropriate posts, containing vulgar images for example. And that's pretty much it, or so do people think. The fact is, that you can report your own post for deletion, or ask for a whole topic to be cleared in case of a flamewar. Or ask for a topic to be closed, that works too. Pretty useful for saying "Hey, flamewar imminent, keep an eye on this thread" too.

2. The things that I believe are handled are just overall cleanup of the forums including, but not limited to, the things I mentioned above.


2: I know that offensive threads or ones that break the rules of the forums are to be reported through this system. I also know that it is often used to ask the moderators to move/merge threads if the creator or someone else thinks that it is in the wrong place or if there is an existing thread similar to it. It also is the way to request a post be deleted. 

2. I would like to think just explicit things, crude humor, general clean up (like merging?), when rules are broken. Junk like that

All good assumptions, but I do notice it is all guessed.


I'll put a general list out there. 
Any post(s) breaking the Code of Conduct, requests for topic locks/delete, suggestion for moves or merges, suggestion to keep an eye on a thread or a user's posting behavior, bring to light when the double post bug happens, and issues with the quality of a post made specifcally by an admin (this is for quality assurance, kind of rare).



3: While it serves it's purpose, it is currently somewhat clunky. I think that it needs to have a menu to choose what you are reporting for (move/merge, delete, offensive post/thread, etc) because as it stands I have occasionally not reported threads that I think should be moved because of the wording on the page.

That is a good and interesting suggestion. It isn't necessarily needed at this point with the underutilization, but I intend to try and fix that and so this could be a good addition. It'd also help to give users a way to figure out themselves what types of reports can/should be made.


4. User-friendly? Well... It's minimalistic, there's nowhere to get lost, so, yeah, it is user-friendly. Though the description may confuse people, mainly this part:

makes people afraid of reporting their own posts and/or topics to lock.

Notable concern. I'll be sure to keep it in mind.

I never used the Report button, wouldn't even know what the Report Center is if you hadn't explained it had to do with that button, and have no idea concerning anything related to it. =(

Another main reason I made this post. Wondering if a FAQ is in order.

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Another main reason I made this post. Wondering if a FAQ is in order.


FAQ is always a good idea, though I would not go for full report function FAQ, rather a one that answers questions about the whole forums.


Unless we... *checks Rules and Guidelines section*


No, we do not have one.


But we could use one, definitely. Not only about the Report Senter, but about warnings, how can you be un-warned, how many warns affect your account in what way what is a mod queue, how to use multiquote, how to use "best answer" function, stuff like that.

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FAQ is always a good idea, though I would not go for full report function FAQ, rather a one that answers questions about the whole forums.


Unless we... *checks Rules and Guidelines section*


No, we do not have one.


But we could use one, definitely. Not only about the Report Senter, but about warnings, how can you be un-warned, how many warns affect your account in what way what is a mod queue, how to use multiquote, how to use "best answer" function, stuff like that.

I made this thread to ideally explain the Report function, by seeing what others think of it to see what information could be added, retracted, revised, etc.


I see now that this can turn into a widespread and valuable garnering of information to improve QOL of the forum as a whole. Thank you for your insight.

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Well, it was not my intention to derail this thread, just a small digression while we're at it - why limit the FAQ to the Report function, when the whole Forums could use a FAQ?

Perfectly a good reasoning. It is on the same general topic. If a FAQ, time taken to create a site wide FAQ on the functions of different sections would be handy.

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1) I know what it is, but I can't say I really have an "impression" other than that it's a good thing to have.

2) I believe it's used to report profanity, disrespect, and rude/obnoxious behavior.

3) I can't say I'm satisfied because I don't know whether if what I've reported gets taken care of or not. So, as an improvement, some type of notification?

4) Yes.

5) Nope.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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  • 1 month later...

1) What is your impression on the Report Center? Do you even know what it is? How it works?

Most posts that I find pointless are useful for someone else, So I only use it to recommend nudging posts into the correct subforum

2) What type of things do you believe are reported and handled in the Report Center? 

things being placed in the wrong forum

3) Are you satisfied with how the Report Center currently functions? Would you like improvements? If so, what?

general feedback is a mess, usually anyways

4) Do you find there to be an adequate amount of user-friendliness and information when using the Report Center?

The report center is most useful to the users if the users only use it when they are mad with something on the forums

5) Is there anything further you'd like to ask?

How are you doing today?

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  • 1 month later...

I just saw this thread, since it is pinned I think its still useful:


1) I saw the report button. Never used it, guessed what its for, since I seem to have been wrong, no I didn't know about it.


2) I guessed it is the same as everywhere, to report bad posts.


3) Not used, just looked at it now for the first time, so no comment for now.


4) No. Explanation:

I'll put a general list out there. 

Any post(s) breaking the Code of Conduct, requests for topic locks/delete, suggestion for moves or merges, suggestion to keep an eye on a thread or a user's posting behavior, bring to light when the double post bug happens, and issues with the quality of a post made specifcally by an admin (this is for quality assurance, kind of rare).

I just clicked the "Report" button and look what information is positioned there:

This form is to be used ONLY for reporting objectionable content and is not to be used as a method of communicating with moderators for other reasons.

That directly contradicts your list. So the answer to user friendly information is NO. User friendly would be to explain the intended functionality. It does however, state there what most people would think it is. And hammers in the lesson for people who read it.

If you want that thing more used, the functionality of it would have to be made public, since the misjudged intention of it has surly put it off the radar for most, except in some circumstances.


5) Why put a function in a place, where traditionally something else is placed, name it so it is judged as that function and hammer in the lesssion via further text when the function is clicked?

Isn't it better to place a second link besides it, with the additional functions that are not usually tied to this location?

Or maybe a drop down list bevore it is clicked, so one can see "report abusive post" "report for moving" "report for deleting own thread" when hovering. It can still target the same site, and you can still change the category after clicking it, but it would change the behaviour it is used for, because the intention is shown before using it.

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  • 1 month later...

1) What is your impression on the Report Center? Do you even know what it is? How it works?

2) What type of things do you believe are reported and handled in the Report Center? 

3) Are you satisfied with how the Report Center currently functions? Would you like improvements? If so, what?

4) Do you find there to be an adequate amount of user-friendliness and information when using the Report Center?

5) Is there anything further you'd like to ask?


1) It's generally useful, but at times it causes things to get worse instead of improving the situation that was reported. It is a function that basically allows users to report posts and threads that are for some reason breaking forum rules. You access it by clicking the "report" button.


2) Posts and threads that go against the community rules (https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/286054-community-rules-warning-points-20-code-of-conduct/). It can also be used for some other things like requesting a moderator to move a thread, delete a double post, lock a thread that you created yourself and a few others I can't remember right now.


3) Not entirely. It doesn't seem like all the moderators take the time to read the report messages and assess the situation before they act. This can cause more harm then good. Report works fine for very simple things such as hiding a single rude post inside a thread. But it doesn't appear to work as well when you're trying to report a situation that involves posts from multiple users. The ability to quote/mark multiple posts could be useful to deal with this problem, but I don't know for sure.


4) Unfortunately not. The knowledge I have about the report function comes mostly from directly asking moderators about it via PMs. There is very little useful information on the Report Center page itself. At the very least I think there should be a link to a list of things that are report-worthy so that people can inform themselves better.


5) Has the situation changed since November 2014? Is the report function still underutilized?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

The following two instructions are at odds with each other. could we get an edit that makes them aligned please.


Players are asked to post 1 thread per auction (and/or 1 thread for your storefront and 1 thread for WTB/Looking For). If you want to re-post it 24 or more hours after the original one was posted, please notify a moderator by reporting your thread with the report button to request its deletion. Once it's been deleted you may post it again!
Please note: The moderator will be made aware of the link to the page you are reporting.
This form is to be used ONLY for reporting objectionable content and is not to be used as a method of communicating with moderators for other reasons.
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The following two instructions are at odds with each other. could we get an edit that makes them aligned please.


Players are asked to post 1 thread per auction (and/or 1 thread for your storefront and 1 thread for WTB/Looking For). If you want to re-post it 24 or more hours after the original one was posted, please notify a moderator by reporting your thread with the report button to request its deletion. Once it's been deleted you may post it again!
Please note: The moderator will be made aware of the link to the page you are reporting.
This form is to be used ONLY for reporting objectionable content and is not to be used as a method of communicating with moderators for other reasons.


The Report function text is being actively looked at, pending improvements to this generic text.

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