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Hating On Limbo


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Limbo is bad and people who use him should feel bad


At least thats my opinion


Edit: My typo was bad and I feel bad


You can say that about every Frame.


OT: Frame hate will die down once every one but the people who actually know how to use him are the only ones left doing so, as is always the case

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  #Stop perpetuating this mind-set. Limbo has bugs, but not problems. His design is brilliant but misunderstood.
Lets agree to disagree.



And you can have him throw red Kunai\Hikou\etc making comments about him being Tuxedo Kamen from Sailormoon...


Which I found is a great counter trolling when they insult you...

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That makes no sense (at least in the context that we're talking in).


Listen, don't be a #$&(% to Limbo players. At least the ones who aren't intentionally being a troll. It just leads to even worse events happening.

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Ugh, I just hate how Limbo players shove their Limbo-ness in my face.


...it took me a week before I could even start the Limbo quest, when all I wanted from the update was him ;_; I want my stylish weirdly named babe already!

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"Limbo" is a really lame name.


Also his body proportions are strange, but what else is new. It's like they don't bother with the structural anatomy anymore, at least with the male Warframes. Mirage's proportions were alright.


I still want Limbo like crazy, though.

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"Limbo" is a really lame name.


Also his body proportions are strange, but what else is new. It's like they don't bother with the structural anatomy anymore, at least with the male Warframes. Mirage's proportions were alright.


I still want Limbo like crazy, though.

Ok now you're just nitpicking.

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It's a shame I like playing him so much, because it hurts me to see players leave as soon as I bring him into a match. I don't even have to do anything and people just want to leave or stand there and do nothing as if thinking since I entered the match why even bother playing. For example, I have built him to be based around a max damage cataclysm with stretch mod on, and with the duration just long enough for me to enter the bubble and kill anything on the inside with 850% damage increase. I prefer this to banishing heavies because there can be so many popping up in later waves of matches like survival that it's faster to deal with multiple heavies in the isolated space of cataclysm. And since Limbo is squishy, all that requires is creating space in between the heavies and casting cataclysm on them from a distance before entering the rift to take them out from a safe range.

But as soon as I use my ult it seems everyone thinks I'm trying to destroy the match. Really, assume the worst! As if that's rational to be prejudiced against every Limbo ever. It's more a case of learned helplessness when playing with him it seems. Being asked not to use your abbilties is awful. I would like to help as a Limbo, but in those random matches it's not uncommon for most players to type nothing the entire match. I can count the number of times I've heard people voice chat in Warframe one one hand, and that really bothers me. There would be a lot more cohesion if people talked instead of say if I was playing as Trinity, and had to glance at players shield/health bars every twenty seconds or so to see if they need a healing. Basically as he is right now, Limbo is too complicated for random matches because he requires a lot of communication in order to get a sense for who needs energy, who wants to be banished, who hates being banished, who hates cataclysm, etc. Which is why I am all for those proposed changes by other players to his banish (where players can exit the rift themselves) and cataclysm (with being able to pick up loot on the inside) so that he can become more random match friendly.

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Can people stop being racist against Limbo, I use racist as a term because when people see a Limbo in a group they degrade you, quit the game (even worse if they are host) or refuse to play and sit there making you do all the work. Just like any other racist, so please respect your other Tenno, we are all the same on the inside.


Racist doesn't mean what you think it means.

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People seem to be a lot happier if they know that hanging around in cataclysm regenerates energy, and if they know that abilities can be cast out.

The only person I've ever seen quit while I played Limbo was a guy being a useless sack, who I then trolled until he ragequit. I occasionally troll teammates with him, but normally a) only if I know them, and b) only long enough for them to realise, then I pull them back out. Unless of course I'm doing it to save their sorry asses in which case they can stay there and not die on me, and I think everyone I've done this to has had the sense to realise what I was doing.


All of that said, Limbo IS a frame that can inconvenience other players significantly, and you should play him as such, especially in regards to cataclysm. There are definitely two sides to this story.

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Thank you @SolarDwagon, you are the first person I've seen in this entire thread that actually noticed that being in Limbo's Rift is like having Energy Siphon on Steroids......  Yeah.. Someone Rifted me so I proceeded to shuriken and bladestorm EVERYTHING with Ash without stopping because of the power regen stacked with both of our E siphons.


All this to say (It's not just Cataclysm that regens energy)  It's any rift area period.

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On the other hand, being able to cast abilities out of Cataclysm doesn't excuse not being able to attack enemies outside of it with regular weapons. It only benefits caster Warframes while it greatly infuriates me as Loki to be Banished/Cataclysm'd as I can basically do nothing.

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