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Ranged Weapons Mod Suggestion : Tactical Mods


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Hi guys  here's a suggestion for a "stance slot" for ranged weapons.


Why tactical? basically in an generic fps game those would be a "tactical atachment" for the who are'nt familiar with those.


They won't litterally add a scope or iron sights flashlights and so on but they could add some utility to the weapon.


First of all : Some mods in the current system could be put in that slot 

Here are the offenders

>Hush ( chut in french)  , the silencer mod. 

>Stabilizer , steady hands

>Eagle eye 

>terminal velocity

>Maybe thunderbolt

>speed holster ( recreate it, make  versions  for primary and secondary weapons separately.)

>reload speed mods

>firestorm for special weapons




I have an idea for  mods that could be added in this slot:


>Light alloy : Inccreases sprint speed by 3%/6%/10%  when equipped.

For Pistol only


Would a '"polarity" and would be a pretty rare mod.


Flash arrow: chance to inflict blind status  for 0.75 second on headshot. 

Maxing mod increases blind chance : 20% at max rank.



Thanks for reading guys 


Thoughts? any other mod ideas to suggest?


Would it work in the current state of weapon balancing? 


Should the warframe aura scavenger mods be shifted to weapons as well?

Edited by Deidaku
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That's great and all, except all the mods listed are among the most useless in the entire game. Thunderbolt is only redeemed somewhat thanks to the Attica's firerate.


Why give them their own mod slot?

To make them useful......that was kind of my point X)

Same as  auras because having them in a regular build is 99% of the time a waste of mod space

And the bonuses they grant are most of the time really underwhelming to occupy an entire mod slot.


Example : energy siphon ; I wouldn't use it if it wasn't an aura ; too much mod energy for slow enrgy regen. might as well have a maxed flow mod installed and voilà I don't run out as easy ( if I run out at all that isà.

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I actually disagree, Vargas. If you've ever tried out Stabilizer on your rifle, you'd realize how delicious that mod is. Sure, it's not +damage and therefore only fit for filthy casuals, but Ohhh baby... It makes rifles shoot like butter.

It's only really useful on gorgon , grakata , Supra and( I'm probably missing 1 more ) imo

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+1 to this, though I think the ammo mutation mods need to be added to the list. I see them as tactial in the sense that you're scavenging bullets or just plain carrying extra mags/rounds. Of course, the ammo maximum mods should be put up as well(since they fit into the extra mags/rounds idea better).

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Try it on Buzlok and Latron Prime as well.

Good point for the latron prime :O


Dammit gotta forma it one more time then x)


+1 to this, though I think the ammo mutation mods need to be added to the list. I see them as tactial in the sense that you're scavenging bullets or just plain carrying extra mags/rounds. Of course, the ammo maximum mods should be put up as well(since they fit into the extra mags/rounds idea better).

Yeah I was kinda hesitant ant to add them on the list since they are pretty useful  .


But wait should the scavenger mods be shifted there as well?

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Yeah I was kinda hesitant ant to add them on the list since they are pretty useful  .


But wait should the scavenger mods be shifted there as well?

The scavenger mods are already aura mods. Though I don't know of anyone who uses them, so it may be better if they were moved to an "aura" for primaries and secondaries.

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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I actually disagree, Vargas. If you've ever tried out Stabilizer on your rifle, you'd realize how delicious that mod is. Sure, it's not +damage and therefore only fit for filthy casuals, but Ohhh baby... It makes rifles shoot like butter.


With you on that. Just putting on Steady Hands makes the Akmagnus insanely accurate over distance. As in, top floor of the Orokin Tower 3 floor room (The one with the tree), you can headshot snipe everything below you so long as you position yourself properly. Heck, I'm actually making it a point that I find space on my weapons to put on -Recoil mods and the Punch through mods.


Ok, so my Akmagnus currently sit around 400ish damage per shot...but I'm damned near not missing with them, and if the set up's right, well, consecutive headshots anyone? Yes please.


At the end of the day, it's all about the feel. The Sybaris is quite nice with Stabiliser. I've sniped a fair few Ancients across the map with it. Shame it doesn't have much Status...

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That's great and all, except all the mods listed are among the most useless in the entire game. Thunderbolt is only redeemed somewhat thanks to the Attica's firerate.

Hush and Suppress would like a word with you for nice Rescue 2.0 (or any stealth mission) runs (and being like a spec ops in other games). 

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I actually disagree, Vargas. If you've ever tried out Stabilizer on your rifle, you'd realize how delicious that mod is. Sure, it's not +damage and therefore only fit for filthy casuals, but Ohhh baby... It makes rifles shoot like butter.


I had to scale back 100% Recoil reduction down to 90% just to make it feel like I was actually shooting. Having a Latron not even budge a single pixel when you're firing feels REALLY weird after a while. I mean, how weird do you think it would have to be for ME to add recoil BACK in.

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It's only really useful on gorgon , grakata , Supra and( I'm probably missing 1 more ) imo


Nonsense, gorgon with max HC is still good, no need for stabilizer :)


Yes, a tactical slot for weapons like melee have stances would be nice, but if it should work like a melee I don't want it to give 10 extra polarity as current melee does, 6 at most. For all I care it could be non ranked as for example coolant leak.

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