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The Legend Of John Prodman


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Bizzaro21, you do know that you can use multiple quotes in one post right? No need to post 4 or 5 times to reply to multiple people.

I reply as I read on so I reply to the posts I want to discuss/quote separately

basically it`s not meant for spamming...

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john could`ve finished him in half a hit.. this must an amateur or a big fan of him....

also, who won at the end?

Unfortunately someone joined and that made me uncloak. Stalker then teleported beside me and stun locked me with the Hate and I died. =(

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They say he wields the mythical Prova Prime. But for the mission against Phorid, he chose his first and best Prova.

Prova Prime??? Impossibru!!! He wields the Legendary Prova Vandal (also knows ammong Corpus as The Mighty Electric Machette, TMEM)

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Some say that his only defeat was in a game of Mahjong with a toddler, and that beneath his helmet is a duck.

Same say, John Prodman is the forgoten brother of Stig. But that`s just a mith...

Edited by Karela2
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So who do you think came up with this new corpus warrior, the nullifier? Whose brainchild is it? Yep it's JP.

JP don't need mechanical devices. He can deflect Void power with his will, and surpass anything with sheer determination.


In Prod we Trust.

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JP don't need mechanical devices. He can deflect Void power with his will, and surpass anything with sheer determination.


In Prod we Trust.

Who said JP uses it? Even without his presence he can make Tenno cries by just unleashing his creation.

Edited by Dalawantahr
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The day will come when we Tenno have to face our greatest enemy, John Prodman.

He will not help us, he will fight for what is right. Like a Prodman should.

He will haunt us in our dreams.   What Stalker? Oh Please...



Some may think he is only a myth....that his legend is only that : a legend.


But he is real.  if you are lucky -my fellow Tenno- ..maybe you will see him some day.... you might learn something.....



(thread were i found this picture: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/281253-instead-of-kubrows-why-not-a-charger/?p=3232800)


okay serious:

We need to have him as a mini-boss.

Let him wield a larger special Prova

Drops? He can drop

- a special Stance for the Prova

- a Mod that increases the dmg against everything, except Corpus ( name? idk... maybe something really simple like "prod")

- a awesome Sigil (looks like a prodman / corpus helmet)

- Parts for a new weapon; name suggestion: Dragon Prova (like dragon nikana) or Dex Prova 1 main bp and 2 parts 

higher stat chance and dmg and bigger melee range.


We can get a deathmark when:

We kill 4 corpus bosses in a row


fight against corpus in invasion missions multiple times (10?)


The message in our inbox will just say "in prod we trust"




Never forget this legend o3o

Can he be a raid boss ?

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Can he be a raid boss ?

Honestly, I'd rather he be in the relays as some sort of stance trainer. For a small price, he can demonstrate a stance by beating the tar out of you with it, so flawlessly executed that you learn the stance for yourself from the experience.

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