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The Legend Of John Prodman


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For too long John Prodman has been an enigma to Tenno.  A mysterious figure who emerges only when the Corpus need him most.  If you've never followed the legend before, here's a chance to learn a bit about him.  Perhaps together we can finally create a proper file for the Corpus hero.



1) Ive been saying someone is in charge of resupplying the crates and lockers. Someone has been fixing all the damage caused by us "Tenno", and enemy factions.


2)  John Prodman is Chuck Norris. Expendable 2. The " Heroes" are surrounded by tanks and troops. They think its all over......


Bang, boom, pow...... stuff dead. Ohh look, Chuck Norris, the Lonewof, just saved our "heroes" then leaves....... even heroes have "Legends"


The Stocker is John Prodman is Chuck Norris.




Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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Here lies the Prodman, the only thing in the entire Origin system I've never managed to kill that still haunts me to this day and follows me everywhere I go like a nightmare. I've sworn to turn him into my syandana should we ever cross paths again, but I think he understood that wrong...



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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish to report a possible sighting of the one known as the Prodman 



If this is him he has grown stronger since his last sighting also in his absence has mastered the Dera beyond what was thought possible my squad had too withdraw due too how strong the juggernaut was so his fate remains unknown is this the legendary John Prodman or is it someone new

Edited by Beowulf57
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  • 2 weeks later...

if john were to be added as a entity he should be someone who has a certain percent chance to appear if in recent times you least a lot of fight to the stalker or just to protect and the loss of fights to the stalker doesn't have to mean anything so when he appears he will fight the stalker because hes a awesome rebel. If my idea is being used in-game i give all rights by the creators of warframe for it to be used :)

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  • 1 month later...

John Prodman and the Booben thread have to be the weirdest things that happened to Warframe.


All things considered, John Prodman's really just our Sly Marbo/High Overlord Saurfang.


Speaking of which:


John Prodman was Infested once, he cured himself with a stern glare.

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  • 1 month later...

If he becomes any kind of real enemy, you should never be able to kill him; only knock him down and eventually make him flee.  Killing John Prodman would diminish the legacy. Also, he should never spawn unless he's outnumbered.  I could see a glorious end event where 20 Tenno have cornered him and it takes all of them to take him down permanently... only then could his legacy live on forever.  I don't know if that could even ever happen but it would be glorious.

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  • 2 months later...

I was having a great time helping the Grineer out, because I wanted to fight the corpus assassin again, even though i already fought it 4 times. As a Valkyr, i shredded the enemy lines to pieces with my claws, seeing victory steeping every closer.


Just then, i fell of the level due to a freak shockwave.


When i respawned, my hysteria had worn off, and i had no more energy.


Then HE came.


Suddenly a blunt object rammed into my back.


He was like a hurricane, i saw in his wake, dead grineer everywhere...


He was like a tank....i swear he and the cloud of shield osperys above his valiant head were the last 28 enemies in the level....


I had only raised my weapon, when he struck down my kubrow....


With a roar, i brought my weapon down on his head.


With a roar, he brought his down on mine.


I found myself sprawled on the ground, electric tendrils snaking around the curves of my damaged frame. The shockwave moved on, spreading outwards.


But the man of legend did not.


Again he brough his justice down upon my warframe, i found myself at a loss, an end.


I died.


The corpus moved on, ina great wave they surged down the corridor to meet their enemy.


But not the man of legend.


He stood over my corpse, his prova clasped tight. He almost knew what I was going to do.


That day, i dared not revive, for it was fate who struck me down, it was HE who struck down my best warrior, a warframe who had never died before.


He is John Prodman.






That's why i got myself a Prova :D

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He caught me on Jupiter, during an Exterminate. 


I was using my Trinity.


The counter said 83/84.


I was walking up a spiral staircase.


(Prodman jumps down from above, lands behind me)


He bludgeons me once with his Prova of Truth.


I lose my entire shield.


I turn around and raise my Sonicor.


He hits me again.


I revive and fire my Sonicor.


Prodman takes the hit and lands on the edge of the railing, inches from his doom.


I raise my Sobek and set my sights on him.


John Prodman looks up, a steely glint in his eye.


"Die, Prodman," I hiss.


"Not today," He shoots back.


The noble Prodman then threw himself off the edge of the platform, to fall to his demise rather than face a messy, undignified end.


Ah, John Prodman. 


You will be remembered in the hearts of all the Corpus, so long as there are Corpus to remember you.


But that's not all.




A week later I bring my new Trinity Prime to Ludi, Ceres to assist the Corpus in their efforts against the Grineer.


And who do I see fighting off two Scorpions, one Bombard and one Seeker?


Yes, it is John Prodman.


Armed with his Prova, now with a Catalyst and eight Forma, he lashes out left and right, meeting the Grineer assailants blow for blow. 


In no time at all, they lie at his feet, still and unmoving.


He turns around and faces me, chiselled features twinging with recognition.


The cloud of at least six Shield Ospreys chitter excitedly as I extend a hand to shake his, an act to honor his valor and strength.



(I talked with him after the battle and found out that his Prova was charged with a highly compressed Formorian Power Core, which he had Hijacked by HIMSELF)

Edited by Ollnozz
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