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Weapon Mod Equality That Should Have Happened On The Day Of Damage 2.0 Release.


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As you all know, the original elemental mods remain unchanged from before Damage 2.0. Mods like Shocking Touch and Northern Wind remain at an absurdly low percentage than the other elemental mods of their class. Some weapon mods in Pistol class and all raw Status Increase mods are also underpowered.


It's time to buff them up to the same level that other mods of their class are. Shocking Touch needs to be 90% extra electricity damage. Raw Status increase mods need to at least go up to + 75% on all weapon categories. All elemental damage mods need V polarities (looking specifically at you Ice mods). Slash, puncture, and impact damage mods also need to be increased for Primary and Secondary weapon types to 90% just like melee is (because as of now, using the regular slash damage mod on Primary as opposed to Fanged Fusillade does your weapon a huge disservice).

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Have the devs ever said WHY they are lower? 


I know it seems like 'common sense' that they should be the same, but lets be fair that's mostly just OCD talking. If there's no reason then I agree even if only because OCD. If there's a reason, I'd like to know the reason and start the discussion from there.

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Have the devs ever said WHY they are lower? 


I know it seems like 'common sense' that they should be the same, but lets be fair that's mostly just OCD talking. If there's no reason then I agree even if only because OCD. If there's a reason, I'd like to know the reason and start the discussion from there.

I don't think the devs have ever said this, but my guess for why Ice mods are D polarities and do less damage is because elemental used to have 100% proc chance. This made Ice a defensive utility element rather than a damage element. Now that we have varying proc chances for each weapon, their low damage and D polarity don't fit anymore.

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Agree with this, the elemental mods and status mods definitely need to be gone over and set to consistent percentages, point drain, and preferably switching the ice mods from D to - like all the other pure elements.


Pure Status mods need to be bumped way up, at least to 90% to stand any chance of competing with what is offered to us via status+Element mods.

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The problem with mod balance in general, it seems that it was balanced with weapons, similar mod, and damage by the time it was released. Galvanized Blade is a good proof for this, Electric has become obligatory element in important element mix, and thus DE made it weaker than Toxin, Ice, or Heat. So the Corrosive/Magnetic/Radiation which is better for respective faction became weaker so it's comparable to Viral/Blast/Gas.


Most shotgun has few clip size and thus ammo stock has a good +60% clip size so it has noticeable increase

Most rifle has big clip size and thus magazine wrap only give +30% clip size, this made it very hard to increase low clip size rifle like Grinlok or Vulkar.


DE should just rebalanced the damage and the weapons instead and made all mod equal in stats.

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Rekkou, on 09 Nov 2014 - 06:41 AM, said:

The problem with mod balance in general, it seems that it was balanced with weapons, similar mod, and damage by the time it was released. Galvanized Blade is a good proof for this, Electric has become obligatory element in important element mix, and thus DE made it weaker than Toxin, Ice, or Heat. So the Corrosive/Magnetic/Radiation which is better for respective faction became weaker so it's comparable to Viral/Blast/Gas.


Most shotgun has few clip size and thus ammo stock has a good +60% clip size so it has noticeable increase

Most rifle has big clip size and thus magazine wrap only give +30% clip size, this made it very hard to increase low clip size rifle like Grinlok or Vulkar.


DE should just rebalanced the damage and the weapons instead and made all mod equal in stats.

You could be right, but then why have Primary and Secondary electric mods unchanged from 90%? I don't think there's any real consistency here anymore and that these mods are just relics of Damage 1.0 that were never updated. As for Galvanized Blade, it just looks as you said. However, I don't see how it really matters. Electricity and Ice need to be good on there own just like their other elemental counterparts regardless of mixed elements damage.

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In respect of the Pure Status mods, would it be wrong that I think instead of making them x% over the Dual Ele+status mods, what if they became the same thing as seen by the Supra Syndicate mod: Make them additive increases to the Base Status chance.


So rather than going 'meh, 15% status chance', we'd say '+15 Base Status chance? Hello~', or at least, I would. I know for a fact that if I could put a Status Base increasing mod on my AkBolto, I'd go for a status build and call it a day. Just +15 gives me 20% Status chance, before factoring in the changes Multishot brings to the equation. For stuff like the Supra, I guess stacking its Syndicate mod on top means +35 base Status chance, which in theory sounds good at least.


Theoretically it'd allow for completely distinct builds than weapon stats allow for. In much the same vein, I'd like it if they made a series of mods that adds to Base Critical Chance in the same way. Just imagine how differently people could go about some of their builds; you could mod your Skana for Crit, I could mod it for Status. Or both, if you plan it out right.


Make all Pure Elementals that cost 11 be worth 90% and, I might be unpopular here, I'd also like it if the Multishot mods and Base Damage boosting mods were all scaled to the same extent; that is to say, Split Chamber, Barrel Diffusion and Hell's Chamber would all be 120% at 11/15 points, and Pressure Point, Serration, Hornet Strike and Point Blank all have the same number of total ranks and have the same total damage increase %. Same sort of deal with Critical mods as well; make them all on par with Point Strike and Vital Sense and then, in theory, we're onto having a better balance for our mods. (Which reminds me, we don't have a pistol relative to Hammer shot...)


Ok, money on this not likely happening, and I honestly doubt it'd change the Meta at all as it'd just be more of the min/max, sticking the +Stat mods on the weapons with high scores in said stats anyway. Or it'd lead to people ranting that they're 'band-aid mods' not fixing the problem of x/y/z weapon's stats not being on par with a/b/c or what have you. Or people complaining it still does nothing to remedy utility mod k/l/m...


Can but try. It's just a hypothetical scenario.


Happy hunting

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Melees Need a 10 rank mod, as it is I have no reason to polarize my melees because nothing is expensive enough ive got all the mod slots filled with just a catalyst and a stance. I wouldnt even care what the mod does as long as its adequately expensive as to give me a reason to polarize.

Also, the sidearm crit dmg mod is too weak to warrant using crit mods on my sidearms. I was considering how much damage id get from target cracker vs lets say the 90% elements and it just doesnt cut the mustard, even on lex prime or akmagnus, which makes me sad.

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pressure point used to be 10 ranks, but then DE undid that


Fury used to be 9-10 ranks too.



Melees Need a 10 rank mod, as it is I have no reason to polarize my melees because nothing is expensive enough ive got all the mod slots filled with just a catalyst and a stance. I wouldnt even care what the mod does as long as its adequately expensive as to give me a reason to polarize.

Also, the sidearm crit dmg mod is too weak to warrant using crit mods on my sidearms. I was considering how much damage id get from target cracker vs lets say the 90% elements and it just doesnt cut the mustard, even on lex prime or akmagnus, which makes me sad.


The new status duration mod for melee weapons is a rank 10 mod.  It allows your procs to last twice as long.


Unfortunately that doesn't fix the low damage elemental mods that DE did not buff from damage 1.0.


They also need to buff the Slash/Impact/Puncture mods... like a lot.  Melee mods need to be doubled, and rifle mods need to be tripled at the very least to justify giving up a damage spot that could be filled more easily and effectively with elemental mods.  I ran a few calculations and found that even with the Dragon Nikana, you would need to double the bonus of each slash mod to allow it to compete with the elemental mods.

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Fury used to be 9-10 ranks too.




The new status duration mod for melee weapons is a rank 10 mod.  It allows your procs to last twice as long.


Unfortunately that doesn't fix the low damage elemental mods that DE did not buff from damage 1.0.


They also need to buff the Slash/Impact/Puncture mods... like a lot.  Melee mods need to be doubled, and rifle mods need to be tripled at the very least to justify giving up a damage spot that could be filled more easily and effectively with elemental mods.  I ran a few calculations and found that even with the Dragon Nikana, you would need to double the bonus of each slash mod to allow it to compete with the elemental mods.

Well, thats slightly encouraging. I havent had the chanceto look at the list of new mods yet so I didn t know about this one. Thanks for the info. I was annoying my bro going on and on about there not being a r10 melee LOL.

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