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Update 15.2.0


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Congratulations. Do you have Narrow Minded equipped by any chance? Because this nerf affected EVERY player. Not just the Viver farmers.



Erm, sod viver, this ruined the REST OF THE GAME. Ignorance is bliss i guess.


those changes makes no difference, only affects exploiters...well except mag's ultimate...that's not how magnetism should work DE

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Instead of fixing your so called end game syndicate system you just nerf warframes?What if someone finds another way to exploit? You keep nerfing warframes?But hey , as long as some people are selling sindicate mods with 5k plat it´s ok with you!!!

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This is getting ridiculous. To what extent are we going to nerf frames just so Viver becomes "fair" and "balanced"?

Trinity nerf was uncalled for. What's next, limited radius on Blessing? Link reduction cut in half, affected by power mods?

Radial Javelin and Shield Polarize were uncalled for as well. What is your next step? Oberon's 4? Poor Saryn's 4?



If I extrapolate to the future, what do I get?

Trinity will be a "free" heal, damage frames useless to their core, CC frames useful unless the nerfs continue there.



Good show. Bloody good show.

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So why are there only nerfs to Viver, that provided an easier way of ranking up syndicates, but no real change towards syndicate points gain? Why can't players share the syndicate quests of diferent levels? Are we supposed to either find new warframes that will overkill Viver, and await their nerf too, or we have to grind every day to gain what, 10k rep max?


Bad system if you ask me, R17 here...

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"Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies."

i know this was needed but really???? this makes no sense because magnetic can go THROUGH objects, it would have been better if youd just say it gets weaker the father it is away


Sense not a requirement for changes anymore :)

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I was going tomlog on to try the new quest but then I read what they did to excal and mag... I think I'm done here for a while.

Mag and excal are already underused in most mission types. This change seems unnecessary and vindictive to fix a (non) problem of a map. Only played cover twice and not touched it since, right around the same time I gave up syndicates as pointless.

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So let me get this right instead of actually fixing syndicates you guys decided to just nerf anything that was involved with the poorly designed system




It's almost as if your saying " hey hear is syndicates (aka Grindtopia)  if you don't like it ( or in this case abuse it) we will just nerf your frames



or am I missing something.

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they just recently change the radial javelin to pop up on enemies face right? so it can ignore obstacles..
but why did they now added line of sight? isnt it like hitting an obstacle? man idun understand the logic of whoever manages these changes

Edited by Ritchel
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I love how everyone is so mad over the nerfs and they really aren't even that bad. All that complaint, man.


Please elaborate how Trinity's EV, Excalibur's Radial Javelin and Mag's Shield Polarize needing line-of-sight isn't a bad nerf.

I really want to hear from you why that isn't bad.


Also, explain why further changes to Interception aren't bad.

I REALLY want to hear your reasoning.

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So when I saw the changes to excal, mag and trin, I was very very upset and concerned... because honestly you did a terrible job of explaining the actual change D:


I took both excal and mag out to test them with a heavy heart truly fearing you had put excal's ult back in the S#&$ter and reduced mag's one useful mid/lo-high level skill to useless. What I found left me pleasantly surprised.


For those of you that have not tested these skills themselves(shame on you!): The way line of sight seems to work for these skills is threefold:

  • It takes line of sight from the character, meaning you get a certain distance all around you blocked by cover and corners.
  • It takes line of sight from the camera and this tags enemies (it might only be for x amount of time but that is beyond what I am willing to test at this time of night) even when they go behind cover or around corners.
  • It counts enemies that meets either prerequisite and applies the skill to them.


This is actually really really good way for line of sight to work in this game! In fact with a bit further testing and play to really get a feel for this I think this could be a good addition to all "press 4" to win skills. It doesn't require you to get hyper close to enemies or put you at anymore risk of death, but it does require you to consider thinking about positioning,


As far as trin goes, it seems like a reasonable change to make to her, but unfortunately, she is just... so sub par in general now since her last balancing. She's not one I main, and unfortunately for me trying to play her as she currently is, is a headache for me so I just don't, and can't offer feedback on that change. :\


Please DERebecca for the love of the sanity of the forums, put a clearer explanation of how this "line of sight" system is working for excal and mag so we can at least stem the tide of vitriol and knee jerk responses about those two frames. D:

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Update 15.2.0

  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).

Now you did it, now you F**KING DID IT! I AM OUT! you ruined this game for me, THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE WRONG WAY you are going here, screw you guys. I allready regret all the time I put into this game.

Edited by Scr4mp
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Just to let everyone know. You know how they said you need a line of sight to gain the effects of the ability used?


Well, get this. Mag can't heal her shields because she apparently can't see herself.


Guys. Please. For the love of Lotus. Revert all these awful changes. Including the mod limit. Change Viver to one of those larger maps, or just turn it into an infested map in general.


While you're at it. Make it so that Syndicate rep is no longer connected to affinity earned. Make it increase depending on mission level, waves completed, and/or time spent inside mission.


Did I mention that mag can't heal her own shields?

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I was going tomlog on to try the new quest but then I read what they did to excal and mag... I think I'm done here for a while.

Mag and excal are already underused in most mission types. This change seems unnecessary and vindictive to fix a (non) problem of a map. Only played cover twice and not touched it since, right around the same time I gave up syndicates as pointless.


Don't bother with the new quest. It's completely boring garbage. You'd have more fun staring at a wall.

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So as much as I hate to be the guy that jumps on the hater bandwagon, I'm going to put this as passively as possible with logic and numbers.


So it takes 240,000 standing to reach max rank.

If you were infact using the exploit to get 4,000 syndicate points per round. That equals 60 rounds of doing that. Which from the videos i've watched it takes about 20 minutes. Which adds up to 1200 minutes or 20 hours. Just to reach max rank.

Now lets throw in if you wanted to get all of the syndicate mods. At 25,000 points a pop and 10 total augment/weapon mods per syndicate that's 250,000. That equals another 62.5 (63 rounded up) rounds. which equals 20.8 hours or 21 hours to round up.

So the final numbers. It would take you 41 hours of using the exploit in order to get all of the syndicate mods available. So if you spent almost 2 days of straight farming that exploit with 7 hours of sleep in between. You could get those mods. NOTE: THIS IS WITH USING THE EXPLOIT.

Now lets put this in perspective. At the current rate with the alerts if you get 1,500 syndicate points per day (in this equation taking 20 minutes to complete all alerts which is unrealistic). You're increasing the time spent by 2.6. So times 41 hours. That equals 109 hours at the current rate of play before you would be able to rank up 1 syndicate and get all the mods assuming it takes you 20 mintues to finish all those alerts. And if you really want to make your head hurt there's a total of 6 syndicates. 


Now after all of that math you're spending this much time on 1 aspect of the game. Just to get mods that don't get me wrong are cool and add alot of utility, but are in situational to say at the least, and in no way a game changer based on the stats they currently provide. I understand putting time into a game, but the last game I spent 100 hours for total completion was final fantasy and that was after doing EVERYTHING in the game. I understand the syndicate system is meant to make players put time into a game, but I don't know any players that will put that much time into the game for one aspect. It's not realistic, and there are better uses of my time with better rewards to say at the least. Being stubborn and not changing it is not a good idea. 


And like everyone else I also think nerfing warframes instead of taking care of the actual problem was a very bad way to fix the issue. I've been playing this game since May (first account was stuck on rank 3 had to make a new on in July which is what i'm on now) and I have supported warframe in all of the strides that it has made, and I have spent 600 dollars on this game to date and referred so many friends because of how much potential this game has. This syndicate system and nerfs that are being made, are the final straw for me. The LOS idea is not a good one as all of the maps are full of obsticles and enemies are made to cover behind those which makes ablities worthless if you're not on a defense. And the fact that there are plenty of other frames still overpowered in comparision to the ones nerfed, is sad. 


I'm taking a break from warframe. Maybe this game will become like Firefall and just die out due to the lack of listening to the community, maybe it will comeback and become the game I always saw it being. What I do know, is that the only thing that will be a REAL eye opener to the devs is not negative comments, it's the loss in players. And I am sad to say I will be one of those. Please give me a reason to comeback DE. I hope for it. 



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Cuz exploits, thats why

^ explain how exploits required nerfing warframes -> and also the worst part is these warframes were specifically targeted because they were used in the viver strategy....why not nerf other frames as well? it is unjust to niche pick things just because a few ppl feel like they have the right to control what other people deem as fun


nerfing the warframe was unnecessary.....redesigning interceptions or even changing how reputation is gained would have been a better solution to killing the fun that comes with the game....the very very little fun that we have left and try to enjoy

Edited by sekushiiandee
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I'm at a bit of a loss concerning all the fuss about viver and rep farming.  I have to agree that I don't like the way DE is handling the situation, but why is it important to farm rep so fast anyway?  Honestly the rep offerings are not terribly exciting.  Mods to try and generate interest in weapons most people dismissised as vendor trash.  Warframe specific mods that have some potentially intriguing possibilities, but hardly "must have" exciting stuff.  Large team restores might actually have some utility at least. 


When people at DE said that chosing syndicates to represent should represent hard thought and research because it would have profound effect on gameplay, I started by asking: "really?"   I did some research and then came to the conclusion: Who are they kidding?  


I'm sure the developers put long hours into producing update 15.0 and they produced some good stuff unfortunately along with other stuff thats rather flawed.  Honestly, when i heard about the archwing stuff way back when it was little more than rumors I had concenrs over how it would turn out.  Frankly flight combat games are just plain hard to do well.  When you start out with a game system that has a seriously flawed map on flat space situations, it would be a bit much to expect them to pull a rabbit out the hat and have a good 3D HUD.  It feels to me that some folks at DE got a bit overambitious trying to come up with exciting new gameplay and ended up with an update that not only failed to live up to the hype, but actually took a step backwards in terms of keep[ing the game the fun and casual place we all loved to visit.


To start with, the trend for MMORPG to use farming to get people to play more game time rubs me the wrong way.  It doesn't take much of it to turn a fun game into a chore.  I can't say I'm happy that DE decided to toss rep farming into the game.


I used to recommend Warframe because it's fun casual game that you can play as much or as little as you want and still enjoy it.  Somehow DE seems to be losing that perspective which is a shame. 

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I am actually happy with this update, Viver wasn't technically changed but the frames that were used to farm it got nerfed a bit.  Since this all came to be when Excalibur got an update so Radial Javelin didn 't need LoS to kill things, really the only update needed was to switch that back.  I guess Mag and Trinity should get nerfed too as people abused them, I guess (I don't think Trinity really needed it, she doesn't do any of the damage and god knows we could use more people playing her).  


But essentially, everything is back to how it was before the excalibur buff but this time, I am 2 Syndicate ranks higher.  I still say there should be an end level map that caters to hardcore grinds, but lets just put a pin in that for another day. 


Edit: BTW, I love the "Once Awake" summary screen in the codex when you first start the quest. (If you don't know what I am talking about, let it sit for approx. 10 seconds)

Edited by Wyldbill
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Sorry Trinity ol' gal, looks like we'll have to put you down.
You were my first built frame, and I've stuck with you through Link and Blessing nerf, but this is the end.


No more Trinity on Orokin Void then. Notice to [DE]: Not every group of players sits together inside a Frost Snowglobe for the entirety of the mission. Some of us actually move around the map.
This was not a fix for Viver. Nerfing will never be a fix for Viver, as the problem that is Viver IS THE SAME as the problem that is syndicate rep farming.




Bandages don't cure cancer.




Very pleased with the Nyx change though -- Mind Control has always had the problem of teamates killing your target until now.

Overall, disappointed in this change, and will not be playing again until I see some good news in the Update & Build Notes forum.


Just to let everyone know. You know how they said you need a line of sight to gain the effects of the ability used?


Well, get this. Mag can't heal her shields because she apparently can't see herself.



Luckily I had one more bullet left. See y'all.


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