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Anyone Else Worried About The Hubs?


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So, on the one hand, Hubs are pretty well fleshed out now.


On the other hand, having a single full hub worth of tenno apparently dumps most people's FPS to ~4.


I'm not sure about anyone else, but I'm quite worried that hubs will end up being bad for most lower end computers, particularly if they become a central gameplay feature.


Any positive insights, or hopeful/helpful input ideas?


EDIT: FYI: The reason this comes to mind is because Rebecca's mustache dojo party guests reported getting single digit FPS. If it was a host-only issue, then I'd agree that serverhost should fix everything, but as it was the clients connecting to the host as well, I'm not so optimistic. =/

Edited by Llyssa
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I think I'm on the same page as you. I am very excited for them to be added as it will make the game that much more social, but like you said, watching Rebecca in the dojo with what, 75-100 people at once, makes me a bit worried. I have no doubt that her framerate issues had something to do with everyone staying in the same room, but even so, it is food for thought. 

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I'm ASSuming that we don't have hubs because they're working on those technical hurdles. If they were willing to throw hubs into the game with that low level of performance then I would think we'd have them by now.


When they're live I guess they could always have an option to 'solo' the hub and go into your own instance alone/friends only/invite only just for non-multiplayer things like interacting with special NPC's.

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I doubt there will be much you can do in HUBs that you can't do outside of them, as they are going to be fairly system intensive. 


Agreed. I think it will mostly be more of a choice, than a requirement. Even now there are players like me who only play with a select few players. We use our dojo as our "hub" currently. Other than trading with players I don't know, if there isn't any significant advantage to going to Hubs I probably won't go to them often. I do want to check out games that they were mentioning for hubs though.

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I fear the Hubs. If they come in the same quality and with the same innovation as The Archwing came, I dreading, I am despaired and full of hate... :)

Ah but they will matter waaaaaaaaay less than archwing. It's a given when they are released they will be feature poor, barely working, and an all around mess. It's also a given that all of those problems will be fixed. Just like everything has always worked.

FTR I don't think the game has anything long standing that is more than annoyance.

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I'm ASSuming that we don't have hubs because they're working on those technical hurdles. If they were willing to throw hubs into the game with that low level of performance then I would think we'd have them by now.


When they're live I guess they could always have an option to 'solo' the hub and go into your own instance alone/friends only/invite only just for non-multiplayer things like interacting with special NPC's.

Well, they're currently scheduled for 15.5. Barring some incredibly weird scheduling change, that means under 3 weeks from right now.


Dedicated server vs Peer to Peer? :)


Maybe, but the other peeps in the PT dojo(the clients) were having the single digit FPS. The host comp it could be expected, and the dedicated servers would be stronger, yes. However, if the clients were getting single digits, it doesn't seem like that will matter.

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FPS doesn't really matter if you're only gonna talk to the void trader and your syndicate dude/dudette, as long as the whole thing doesn't make my GPU melt.

I hit 2 mustache dojo parties and then BSoDed, so, uh, yeah, that last part is kind of on the high end of freaking me out.

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If DE is smart they will make multiple instances of hubs and distribute players between them. But that would likely require DE having host servers. I know noone would want my crappy internet trying to host a hub. 


But aside from the technical concerns, I just question how much sense they make. 

Why would all of these Syndicates that don't exactly get along all congregate in a single station, along with an ancient Orokin scrap shop? I'd rather each Syndicate have its own space.

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If DE is smart they will make multiple instances of hubs and distribute players between them. But that would likely require DE having host servers. I know noone would want my crappy internet trying to host a hub. 


But aside from the technical concerns, I just question how much sense they make. 

Why would all of these Syndicates that don't exactly get along all congregate in a single station, along with an ancient Orokin scrap shop? I'd rather each Syndicate have its own space.

The sense thing is a good point. They should probably each have their own planet(s)--with 14 planetoids, they could each have 2(although, New Loka don't make sense anywhere but earth)..

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DE has already said that hubs will have dedicated servers. The issues on stream were from trying to host that many people on an average-joe computer while streaming at the same. I'm actually impressed they managed that.

Edited by Xanesh
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Ah but they will matter waaaaaaaaay less than archwing. It's a given when they are released they will be feature poor, barely working, and an all around mess. It's also a given that all of those problems will be fixed. Just like everything has always worked.

FTR I don't think the game has anything long standing that is more than annoyance.


They introduce new bugs with it! :) That was evil I know.

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The sense thing is a good point. They should probably each have their own planet(s)--with 14 planetoids, they could each have 2(although, New Loka don't make sense anywhere but earth)..

I think giving each Syndicate its own planet might be a bit much. I was thinking they could just each have their own dojo, decked out with Syndicate specific training rooms, research stations, and general gathering trading rooms. 


I actually touch on this in my U15 review, found here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/345097-u15-complete-review/?p=3854248

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hubs aren't even more bigger than my dojo...i think steve will be disappointed no one its going to stay there for long.


also i want the hangar in my dojo and dojos in general, since they can maintain a bigger population of tenno XD

Edited by Toppien
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My big issue is, how in the hell are all these faction leaders in a place where their opposing factions can just walk over and assassinate them?


Why arent they using holograms or proxies or troops or something. Its just them out in the open. Anyone else see how this seems out of place?

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Multi-Process Hosting

A recently added game feature called Multi-Process Hosting has improved connection speeds for our mercenaries. Now, party leaders aren't saddled with the brunt of the computing process, which is instead spread out across all party members. This means if your party leader has a poorer connection than you, they won't bring you down. Note that the Multi-Process Hosting is still currently in beta, so please let us know your experience in our forums so that we can further improve this system! 


This may or may not help...


This is a Vindictus update...

Edited by Jinryusai
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