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Well Done On New Tactile Alert De!


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I have to say I was impressed with the difficulty throughout the event. At first it was easy, my Soma was able to kill the drones then the target. But it become frustrating on round two as my Soma could not keep up with the drones long enough before I'd die or the target would escape. They moved too fast and at first it made me angry. But then I Viver'd it. I pulled my Penta out of my little mastery closet and smoked them (with help of teammates, no less. I still got my face handed to me by the ONE MILLION EXIMUSES). I never thought I'd actually need to use that gun.


Never-the-less, I was forced to try different tactics on an otherwise seemingly normal mission. It maybe painful sometimes to have enemy skills placed inconveniently against our favor, but I think that if it became the norm to have challenging situations requiring more thought than ultspam-shoot everyone would enjoy Warframe just a little more. (Not to say there's anything wrong with Ult's ...Steve). XD


Edit: A little strategy for those that might be having a hard time with this:


This event is very beatable, especially with a well balanced team. 


I used Nova on the Fourth mission. Why? Because even though I knew she'd die within seconds of approaching any enemy, I could cast Molecular Prime WELL out of the targets range. On the higher difficulties (3/4 missions), he doesn't run. He stands there and tries to rape your soul. After M.prime hits him and his drones, it's game over. All the other players then closed in and annihilated him. It also helped that I had the dread equipped. Once the drones were moving slow, the Dread ONLY took 3-4 charged shots (I have like 3 formas on this thing)... In spite of that, no movement equals no chance. It became easy once we had a system.


There was another particularly useful build in the party. There was a Rhino who gunned it right for the target and Stomped as fast as he could, which completely immobilized the drones and the target. Obviously invaluable. By the time the stomp wore off the target was still standing, however he was still M.Primed and couldn't ruin our days. After the first target someone would just drop a team energy restore. (Epic! I never expected these things to get used!)


This was an excellent team-building mission. I'm surprised more people aren't happy that they were finally required to work together and think about how to do a mission. The difficulty wasn't artificial at all. We compound our tactics and resources to wreck the enemies' day, why can't they?

Edited by UnseenDivinity
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The tactical alert is just another sign of them not knowing how to create difficulty, instead creating artificial difficulty by gimping the player.  Whats the fun if I can't do things unique to Warframe?  Might as well go play another FPS at that point.

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The tactical alert is just another sign of them not knowing how to create difficulty, instead creating artificial difficulty by gimping the player.  Whats the fun if I can't do things unique to Warframe?  Might as well go play another FPS at that point.


Tactical Alerts are my favorite and I really wish every node had a conclave rating with bonuses for playing within it. STACK ALL THE THINGS is not really that interesting to me, but when there's a conclave limit and I have to start picking and choosing my mods and gear, suddenly I care about the RPG side instead of just arbitrarily seeking higher numbers across the board.

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 There are more negative things to say like instead of draining all our energy they could just make us play a different game, like Archwing.  Still as for the event, power drains are never particularly great.  There are ways passed it of course since there are ways to gain more then the drain but you still have to use the energy quick at that point.


 It does stop people from just popping their power and winning instantly, which is a good thing, but it would be a good thing if that was the rule for every mission, not the only way to make the event a challenge.


 As to the good point of the event, it is different to have to either shred a massive shield, or kill off the drones.  That can be fun at times, though I don't like how fast they shift around.  It means something to make the choice.  So good for that bit of effort, but the combination of the fast and many drones and the loss of energy and so on ends up going slightly too far.

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Tactical Alerts are my favorite and I really wish every node had a conclave rating with bonuses for playing within it. STACK ALL THE THINGS is not really that interesting to me, but when there's a conclave limit and I have to start picking and choosing my mods and gear, suddenly I care about the RPG side instead of just arbitrarily seeking higher numbers across the board.


It's bad game design, I have tools in my kit that I use per situation.  The challenge should adhere to the tools in the kit, not removing tools.  Instead of multiple solutions, it becomes one solution.  This causes the challenge to be linear.


Considering the "Conclave" rating on mods makes absolutely no sense, it also makes no sense for this to have a challenge occur around this idea.  The mod shocking touch?  60% electricity damage, 40 conclave.  Voltaic Strike, 60% status chance and electricity damage, 20 conclave.  Do you see the problem?


At the end of the day this just felt like a very agile third person shooter as I played it, not Warframe. 

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The tactical alert is just another sign of them not knowing how to create difficulty, instead creating artificial difficulty by gimping the player.  Whats the fun if I can't do things unique to Warframe?  Might as well go play another FPS at that point.

^^This^^ Don't congratulate them for this.

This was wholesale slaughter of anything that could've been fun.

First, you have a target who has 3 f***ing guardian eximii on him at all times and you have to sit there and try to take them out one by one. If you made the huge-@$$ mistake of trying to go it alone and without a rapid-fire weapon you are almost completely f***ed.

Oh, no wait, you ARE completely f***ed because the target will also RUN AWAY FROM YOU WHILE YOU SHOOT AT HIM. I was very lucky that the first target just stood there like a doofus and let me painfully snipe out his drones from behind cover for 3-5 minutes and then also snipe him.

The second target ran away which made this much more difficult. I was only able to succeed because he eventually DID stop and also let me take some potshots at him. But what if he had escaped? If he had kept running and gotten away there wouldn't have been a goddamned thing I could've done. Success on this mission requires you have the extremely good fortune of having targets too stupid to realize they can run away while being utterly invincible and then laugh at you while they escape. If someone can confirm that the targets cannot "escape" then I'll feel a little better about this. I'm just assuming right now that escape is a possibility and if it is it makes the mission near impossible.

And did I mention I died trying to melee one of these guys? They don't flinch, despite the fact that flinching is the primary thing a melee weapon should always f***ing DO. It's the one thing that makes Melee work in the first place and the entire reason it was included in Melee 2.0, and yet I died trying to do it because the guy just gunned me down. This was the issue that made melee before 2.0 so obnoxious and almost completely not worth it and they brought it back just for this alert.

Oh, and of course you all have discovered NO POWERS ALLOWED LOLOL

So literally, this is an alert that is reduced to you playing Warframe like an FPS. While I understand that it's supposed to be a key element, I play WarFrame specifically to avoid the typical FPS nonsense. I play WarFrame for the crazy powers and the awesome melee and they have released a tactical alert that prevents you from using either. Is there' some CoD fanbase they're trying to appeal to now?

I'm just... so mad, you guys... where are my friends when I need 'em!?

Oh, and as someone else pointed out, this is clearly not a level 10-15 mission.

Edited by Soldatto
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Have to agree to disagree I guess. I enjoy challenge and depth. I don't feel challenged when everything hits me for peanuts and dies instantly, and I don't feel like STACK ALL THE THINGS has any depth at all.


If there's need for a conclave rework (and I think there is) that's got to be separate because I would approach it with an eye towards it's use as a restriction in both PvE and PvP. If you don't like restriction, you wouldn't include PvE in that.


Your breath is not wasted. DE seems to be on the fence about applying it to the game. I've been dropping rants about the subject of structure off and on for a long time and I think conclave (or something like it) has the most potential among things we have in-game already, but they have opted not to use it on general nodes as an optional range for bonuses, instead setting it aside for these mini-events alone. If you make your case and they agree then I guess it would stay off to the side as a niche interest for people like me. If they agree with me and people like it, we might one day see optional (mandatory?) ranges applied to systems or individual nodes like I have suggested.

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About the power drain: Power restore packs. I used those to turn on Zephyr's Turbulence with some duration and the mission was much easier. Cost me a few nanospores (which I'm actually totally out of at all times, with extractors digging for them because of my restore pack habits) but no biggie.

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During this whole mission I never felt good about beating a 'challenge' I felt "Wow this is really unfair, when will we get those Invincibility Ospreys? Oh and the ability to drain enemies of abilities?" this Alert punished players for relying on abilities...even though most warframes are built around relying on abilities, half the time ospreys seemingly ignored damage dealt to them (using bows, every other shot would just not deal damage), and having to kill 4 of those fast, twitchy ospreys is ludicrous. I was more mad at this Alert than having fun.

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People say the game is too easy, now DE are increasing the difficulty by forcing you to play another style other than press 4 and the same people who said the game was easy is now whining. Sorry I might not be as good or that good, but being good means being flexible and that applies to every game. You guys wanted challenge and difficulty, now they gave you a challenge, but then you guys whine about how hard it is because you all can't ult anymore. No offense intended but you guys should appreciate what DE did this patch to fix the mess they created, most game companies would just ignore their mistake, let alone admitting them.

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It wasn't even the conclave rating, at the higher end the targets just become bullet sponges that don't even flinch while being critical shot in the head multiple times AFTER the drones are gone, and the drones have like half the hp of the target and have accelerated flying which is somewhat glitchy. DE can do better than this.


The game's equally unbalanced if you just switch the gameplay so that everybody else is the Tenno instead of the players.

Edited by weirdee
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I play this game to have fun.


This alert was not fun, this alert was punishing.


I don't mind having REALLY high damage enemies.  I don't mind having my energy drained by a capture target even when he's still 500m away.  I don't even mind having each capture target accompanied by 500 bazillion eximus shield drones that take ZERO damage half the time.


Toss all 3 together?  That's not fun for me, that's a chore.  I may actually skip this catalyst BP because the stress these missions cause once you get to mission #3 just isn't worth it to me.

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To be honest I found this tactical alert more of a pain to play than fun. The "difficulty" seems rather artificial and restrictive. The conclave restriction is fair, but the energy drain paired with the tanky eximus drones who strafe quickly side to side made the mission as pleasant as getting my teeth pulled out.


I am all for a challenge that allows me to use a wide vareity of ways to complete the objective, but this mission funneled me into either spamming energy packs with Nyx chaosing or rhino tanking/stomping/energypack chugging it up. 

Edited by petrichor1991
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I have to say I was impressed with the difficulty throughout the event. At first it was easy, my Soma was able to kill the drones then the target. But it become frustrating on round two as my Soma could not keep up with the drones long enough before I'd die or the target would escape. They moved too fast and at first it made me angry. But then I Viver'd it. I pulled my Penta out of my little mastery closet and smoked them (with help of teammates, no less. I still got my face handed to me by the ONE MILLION EXIMUSES). I never thought I'd actually need to use that gun.


Never-the-less, I was forced to try different tactics on an otherwise seemingly normal mission. It maybe painful sometimes to have enemy skills placed inconveniently against our favor, but I think that if it became the norm to have challenging situations requiring more thought than ultspam-shoot everyone would enjoy Warframe just a little more. (Not to say there's anything wrong with Ult's ...Steve). XD


That is the thing, and you said well "with help of teammates, no less", now looking at solo prespective this is another use that frame mission, you look at well picked places where targets are (Zones that consume all your energy), the dificulty you have to drop the drones after the first node, and what i gather using 5 diferent frames was, Rhino a little tought made it easy capture if you bothered to kill everyone before cap, Saryn you couldnt even get close before drop the drones and Volt, Zeph and Frost were depending more of the targets got stuck in scenery and you could drop the drones that any tactic possible since you couldnt use anything at your advantage (and im not refering to Ult) bc of the lack of energy.


And I didnt try any weak frame on that regard bc i think the result would be the same was the last 3 bc most rely on their CC ability and the inability to use that without teammates, would make things more about luck that anything else, so in conclusion, a cap to prevent have full energy to nuke the room yes, but remove any ability to protect yourself no, your this will be another take Rhino and all would be fine.

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This event is very beatable, especially with a well balanced team. 


I used Nova on the Fourth mission. Why? Because even though I knew she'd die within seconds of approaching any enemy, I could cast Molecular Prime WELL out of the targets range. On the higher difficulties (3/4 missions), he doesn't run. He stands there and tries to rape your soul. After M.prime hits him and his drones, it's game over. All the other players then closed in and annihilated him. It also helped that I had the dread equipped. Once the drones were moving slow, the Dread ONLY took 3-4 charged shots (I have like 3 formas on this thing)... In spite of that, no movement equals no chance. It became easy once we had a system.


There was another particularly useful build in the party. There was a Rhino who gunned it right for the target and Stomped as fast as he could, which completely immobilized the drones and the target. Obviously invaluable. By the time the stomp wore off the target was still standing, however he was still M.Primed and couldn't ruin our days. After the first target someone would just drop a team energy restore. (Epic! I never expected these things to get used!)


This was an excellent team-building mission. I'm surprised more people aren't happy that they were finally required to work together and think about how to do a mission. The difficulty wasn't artificial at all. We compound our tactics and resources to wreck the enemies' day, why can't they?

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The tactical alert is just another sign of them not knowing how to create difficulty, instead creating artificial difficulty by gimping the player.  Whats the fun if I can't do things unique to Warframe?  Might as well go play another FPS at that point.

I agree, it lacks any innovative ideas and design. And it is full of bugs (regularly being dead after loading finishes, stuck in objects, etc.).

Edited by MichaelSD
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Well done DE? Is that a joke?


This is a poor excuse for a challenge. I take that back. It wasn't that bad. I give it a 6/10.


The level design is fine.


The conclave limit is fine.


The enemy levels are fine.


A bunch of hard to hit ospreys with the target mowing you down with a Supra? Small issue but completely fine.


High energy drain with a huge radius? BIG PROBLEM.


I'm a player that plays mainly caster frames. Do you know what squishy casters do when they can't cast? They die. 90% of my frames were useless here unless I took the time to sit just outside the target's energy drain range and build up energy. That's a sound strategy, but that strategy just isn't Warframe. In Warframe you run in guns blazing and react to the situation. You don't camp out in the room before the big boss and "buff up."


Secondly, there is no counter play to the energy drain. Once you engage upon the target you're well within the energy drain radius so there is no backing out. Unlike the well-designed infested disruputors, there is literally nothing the player can do from a gameplay perspective to avoid the energy drain or disable it during the encounter. The guy even continues to drain your energy after he's on the ground begging for his life. This is just poor design.


Since I own only caster frames, I had to break out Mirage and just spam 1 and alt fire with the Quanta to get through this. Out of the casters I tried, Mirage was the most effective. Her 1 ability is very powerful and basically cost no energy with continuity.


Once you get to Cold Revenge 4, the caster frames disappear and 3/4 people in your group are Rhino. But then again, that's Warframe. You're always going to have a Rhino or two in your group. lol

Edited by Yinkuji
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This event is very beatable, especially with a well balanced team. 


I used Nova on the Fourth mission. Why? Because even though I knew she'd die within seconds of approaching any enemy, I could cast Molecular Prime WELL out of the targets range. On the higher difficulties (3/4 missions), he doesn't run. He stands there and tries to rape your soul. After M.prime hits him and his drones, it's game over. All the other players then closed in and annihilated him. It also helped that I had the dread equipped. Once the drones were moving slow, the Dread ONLY took 3-4 charged shots (I have like 3 formas on this thing)... In spite of that, no movement equals no chance. It became easy once we had a system.


There was another particularly useful build in the party. There was a Rhino who gunned it right for the target and Stomped as fast as he could, which completely immobilized the drones and the target. Obviously invaluable. By the time the stomp wore off the target was still standing, however he was still M.Primed and couldn't ruin our days. After the first target someone would just drop a team energy restore. (Epic! I never expected these things to get used!)


This was an excellent team-building mission. I'm surprised more people aren't happy that they were finally required to work together and think about how to do a mission. The difficulty wasn't artificial at all. We compound our tactics and resources to wreck the enemies' day, why can't they?

That's impressive, but the "difficulty" of the mission isn't what bothers most people.

It isn't really that difficult at all, especially when the targets SIT there and let you snipe them down from behind cover. I was able to solo this. Every enemy except for the capture target was pathetic.

What bothers most people is that it is FAKE DIFFICULTY.

The difference between "fake" difficulty and "true" difficulty is that true difficulty can be used as a measure of your skill. FAKE difficulty means that you don't need skill at all to win, as you can meet some other factor, such as having a high enough character level to trivialize the difficulty, or abusing an enemy's AI to trick them into losing.

This mission did not require skill. It did not require tactics. You used tactics and skill and that's commendable. Good for you. But it wasn't required in the least. That's the problem.

You can go in with a group of 4 anybodies and not use powers at all and still finish the mission easily enough if you got da BIG GUNZ. You wouldn't even need your capture target to stay still with that many people around! As long as everybody knew kill the robots first and the guy second, it shouldn't be too hard for a team of 4 to gun down the target even when running away.

Still though, nice work with what you did with your team.

Edited by Soldatto
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Every time a tactical alert comes out we get the EXACT same responses.


'It is difficult so it sucks!'

'It is fake difficulty so it sucks!'

'New mechanisms suck!'

'New ideas suck!'


Etc. Etc. Etc. Same responses.


People don't want new but they do. They want the same old stuff but different. They want to be able to dominate with no handicaps but they want a challenge.


I actually agree that the energy drain was a bit much. The 3 Eximus shield drones OR the energy drain would have been enough. Both together took skill, tactics or a VERY well coordinated team. Or someone who had the right gear and knew how to use it.


Oh, wait... teamwork. My bad.


Teamwork is for noobs. This game has NOTHING to do with teamwork.

Edited by Kalenath
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