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I've Never Felt More Rude, Or More Accomplished.


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Why should anyone be forced to be solo this game? He didn't go into a random match thinking "Oh these people are going to make the game boring for me." There's tons of reasons, what if the guy was trying to level a weapon but Ember was taking all the kills so he couldn't fairly focus level his weapon? We saw this guy's side of the argument, not the Excal's.

that's not how the affinity system in Warframe works.

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That's not how affinity works.  In fact it hasn't worked that way in almost a year.  Also, we asked him to bring it back and he didn't even respond.  If he wanted to solo he should have set solo.  And all he had to do to get unbanished is come back.


Real simple.  BTW, I'm not saying what I did was acceptable.

Uh, yes that's how it works. Instead of the gun getting 50%+, he's getting the default split. He didn't think a three person group was going to spam a couple of skills and never even get a killer's split. The dude obviously didn't want to sit there and watch you guys set up shop, so he left. Like I said, he didn't jump into a public game expecting to solo but pretty sure he wasn't expecting a bunch of skill spammers either.

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Uh, yes that's how it works. Instead of the gun getting 50%+, he's getting the default split. He didn't think a three person group was going to spam a couple of skills and never even get a killer's split. The dude obviously didn't want to sit there and watch you guys set up shop, so he left. Like I said, he didn't jump into a public game expecting to solo but pretty sure he wasn't expecting a bunch of skill spammers either.

So go solo? the default split isn't as bad as you think even with the loss from killing enemies with abilities since there's more enemies to kill regardless. due to playing as a team.

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So go solo? the default split isn't as bad as you think even with the loss from killing enemies with abilities since there's more enemies to kill regardless. due to playing as a team.

If he was leveling his frame, the way OP described how the Vauban and Ember was hog killing meant he was getting 25% of his affinity instead of a fair chance at 50% or maybe even 100%. It may not seem as bad but lost percentages does add up and wasting 75% of affinity (if all his weapons were leveled) is a huge deal. I'm not justifying what he did because I wasn't there, I don't know if he did have leveled weapons or what he was leveling, I'm saying everyone screwed up but they also MAY have reason for it.

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Uh, yes that's how it works. Instead of the gun getting 50%+, he's getting the default split. He didn't think a three person group was going to spam a couple of skills and never even get a killer's split. The dude obviously didn't want to sit there and watch you guys set up shop, so he left. Like I said, he didn't jump into a public game expecting to solo but pretty sure he wasn't expecting a bunch of skill spammers either.


Skill spammers?  You mean just using the things our Warframes innately excel at?  


I understand your point of view on this (remember, at no point have I stated that what I did was the right thing to do), but honestly, if the Excal in question really wanted to level up his gear then he should have either run with some buddies or taken it to a solo mission.  And AGAIN, we asked him to reel it in and stop depriving us of XP.  I don't understand that part of your argument, actually -- why is it not okay for me to banish a guy who's SCREWING US OUT OF AFFINITY, but it's also not okay for us to all take the Affinity split by the game's systems?  Why can't we just take the split and all benefit?


Plus, on top of that bit of confusion, you saying that we shouldn't be skill spammers is just bizarre.  Asking a Vauban to not use Vortex on an Infested Defense mission is lunacy.  Asking an Ember to not use FIRE on the one enemy group who're universally weak to fire is also lunacy.

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If he was leveling his frame, the way OP described how the Vauban and Ember was hog killing meant he was getting 25% of his affinity instead of a fair chance at 50% or maybe even 100%. It may not seem as bad but lost percentages does add up and wasting 75% of affinity (if all his weapons were leveled) is a huge deal. I'm not justifying what he did because I wasn't there, I don't know if he did have leveled weapons or what he was leveling, I'm saying everyone screwed up but they also MAY have reason for it.

All I'm saying is there's no reason to be a hallway hero. if that guy felt he wasn't doing enough all he had to do is communicate with that team or just wait till the next mission to find another team. The whole point of playing with public matchmaking is to play as a team with random people.

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I once asked limbo politely to stop with the vomit cloud on seimeni because we had nova and vauban and it was great, except he would stick that @(*()$ thing on top of vortex and everyone had that... ffs moment every damn time he had enough energy to fart another one.

By wave bloody 19 I had enough and for the next 10ish minutes I switch teleported him off cliff until he rage quit. While its hard to comprehend wtf an average kid says in internet in the first place, should have seen it... it felt like the kid just mashed his head on keyboard and occasionally pressed enter.

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Hehe. Heheheh. HEHEHEHEHEH.


Anyone who doesn't communicate with their team deserves nothing less. That's the issue here, the player was ASKED to stop and gave no reason, excuse or argument for his actions. If he'd said "I'm trying to level my Warframe, can you let me use powers to get most of the kills", I imagine that the players above would have been happy to change how they were playing. HE NEVER SAID ANYTHING.


Votekick is a solution worse than the problem, sadly.


Also I'm almost certain that was either a bug or the player wasn't using RJ as much as you thought he was :P

Edited by SolarDwagon
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I wouldn't mind seeing a silent vote kick option. Like it would require 3 votes on one person. Every person gets one vote. The players would vote to kick a player but nothing would be announced so there's no band wagoning. If said player aquires 3 votes of kick then the person is kicked.

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One thing I've seen in certain games is only allowing vote kicks if a player is meeting certain conditions. Applying this to warframe, you could have distance from ANY other squad mate of greater than X (obviously needs to be altered for archwing), inactivity period of greater than X (although you could easily set up a macro to get around that, but at least you'ld catch the straight out lazy ones), and possibly one or two other criteria. If none of these are met, a vote kick can simply not be initiated.


There's still a little capacity for trolling, but it makes it harder.

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One thing I've seen in certain games is only allowing vote kicks if a player is meeting certain conditions. Applying this to warframe, you could have distance from ANY other squad mate of greater than X (obviously needs to be altered for archwing), inactivity period of greater than X (although you could easily set up a macro to get around that, but at least you'ld catch the straight out lazy ones), and possibly one or two other criteria. If none of these are met, a vote kick can simply not be initiated.


There's still a little capacity for trolling, but it makes it harder.


Cannot work for certain maps like Cerberus or generally Corpus outdoor maps.


In general it is accepted by team mates that in Cerberus, you guys will be normally at least 50 meters to 100 meters away from each other due to how far the points are from each other.

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I have always suggested they award affinity the same way they do credits, meaning it doesn't matter where you are you get the affinity/xp, now to also address afkers in regards to this they should set up a time thing if you just sit there with no activity you go to the lobby. Just my thoughts.

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I have always suggested they award affinity the same way they do credits, meaning it doesn't matter where you are you get the affinity/xp, now to also address afkers in regards to this they should set up a time thing if you just sit there with no activity you go to the lobby. Just my thoughts.

But the whole point of the limited Affinity range is to encourage players to stick together as a team.

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